I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 564: parting

The relationship between adults does not talk about friendship, only about interests.


   Of course, this is not absolute.


  Pure scholars like Professor Xu Chenyang and Professor Zhai Yang can talk about interests, but they can only be auxiliary. The main thing is to talk about ideals and feelings.


   After listening to Chen Hao's words, Zhang Yue fell into silence, which was suddenly uncomfortable by the general.


   Just as Chen Hao said, the Straits Research Institute can become a bridge between the two sides of the strait, especially in college education, academics, and scientific research.


For example, a professor surnamed Tao from Tsinghua University in Hsinchu, Baodao has a lot of research in communications, and wants to carry out a research on [the application of artificial intelligence in 5g, 6g communication technology and special private network communications], but he is not optimistic. Lack of funds and resources.


At this time, the other party can contact the Straits Research Institute with the project book. After the review is passed, the team can come to Ludao and set up a communications intelligence research center in Guanghua University. With the help of Guanghua’s scientific research advantages and special fund support, Be able to concentrate on research.


   For Ludao, it might be a little weak to rely on a Guanghua University alone, but it is not necessary for Ludao University to participate.


   Zhang Yue gave a bitter smile, and looked at Chen Hao helplessly, "Principal Chen, just tell me if you have anything."


   is nothing more than paying the admission fee. After all, this research institute is a project initiated by Guanghua University.


   Just thinking of Chen Hao's reputation outside, Zhang Yue instantly felt his scalp numb, and he only felt that he was about to be knocked on the bamboo pole.


   "What did you say? I don't quite understand what Principal Zhang meant, and our Guanghua doesn't lack anything now." Chen Hao smiled faintly.


   Zhang sighed more and more. It would be better to say that if he spoke a little, it would be the most difficult thing to do without revealing anything like this.


   "President Chen, I need to go back and have a meeting with other school leaders. As for Guanghua's requirements, we can also inform us. I still hope that we can cooperate sincerely. After all, we are under the same roof."


   "It's easy to say, it should be, after all, they are all brother colleges." Chen Hao said enthusiastically.


   Principal Zhang had a different attitude towards him before. He had always been wary of Guanghua, especially the cooperation between the two schools was achieved only under the strong coordination of Mr. Qian.


   Therefore, only when you become stronger will you be valued and valued by others.


   The two got up and shook hands. Principal Zhang got up and left first.


   As for Chen Hao did not leave immediately, but sat down again.


   "Waiter, another cappuccino."


After    clicked, he turned his head and looked aside.


  The transparent glass wall is the bustling city at the beginning of the Hua Deng, because of the Spring Festival, red lanterns are hung on both sides of the street, which looks quite a bit at night.


  Although there is a glass wall blocking it, Chen Hao still hears laughter and joy in the noisy sea breeze outside, and takes a sip of coffee.


   "Straits Research Institute..." He said softly twice.


   Zhang Yue’s conversation with him tonight gave him a lot of inspiration. Before, I thought it was too simple, I just used it as a channel to acquire talents.


   But now it seems that it can be upgraded.


   Just like Zhang Yue said, we can take this opportunity to strengthen the ties between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait, especially in scientific research and academia, which can bring the scientists and engineers on Baodao closer to Guanghua University.


   has a problem that bears the brunt:


  Do you want Sagishima University to participate?


   If this opening is made, then Huaqiao University, Ludao University of Technology, Ludao Jiaotong University will also come together, and refusal seems too offensive.


   "Let’s see what Luda can offer to satisfy me."


   shook his head, the coffee in his hand also bottomed out while thinking.


   After checking out, he opened the door of the coffee shop.


   The cool sea breeze came in instantly, and this coldness made his brain sober.

   "Go home first, take your time."


   The hardest days have passed, and Guanghua University is now on the right track.


   Everything is moving in a good direction.




   That night.


   On the beach of Baicheng.


   Looking at his son Zhao Xuanzheng happily digging the sand with a toy shovel, even if he is alone, he is very happy.


   Zhao Han and Xin Lei sat on the next steps, looking at Zhao Xuan for a while, and the sea not far away.


   "Wife, or I will take a leave tomorrow to take you to Gulangyu Island for a day!" Looking at Zhao Xuan's laughter, Zhao Han was very ashamed.


   I feel that I, as a father and husband, are really incompetent.


   My wife and children have been here for more than a week, but they haven't taken them out to play.


   I was busy at the Guangxin Research Center during the day, and after dinner at night, the family walked and chatted on the playground.


   Tonight to play at Baicheng Beach, it is the farthest place.


   "It's okay, I'm already content." Xin Lei leaned her head on Zhao Han's shoulder, with a smile on her face.


   The moonlight tonight is extraordinarily beautiful.


   "We came here to accompany you, not to add to your burden. The most important thing at the moment is Guangxin. Gulangyu and my son will go to play tomorrow daytime."


   looked sideways at Zhao Han with a sad face, Xin Lei nudged the other person's shoulder, "Oh, don't feel guilty. If you really want to feel guilty, do your research well. Just conquer the light core as soon as possible and come back as soon as possible!"


"That's not it."


"what is that?"


   "You are going to leave the day after tomorrow..." Zhao Han's tone was a little depressed.


   "I can't even send you off when you leave, it's a bit uncomfortable."


   The family members only stay for 10 days this time, and they have to leave after the seventh day of the ten thousandth.


   Xin Lei also feels reluctant, but she knows that as a wife, what she should do is take good care of the family so that her husband can fight outside without distraction, and then wait for the other party to return triumphantly.


   "No matter where you are, my son and I are always by your side." Xin Lei put her head on Zhao Han's chest and hugged tightly.


   "It's in your heart."


   Zhao Han looked up at the sky full of sparks, he grinned and smiled brightly.


   There are countless people like him in this country~www.readwn.com~ and many family members who support silently behind their backs.


   The rise of this country is regarded by outsiders as a myth.


   But these myths were created by the sweat and blood of Chinese people.




   the eighth day of the new year, in the morning.


   Chen Hao was talking to Professor Ren Hong in the Optical Core Research Center.


   "Some researchers sneaked back in the fifth grade? There are even third grades..."


   After listening to Professor Ren Hong's words, Chen Hao felt a little heavy.


   These researchers tried too hard, even if they forced the other party to go home, they had already reported back to the center before the seventh day.


   But it’s not easy to stop, what else can I do when everyone comes back?


   "By the way, this is the point of the first batch of family members who returned today, right?" Chen Hao asked suddenly.


   "Yes, we will return in batches at 9:30 in the morning." Ren Hong nodded, these are all engraved in his mind.


   "Professor Ren, Guangxin will leave it to you here, I will send it to Guanghua Building." Chen Hao left the center after speaking.


   It was a temporary motive to send the family away, but today it is not only to give away, but also to pick up people.


   Thinking of this person, Chen Hao feels much more happy.


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