I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 562: Capitalized person

"The professor is just a symbol, and the people's teacher is my identity."


   Hearing these words, Chen Hao was taken aback, then smiled and nodded, "Okay, Teacher Huang."


   People are very impetuous now, in all fields, even many scientists and scholars in academia will be keen to pursue the hat on their heads.


   As for associate professors and full professors, the key point for many ordinary people is just a starting point in their eyes.


   Jieqing, Changjiang Scholars, and academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, these are what they yearn for.


   Huang Hong's ability to say such things shows that the other party regards fame and fortune very lightly, and is not intoxicated in it.


"When I came to Guanghua, I found that Guanghua's students are very enthusiastic, and after changing my past knowledge of private universities, the style of study is not as bad as I imagined." Huang Hong thought for a while and recalled this time. Little by little, the sense of identity for Guanghua University is much greater than when Chen Hao went to visit the thatched cottage.


   "As for what problem is encountered, this point..."


   Huang Hong stopped when he said this, and seemed to be lost in thought. As for Chen Hao, he looked over nervously.


   The reason why Professor Huang Hong was invited to Guanghua University to give a lecture series was to use the power of Professor Huang Hong to change the academic style of Guanghua University.


   So the other party’s suggestions and questions are very thought-provoking.


"Basically, I don't see any problems." Huang Hong shook his head. "Basically, few people come to the lecture and play on mobile phones. Most of them listen carefully and take notes. There are also many familiar faces. They asked me for help after class. Students are not in the minority."


   But she also understood the meaning of Chen Hao's words, and looked at Chen Hao with a chuckle.


   "I understand what Principal Chen meant, but the style of study is not anxious. The most important thing is the environment."


   "The most obvious difference between a good school and a bad school is the style of study, which is clearly visible outside."


   "A few eager students will create an atmosphere of eagerness to learn. This atmosphere may further affect the roommates and friends of these people. Similarly, a poor environment will also pull people into the water."


   Having said these few passages, Huang Hong suddenly raised a question to Chen Hao.


   "How does President Chen think to interpret the word [University]?"


   "The so-called university does not mean that there is a building or a master?" Chen Hao came up with this famous saying in his mind.


   This sentence comes from the inauguration speech of Tsinghua University President Mei Yiqi in 1931.


   Huang Hong nodded, "Yes, what Principal Mei said is very reasonable, and it is recognized by many people. But this is Principal Mei's understanding, everyone should have their own opinions."


   "President Chen, how do you understand the word [University]? Have you considered this issue in depth?"


   After seeing Chen Hao listening to his own words, his brows were slightly frowned, and he was somewhat silent.


   "Then I will talk about my views on [University]."


   "Please speak!"


"There is a saying in "The Book of Rites University": The way of a university lies in clear and clear virtue, in being close to the people, and ending in perfection. The so-called way of a university lies in promoting upright and honest character, in making people abandon the old and drawing in the new, and in making people achieve The most perfect state."


   At this point, Huang Hong looked up at Chen Hao, with high hopes in his eyes.


   "But I don't think it's enough to pursue moral character alone."


   "Privately, the greatness of a university lies in the gathering of university students, the greatness of a university lies in the study of university questions, and the greatness of a university lies in the cultivation of [capitalized people]. This is the mission of contemporary universities."

   "The capitalized person?" Chen Hao thought carefully, only to find that Yuepin became more interesting, and his eyes couldn't help but shine.


   eagerly asked Huang Hong, "Teacher Huang, what's the explanation for this?"


Huang Hong did not rush to answer, but drank a sip of water, and then slowly said: "The characters are very simple, there are no radicals, no traditional characters, simple strokes and strokes, but the two strokes are missing one. No, as long as one loses a sum, it is like a person loses his spine, and he can't stand up straight. It can only be regarded as half a'person'."


   "Aspirational, hard work, no talk, down-to-earth, go on the big stage, and do big business."


   "In layman's terms, it means training students to have a sound personality, a generous foundation, innovative thinking, a global perspective, and a sense of social responsibility."


   These words made Chen Hao instantly feel a kind of enlightenment. In his heart, he only felt that his Ren Du channels had been opened up.


   "Teacher Huang, you said so well, this is the mission of Guanghua University!" Chen Hao let out a sullen breath, his eyes brighter than ever.


   He has always felt that Tsinghua and Peking University can reach the current ranking, almost reaching the top.


   Why can't Tsinghua University and Peking University become the world's number one school?


   There is a problem because of their genes!


   Chen Hao took a few deep breaths, which calmed down the excitement in his heart.


   "Teacher Huang, are there any deficiencies or deficiencies in Guanghua now?"


   Chen Hao is very strong in knowledge and ability, but in terms of education, he is the first time to be a principal, crossing the river by feeling the stones.


   "Guanghua is very energetic now, from the principal to the most basic staff and lecturers below are very energetic, I think it is very good."


Huang Hong finally put forward a suggestion, "At present, what I think needs to be done is to preserve success, take every step steadily, work hard, not talk, and be down-to-earth. These not only require students, but also require administrators of your schools. It can be practiced."


   "I see~www.readwn.com~ I visited Mr. Huang today, and the delivery was very beneficial. Thank you Mr. Huang for his teaching." Chen Hao got up and bowed deeply to Huang Hong.


   "No, no, I just talked about my own views, and I am serious." He said so, but Huang Hong still hopes that these words will bring some goods to the other party.


   She really wants to see that China's university education can stand on top of the world, even if there is only one, then she has no regrets in this life.


   "Teacher Huang, it's too early. If it's causing you trouble, I'll go back. Don't send it."


   At the door of the room, watching Chen Hao disappear into the corridor.


   Huang Hong's eyes did not take back for a long time.


   I don't know why, she always has a strange trust in Guanghua University and Chen Hao.


   Even when the other party said that Guanghua University would be built into the world's first university, she was very convinced in her heart.


   "If someone has the opportunity to do this, it must be you."


   Huang Hong chuckled, then turned and closed the door.


   walked back from the door to the sofa, covered with the sunlight spreading through the window.




  Ps: The first chapter today, there is another chapter around 12 o'clock. I am very sorry for the update yesterday...

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