I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 569: Professor Ren Hong has 7 Nobel achievements in his mobile phone? ?

"Principal, I really don't understand eating barbecue..."

Seeing that everyone else was concentrating on eating, Zheng Qiang whispered beside Chen Hao, "Should I not eat a regular meal?"

Lao Zheng has lived for fifty years, and he really hasn’t seen anyone pick it up and eat it.

"Is it ok?" Chen Hao glanced at Zheng Qiang suspiciously, and then pointed to the surrounding environment.

"Look at this environment, it's easier to talk in the open air to bring people closer together, and you can see the sea view not far away when you sit on a chair, uh...Although it is dark now, isn't there a sea breeze? "

"Do you think it's a bit comfortable? And this barbecue is quite delicious." Chen Hao shrugged and handed the basket in his hand to the proprietress.

This restaurant has a good location and a great environment. With this area, it is actually quite expensive in a barbecue. It costs almost one or two hundred yuan for a meal.

So there is only a couple and a helper in the shop.

Qian Jiahui brought him to eat at this store before, and he had a good impression. For others, the only downside is the high price, but this is not a problem for him at all.

Can it be called a problem if it can be solved with money?

Zheng Qiang was unable to refute it. As far as the environment is concerned, this one is really good, and there are not many types, and there are a lot of seafood.

After ordering things, I sat down and talked for a while and the barbecue came up.

"This lamb skewers are ok, the meat is fresh and tender!"

"This garlic oyster is also much better than my Luzhou, it is better than a coastal city."

"I was a little nervous when I got out of the car, but now I find that eating here is really good, very interesting."

This restaurant has conquered the stomachs of several people with ingredients. In addition, the environment has nothing to say. With the sea breeze, watching the waves pushing and surging not far away, it is especially good!

Especially Professor Buniel, as a foreigner, he has fallen in love with barbecue today. He doesn't say anything about it, he just devotes himself to the business of eating food.

According to experiments by scientists, an open-air environment is easier for people to open their hearts and narrow the distance between them than a closed indoor environment. \\b As for which scientist researched it, it is unknown.

Perhaps after two bottles of beer, Professor Ren Hong hiccuped, then pointed to the Huaxing mobile phone in his hand, and smiled mysteriously at the six people pretending to be:

"A few of them are great talents. Guess how many Nobel achievements I have in this phone?"\\b

"There are several Norbert achievements? Then, wouldn't it be a Nobel Prize! \\u001c" Zhu Chen stopped half of the meat skewers, his eyes widened, and he looked like he couldn't believe it.

Chen Chong pulled off his clothes and reminded helplessly: "It's in this phone, not Professor Ren's phone..."

After recovering, Zhu Chen's complexion turned red, too embarrassing, and felt socially dead.

Especially when the tablemates are all colleagues and leaders, Zhen Jiebao is embarrassed.

But Zheng Qiang, who was sitting across from Zhu Chen, held his breath and wiped the sweat from his forehead while everyone was not paying attention.

Good guy, he almost blurted out just now, but fortunately Zhu Chen jumped out first.

"Professor Chen is right, it's in this phone..." Ren Hongjiu woke up most of the time, and Chen Chong's statement made him really embarrassed.

Several people fell into contemplation. Although a mobile phone is not big, it involves a lot of technology.

Zhu Chen looked around at the few big cows beside him, and didn't intend to be modest, so he had to speak quickly, or he would lose the opportunity.

Among the seven people present here, except for him, Zheng Qiang and Xu Chenyang, the rest are experts in the materials or semiconductor fields, and they will become passive after a while.

"The first I guess was the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1956, which was won by three American scholars, Shockley, Brattan, and Mueller Hale, mainly in recognition of their research on semiconductors and the discovery of transistor effects." Zhu Chen Excitedly said.

Transistors are the most basic foundational work on mobile phones. The birth of transistors has caused fundamental changes in electronics, and has also speeded up the pace of automation and informatization.

Can it be said that the results of these three researches have greatly promoted the development of human society.

The second speaker was Chen Chong.

"Then I will mention the second one."

"In 2014, the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to the blue LED. The camera flash or the light source of the flashlight of the mobile phone is the WLED excited by the blue LED. The winners are Japanese scientists Akasaki Isamu, Amano Hiroshi, and Nakamura Shuji.

Zheng Qiang thought about it, thought of one, but was robbed of it when he was about to speak.

Looking intently, it is Professor Kenan Buniel, the "newcomer" of the school's scientific research.

"The third one is the 2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. This is a lithium-ion battery. Scientific research is applied to all portable electronic devices. The winners are John B. Goodenough and M. Stanley Whiting. The three scholars, Han and Akira Yoshino, belong to the United States, Britain and Japan."

"He Chi--"

After Professor Bunir finished speaking impatiently, he ate one string after another, and didn't care about the scenery at all.

Tonight, he doesn't care about the scenery or human beings, he just wants to eat.

