I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 577: Phishing law enforcement in the interview

Time goes back to the afternoon of the 27th.


   Guanghua University, Institute of Advanced Materials, in a reception room.


   "What do you think is the direction of the next generation of batteries? All-solid-state batteries, lithium-sulfur batteries or lithium-air batteries?"


   "Of course it is a lithium-air battery."


   "How to say? Why can't it be an all solid-state lithium battery?"


"Because the advantage of lithium-air batteries lies in their huge theoretical energy storage capacity. It is also the energy storage device with the largest energy density so far, which is comparable to gasoline. I think this is not comparable to all-solid-state lithium batteries, so I think lithium-air batteries have The commercial value is higher."


   After the doctor finished answering, he couldn't help but confide in his heart: md, the lithium-air battery technology laboratory recruits experimental personnel, that must be the answer to lithium-air batteries!


   Chen Hao smiled faintly, and the next question asked made the student's face changed.


   "The electrolyte of the non-aqueous lithium-air battery is mainly used as a carrier for conducting ions and transmitting oxygen. How many basic conditions does its performance need to meet?"


   "This...this..." The doctor scratched his head, hesitated for a long time before answering.


   Chen Hao waved his hand, and Deng Hui on the side had already begun to greet the next interviewer to come in.


   This time, a doctor named Ding from the Institute of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences came in.


   "What do you think is the direction of the next generation of batteries? All-solid-state batteries, lithium-sulfur batteries or lithium-air batteries?"


   "This..." The other party hesitated, and finally gritted his teeth, "I, I think the vision of all solid-state lithium batteries is a bit bigger."


   Chen Hao was refreshed when he heard this, and asked: "Why don't you say it is a lithium-air battery?"


   is obviously recruiting people in the lithium-air battery laboratory, but Chen Hao wants to ask questions again. That's right, he just wants to fish and enforce the law. As a result, many people are found to be flatterers.


   "Lithium-air batteries do have ultra-high theoretical energy density, but there are still many problems that cannot be solved, such as high current and side reactions, which will be difficult to commercialize and mass produce for a while." Dr. Ding replied.


   "Oh? Then why do many universities in China have set up research groups on lithium-air batteries?" Chen Hao looked at the other party with interest, a little expecting the other party's answer later.


Dr. Ding sternly replied very honestly: "Why? Because based on the current situation, lithium-air batteries are still a good purely theoretical research topic that is easy to publish articles and easy to deceive scientific research funds. Lithium in many domestic universities In the air battery laboratory, most of the researchers in it used to do lithium batteries, because the assembly of lithium batteries is similar to that of lithium batteries."


   If this sentence is on the little wooden insect, it is estimated that many people will be ashamed.


   As for the reason, who made him burst the bubble.


   Chen Hao stopped not only not angry, but admired the other person even more.


   "Then you are here today because you still value lithium-air batteries or Chong Guanghua's high salary?"


   "To be honest, there are both."


   "China is a country that relies on imports of oil. It is inevitable to look at people's faces when importing oil. If lithium-air batteries can be researched out, it will be very good for the country."


Dr. Ding paused, and then said: "Although lithium-air batteries face many problems, no one knows whether they can be successfully studied, but for social development and the future of mankind, as scientific researchers, we should try our best to explore lithium-air batteries. Possibility!"


   "Guanghua University's past achievements in photon screens, lactide, and optical cores gave me an idea. If China can conquer lithium-air battery technology and achieve mass production in the future, it must be here!"


   "Of course, Guanghua's salary is also one of the factors I consider, and there is nothing embarrassing to say."


   Chen Hao and Professor Bunier looked at each other, and everything was silent.


   Before the end, Chen Hao deliberately used the [Insight] skill.

  "Name: Ding Yi


   Faction: Neutral


  Potential value: 88


  Ability: Materials Science (81/90), Energy Science (76/88), Scientific Research (81/87), Chemistry (78/86)......"


   After looking at the other party's data, Chen Hao's last worry disappeared.


   Then, he smiled and said: "Dr. Ding, your answer is wonderful, Guanghua University is looking forward to your joining."


   As soon as the other party heard this, he knew it was stable, and his face couldn't help but smile.


   Later, Chen Hao asked a lot of people about fishing and law enforcement. Some of them answered flexible batteries, ternary lithium batteries, and zinc-air batteries.


   knows that Chen Hao met a unique...


   "What do you think is the direction of the next generation of batteries? All-solid-state batteries, lithium-sulfur batteries or lithium-air batteries?"


   "I think it is a graphene battery!"


   "Graphene battery???" Chen Hao petrified on the spot.


   "Yes, whether it is a lithium-air battery, a lithium-sulfur battery or a zinc-air battery, they are all weak in front of graphene batteries. Why am I so..."


   "Sorry, I think your height is too high, maybe our laboratory can't match you."


   "It's okay, I don't dislike it."


   Chen Hao frowned and greeted Deng Hui directly next to him.


   "Deng Hui, ‘please’ this Shangguan doctor go out for a while!"


   These days, people who talk about graphene batteries have either brain problems or lack of mind.


   Graphene can be mixed with feces, can it be watered? sci believe it or not?


   After all the interview work was over, Chen Hao's face was also a little tired.


   Professor Buniel on the side saw this and said apologetically: "Professor Chen, I really caused you trouble today."


   Bunir originally thought that Chen Hao was just coming over to stay for a while, but he didn't expect to follow the whole process, so he was a little moved.


   It seems that Chen doesn’t talk about it, but in fact he still values ​​the research group of lithium-air batteries very much.


   "It's okay, everything is for science." Chen Hao shook his head, then stood up and sent an invitation to Professor Bunir.


   "Professor Buniel, do you want to go out for a walk and chat~www.readwn.com~ It's almost time for dinner." As soon as he thought of the meal, Professor Buniel was no longer sleepy.


After    gave orders, Chen Hao and Professor Buniel left the laboratory and went to the outside of the institute.


  Walking slowly on the way to the cafeteria, Chen Hao thought for a while, but he still had to say what was in his heart.


   "Professor Buniel, I think the researchers in the current laboratory are still too weak, what do you think?"


   Bunier understands what Chen Hao's words mean, and all he cares about is the lithium-air battery research group.


   "I understand this too. Do you mean to increase the recruitment of laboratory researchers?"


   "Yes, but not all." Chen Hao shook his head.


   "The recruits today are all ordinary researchers. I think the effort is not enough. It is better to recruit a few lithium-air battery research teams, or cooperate in joint research and development."


   Chen Hao said this, and asked cautiously: "Are there any leaders in China or Asia who are at the forefront of research in the field of lithium-air batteries?"


   Buniel pondered, as if thinking of something, he raised his eyebrows.


   "It's true."


   Chen Hao's heart moved, "Who?"


   "Professor Zhou Haoshen from the Japan Institute of Industrial Technology."


  Ps: Woo, ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly pass!

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