I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 552: Trillion market capitalization club

Hu Province, Ningde City.

Ningde Times Headquarters Building.

In the chairman's office.

"What do you think of this matter?"

The speaker was sitting on the office chair with his back to the person coming.

The appearance is not clear, the more eye-catching is that the hair on the top of the head is scarce and worrying, and the brain is a little reflective under the fluorescent lamp.

There is also a person in the room, named Zhou's family, who is the general manager of the Ningde era.

He did not answer immediately, but thought about what Chairman Zeng Yu had just said to him.

The content is short, but it makes his heart jump!

"Chairman, normally I don't believe anyone can master lithium-air batteries, even Bell Labs I can hardly believe it, let alone domestic scientific research institutions, but..."

He hesitated, his brows gradually frowned, "But the words of Guanghua University...This is hard to say. After all, the photon screen technology launched by the other party has proved that the other party has a not simple scientific research ability, and if it is difficult, just The difficulty of cores is much higher than that of lithium-air batteries."

"I'm the same as you, I don't understand." Zeng Yu sighed, eyes blank.

Based on his technical accumulation and cognition in this industry for more than 20 years, the advanced concept technology of lithium-air battery will not be available so early.

But Guanghua University cannot be treated with common sense. After all, the scientific research ability of the other party is obvious to all.

Guangxin's eyes are on the countdown, who knows if the opponent can really conquer the lithium-air battery technology?

He dare not bet.

Ningde era would not dare to bet either!

As long as it is missed, it is no exaggeration to say that it is a disaster of extinction.

Look at BOE, which was originally hailed as the "light of domestic screens", but now it has been forced to transform by Guanghua.

"Then, do we want to participate in this tripartite talk?" Zhou Jia looked at Zeng Yu.

"I still have to go and have a look."

Zeng Yu smiled bitterly, "Not only is it true or not, but you have to go to the field to check it out in order to know it. If it is true, then BOE's current situation is a lesson for us."

"How to arrange the personnel?" Zhou's family asked in a deep voice.

"This time it is mainly for preliminary contact. It is mainly for investigation. You take a few senior engineers to Ludao and keep in touch at that time." Zeng Yu did not think much about it, so he made a solution.

"OK, no problem."

The Zhou family responded, seeming to think of something, and asked worriedly: "These days, I have talked with Jinling, Magic City, and Hangzhou. What if there is urging there?"

"What to do? Of course it's a drag!"

Zeng Yu smiled and cursed at the Zhou family, "If Guanghua's one is true, it won't work well regardless of the conditions set by the Demon Capital. This is related to the survival of the company!"

The Zhou family nodded appreciatively, and said with a headache: "Guanghua suddenly appeared, it's too irritating."

They were more inclined to Shanghai before. If it weren’t for this unexpected situation, if nothing else, they would sign a strategic cooperation framework agreement with the Modu government in a few days, and then land in the Modu Global Innovation Center, the International Functional Headquarters, and the Future Energy Research Institute. , High-end manufacturing base and other related projects.

The big factor in considering the magic city is that the magic city has abundant university resources, like this time the Future Energy Research Institute will build and develop together with Shanghai Jiaotong University.

Jinling also has two top universities in China, but Nanda and Dongda are still slightly inferior to Fudan and Jiaotong University.

There is also a very important factor, that is, as the chairman of the Ningde era, Zeng Yu, he graduated from Shanghai Jiaotong University.

Born in a village in Ningde, Hu province, he was originally an ordinary peasant child. The moment when he truly changed the lives of others should be when he was admitted to the Department of Naval Architecture of Shanghai Jiaotong University in 1985.

Later, I entered a state-owned enterprise and went to the south to start a business in the sea.

"I suddenly thought of a serious problem." Zeng Yu's eyelids twitched, with an unknown premonition.

"what is the problem?"

"Do you think the other party has contacted several other battery companies, such as BYD and AVIC Lithium Battery?"

"This...should not..." The Zhou family, who wanted to say that it shouldn't, couldn't deceive himself, and took a deep breath.

His complexion was instantly dignified, and he said with a serious face: "Then I will respond to Ludao immediately, and then set up an inspection team and set off tomorrow."

"Okay, leave it to you to do it, I don't worry." At this moment, Zeng Yu can only place hope on Zhou's family.

This matter is too passive. If it is true or not, you cannot bet on it. You have to have an accurate understanding as soon as possible, and you have to guard against other colleagues.

After Zhou's family left the office, Zeng Yu got up from the office chair and walked to the floor-to-ceiling window.

The curtains were pulled open, and the blazing sun crowded into the office.

Under the sun, Zeng Yu's eyes flashed brightly.

"Lithium-air battery?" He murmured in a low voice.

"The market value will soon break through one trillion, maybe this time is a good opportunity!"

As the "darling of capital", the Ningde era should have jumped into the trillion-dollar market value club last month, but two sudden accidents shattered the dream of sprinting for the trillion-dollar market value of the Ningde era.

On the morning of January 8, a waste aluminum **** explosion occurred in Hunan Bangpu, the Sun company controlled by Ningde Times.

On January 20, an outdoor exhaust gas absorption tower of Qujing Lintie Technology Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of German Nano Holdings, exploded.

The two bombings this month can be considered a miserable blow to the Ningde era's stock price, from 980 billion yuan to 830 billion yuan, less than 150 billion yuan in one month, which is equivalent to a 13 thousand-degree company.

With his hands behind him, I remembered this matter of Guanghua.

An idea came to him spontaneously.


On the other side, looking at the interface displayed by the system.

Chen Hao also had a headache.

【Research Project: Lithium Air Battery Technology】

[R&D personnel composition: Air Battery Technology Laboratory in Guanghua University]

【R&D success rate: 20%】

"A lot more than before, but still too low..." Standing outside the Guanghua Hotel, Chen Hao scratched his hair, still not satisfied.

The main reason is the lack of labor in the laboratory. The reason why the increase from 15% to 20% is due to the bonus of system construction.

If you want to increase the success rate, you still have to expand the research and development personnel in the laboratory. It is best to hire some well-known professors, scholars, and engineers in the industry.

Supplemented by the lab's buff bonus and system help, Chen Hao felt that there was still a lot of opportunity.

"It's just too late now~www.readwn.com~ It's still years later."

In any case, he still attaches great importance to this lithium-air battery subject, and after waiting for the optical core to overcome, he will concentrate on the lithium-air battery and MR smart glasses.

"Take care of what's in front of you first."

After shaking off the thoughts in his mind, Chen Hao walked into the Guanghua Hotel.

Today, he is going to check the Guanghua Hotel and Apple Yingcai Apartment. After all, the Chinese New Year will soon be coming soon, when the family members of the researchers staying at the Optical Core Research Center will also be coming.

Now the boarding and lodging issues must be prepared, just in case he feels he still needs to check it personally.

After I walked out of Guanghua Hotel, I was about to go to the Apple Yingcai apartment building when the phone rang.

Zhou Han's refreshing laughter came through, and he could see that the other party was in a good mood.

"Xiao Hao, Ningde Times agreed!"

ps: Ask for recommended tickets, ask for monthly tickets! !

Before 12 o'clock in the next chapter, there shouldn't be a show operation again.

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