After Professor Bunier finished speaking, Zheng Qiang hurriedly continued: "The fourth Nobel Prize in Physics in 1991 should be awarded to Professor Pierre-Gillard Gena, who is known as [Contemporary Newton]. I still have some impressions of that "Liquid Crystal Physics".\\b"

After Zheng Qiang finished speaking, Xu Chenyang on the side was also stunned.

This is exactly what he wanted to say...

Because this year’s Nobel Prize in Physics commends this Professor Djena

In recognition of his contributions to the study of order and disorder in natural objects, the method of studying order phenomena in simple systems is extended to more complex material forms such as liquid crystals and polymers.

To put it simply, many modern mobile phone screens are LCD screens, and the root of LCD is the theoretical contribution made by Professor De Rena.

Why does he know this, because this "Liquid Crystal Physics" has developed a very universal mathematical method for describing phase transitions in magnets, superconductors, liquid crystals, and polymer solutions.

As long as he basically read books related to mathematics, he wrote them down.

Just as Xu Chenyang scratched his head and stared at his elderly machine in a daze, thinking about the next Nobel achievement, Professor Ren Hong's hearty laughter sounded.

"Hahahaha, Principal Zheng, you have to take a good look at the screen on this phone in my hand."

"What's wrong with the screen?" Zheng Qiang was taken aback.

Ren Hong shook his head and laughed, but Xu Chenyang was still stunned. As for the four of them, they were already suffocating.

"Am I wrong? I remember that the Nobel Prize in Physics that year was related to the mobile phone screen." Zheng Qiang frowned, stared at Ren Hong's mobile phone screen several times, and then took out his Huaxing Photon. Take a look at the screen phone.

Touching the screen, he instantly understood.


Forgetting that their own photon screens have eliminated LCD and OLED screens, Professor Ren Hong's mobile phone is obviously also a photon screen version.

I forgot about my own products, which made Zheng Qiang extremely embarrassed.

Chen Hao smiled and came up to the rescue.

"In this way, then I will say one for Old Zheng."

"The fourth is the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2000. The winner is engineer Jack Kilby of Texas Instruments. I don't need to say more about the achievements of this big cow?"

Chen Hao smiled and finished speaking, except for Zheng Qiang and Xu Chenyang, everyone else laughed.

Kilby graduated from the University of Illinois with only a bachelor's degree, not even a doctorate.

If there are very few people who can change the world with their wisdom and professional achievements.

Well, Jack Kilby is one of them.

The Nobel Prize Jury once commented on Kilby: "It laid the foundation for modern information technology."


On September 12, 1958, he successfully realized the idea of ​​integrating electronic devices on a piece of semiconductor material.

This day is regarded as the birth day of integrated circuits, and this small chip ushered in a new era in the history of electronic technology.

Digital 3C products such as mobile phones and computers were born because of Kilby's \b invention.

After Ren Hong whispered to Zheng Qiang and Xu Chenyang, they suddenly realized.

Chen Hao's voice is still ringing.

"The fifth is the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2009, awarded to the invention of the semiconductor imaging device charge-coupled device. The winners are American scientists Boyle and Smith."

Charge-coupled device, English name Charge-coupledDevice, can also be called CCD image sensor.

Although many of our current mobile phone cameras are CMOS chips, they are also process-improved variants of CCD in a sense, so modern mobile phone technology also includes this CCD image sensor.

After Chen Hao finished speaking, the atmosphere reached a climax. \\b

Only Ren Hong and Xu Chenyang were left behind.

However, there are a few girls at the next table because of Chen Hao's looks.

Only when they heard the content, they were stunned for a while.

Xu Chenyang: "The sixth is the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1985, which was awarded to the German physicist Claus von Klee. The reason for the award was that the other party discovered the quantum Hall effect. Realized by the Hall sensor."

Ren Hong: "Then I will talk about the seventh. In 1973, the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to Japanese scientist Rena Ezaki for his discovery of the quantum tunneling effect of electrons in semiconductors."

This effect suggests how small the chip size can be, that is, today's mobile phone chips.

The laity said: Indecisive, quantum mechanics.

Coincidentally, the two scientists, Claus von Klee and Ezaki Rena, were awarded the Nobel Prize for discovering and proposing their own theories in the field of quantum mechanics.

"What is the quantum Hall effect?" The long-haired girl at the table beside her looked blankly at her girlfriend.

The girlfriend rolled her eyes, "I don't know...how do I know what this effect is!"

"It seems to be related to mobile phones?"

"What chicken? Are you going to eat roast chicken, but we haven't finished the barbecue yet!"

"...Go back and find your partner to eat **!"

Just when the two girls next to each other kept talking.

The seven people at the table of Chen Hao suddenly fell into silence as they talked.

At first everyone was very happy. After all, the question and answer that Professor Ren Hong put forward was also quite interesting.

But because of the summary of Zhu Chen, the other six people were silent.

"It seems that among the seven Nobel Prize winners, they are all foreigners, none of them belong to our country..."

ps: 3000 chapters, ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly pass~

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