I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 560: Happy New Year

"Has classmate Tang Wenjie arrived?"


   Guanghua University, the lobby of Furong Restaurant on the first floor.


   What suddenly came to mind, Chen Hao asked the staff beside him.


   This matter is a bit complicated. After several days of tossing, the staff are already familiar with the name Tang Wenjie to the point that they can no longer be familiar.


   "I'm here, just sit there." The staff member said and pointed to the position by the way.


   "Okay, I can go by myself."


   Chen Hao rejected the staff's idea and walked forward by himself.




  【Human sorrows and joys are not interlinked, I just think they are noisy. 】


   This sentence appeared in Tang Wenjie's mind. Thinking of his own affairs, he couldn't help but smile again and again.


   He looked around, and basically everyone was seated at this point.


   The noise is not small, especially at his table.


   are all overseas students of Guanghua University, male and female.


  Some do not want to go home, some stay in school after taking IELTS, and some like him want to work in winter vacation.


   But at this time, the classmates beside him were discussing happily, with a bright smile on their faces.


   "Did you read the menu? Our school's New Year's Eve dinner is too rich, right? It feels better than what I eat for Chinese New Year at home!"


   "However, there are many dishes. The most important thing is taste. I heard from the instructor that dozens of chefs from five-star hotels were invited over this New Year's Eve dinner, and the ingredients were the best. I can't wait."


   "Look at the tables next to us. Most of them are researchers and family members of the Optical Core Research Center. It is rare for them to celebrate the New Year in Guanghua."


   "It seems that the researcher didn't go home and chose to stay in Guanghua to continue research."


   "This...this is too hard..."


   said that several people have some admiration in their hearts.


   Being asked to stay and work overtime during the Chinese New Year and actively staying and not leaving are two different things!


  Even if they were replaced by them, they couldn't guarantee that they would have this consciousness.


   As for Tang Wenjie sighed sadly.


   Actually, he did not intend to go back to school for the New Year’s Eve dinner today. You must know that during the Chinese New Year these days, his salary is tripled. Today, he took a half-day holiday and his salary was much less.


   As for the reason for staying, it was naturally because the principal personally showed up.


   Accept the favor, he really can't refuse the principal.


   He is now full of brains just wanting to make money!


   Once today is over, you can go back to work tomorrow.


   At this moment, the shoulder was suddenly patted.


   "Student Tang, the New Year's Eve dinner will start soon, so I can't think about leaving anymore."


   Tang Wenjie turned his head and looked at Chen Hao who was smiling behind him, a little embarrassed for a while.


   "The principal, I know, I'm all here, don't worry."


The thing is like this. In addition to the optical core research center and other laboratories and research institutes, there will be teachers and students staying in the school for today’s New Year’s Eve dinner. For these students, they will be summarized on the list, and the student office will be responsible for the notification. Reply to receive after text message.


   Most people are fine, knowing that the student office received Tang Wenjie’s reply...


   Later, Chen Hao found out. After Tang Wenjie got off work and returned to school, he went to Guanghua University to talk to him.


   "There is nothing wrong with making money, but no matter what, the New Year's Eve dinner is still to be eaten, and the Spring Festival is once a year."


   Chen Hao is not just spreading chicken soup. Before leaving, he exhorted, "I know a little bit about the situation in your home. If you have any difficulties, you should contact the school in time. You are still a student. You can't handle these."


   "Well, the principal I know."


   After watching Chen Hao's departure, Tang Wenjie breathed a sigh of relief, but the other classmates at the same table became excited.

   rushed to ask how the principal and him met.


   Tang Wenjie's head was about to explode, he just felt that these guys in front of him were even more difficult to deal with than the principal.


   Ten minutes later, the storm finally subsided.




   A prompt sound from the mobile phone, looking down, it was a WeChat message.


   [Zheng Tianyu]: Old Tang, Happy New Year's Eve~


   Although Zheng Tianyu is not in the same dormitory with him, they are all in the same class, and the friendship is fairly good, as well as Zhang Lei in their dormitory.


   Tang Wenjie's helpless mood eased a lot at this moment, and after giving Zheng Tianyu back a piece of fun, he watched for a while before playing with his mobile phone.


   As time goes by, the lobby is full of tables on the first floor of Furong Restaurant.


   There was a loud voice, and the guests were almost there.


   Today is the day to say goodbye to the old and welcome the new. There are basically laughter and laughter in the restaurant.


   Originally, Chen Hao didn't want to make a speech, but the staff took the microphone up, and the atmosphere was also reflected here.


  In addition, he was also a little happy, so he didn't refuse any more, holding the microphone in his hand and looking at everyone.


   "Quiet everyone, listen to me."


   Chen Hao's voice echoed in the cafeteria, and the noisy environment suddenly quieted down.


   "Guanghua used to have the tradition of large-scale banquets for the New Year's Eve dinner. After a few years, it has been restored again. I am a little happy to see you at the scene."


"Chinese people attach great importance to the Spring Festival, especially the New Year’s Eve dinner where the whole family reunited to eat together. And today our New Year’s Eve dinner is a gathering of teachers, students, researchers and family members from all over the world. Such a special year. Dinner..."


   Chen Hao spoke slowly, and everyone was listening with ears upright, and even the number of people playing with mobile phones at this moment was more than half.


   At the end, Chen Hao's voice suddenly increased.


   "All the researchers, teachers and students who stayed at the school, and the school staff who have been busy these days all have red envelopes, but the family members don’t!"


   "Papa, papa!"


   The applause sounded, and the most vigorous drums were the few students. Who is unhappy with the red envelope?


   And for such a generous person as the principal, the red envelope is probably not too small, right?


After    finished speaking, Chen Hao gave Zheng Qiang a little bit.


   The two walked aside~www.readwn.com~Principal, what's the matter? "Old Zheng looked at Chen Hao, not understanding what was wrong.


   "Nothing, just have something to tell you." Chen Hao smiled.


   "Speak up the principal."


   "It's like this. Since the beginning of this year, every Spring Festival, as long as there are still teachers and students in the school, even if there is only one, you and I will go to the school to participate in the big stove and eat the New Year's Eve dinner."


   Chen Hao's eyes passed through table after table, and finally fell on the young faces of several tables.


   "Okay, no problem." Zheng Qiang replied without thinking.


   "As the principal of the school, you should be responsible to the students. I very much agree with the principal of your proposal."


   Chen Hao knew that this was Old Zheng’s heartfelt thought. He had made the right choice for inviting Zheng Qiang to join Guanghua University.


   "Old Zheng, thank you very much."


After    finished speaking, the two of them also took their seats.


   Chen Hao is quite novel. This is the first time he has spent Chinese New Year in this environment.


   A plate of dishes came up, and the atmosphere reached the climax of the audience.


   Chen Hao looked at the scene before him with a smile on his face.


"Happy New Year."


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