I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 590: Unexpected result (Happy National Day everyone!)

If the exam is like a battlefield, then he is undoubtedly the **** of war.

Whether it is mathematics or physical chemistry, it is the existence of full marks.

Even if I encounter a competition, I am not afraid at all.

But today, Guanghua's initial test has already made him a little headache.

Whether it is the [Comprehensive Level Evaluation Paper] or the following [Mathematics Volume] [Physics Volume] [Chemistry Volume], the first page is the simplest and the ordinary college entrance examination difficulty, but the difficulty has been increased since the second page. The harder it is.

At 120 minutes, I was hurried to be honest.

And he noticed that the difficulty of his second and third pages was different from that of other students next to him!

This illustrates a big problem.

Xu Cong looked at the screen solemnly.

It shows that this test system is generated based on big data or intelligently. The types of questions that you can answer easily are rarely seen later, but other types will appear.

It was almost over, and he only stayed at [Chemical Volume].

At this moment, there was a sound that was as crisp as a wind chime.

"Xu Cong, what did you do?"

Xu Cong glanced at the other person and replied faintly, "[Chemistry Volume] There is one question left."

The speaker is called Zhang Jinghan, a classmate with a ponytail, wearing the JK clothing that has been popular in recent years, with a cute face, but not very smart!

"Wow, that's amazing!" Classmate Zhang Jinghan exclaimed, and then her mouth collapsed, tearful like Sister Lin.

"I just made the second page of [Physical Volume]!\\b"

"Originally, people thought that the first test of this junior class at Guanghua University must be very simple, but I didn't expect it to be so difficult, so fake! oo"

Xu Cong thought to himself.

It was just that he said mercilessly to classmate Zhang Jinghan: "Then you continue to be difficult, I will continue to do the problem."

After finishing speaking, he really ignored what Zhang Jinghan said later, and devoted himself to the deduction of the draft paper.

Zhang Jinghan was so annoyed that she sat on the chair and kicked her short legs.

Fortunately, it was not the first time that she was treated like this. After comforting herself for a while, she was relieved a lot.

Two hours were so fleeting.

The time soon came to 17 o'clock.

All the computers participating in the test jumped from 16:59 to 17:00, and the screens suddenly changed.

[The initial test is over, thank you for your participation! 】

[Please wait 3-5 minutes, the system is generating your final score...]

There is also an hourglass in the center of the picture, which looks quite vivid.

But these did not affect the howling sound in the computer room of the three middle schools.

"Worri! I'm just about to fill out the last question in the math paper, **** it!"

"Brother, you have counted it, I have already filled it in, and I don't know if it can be counted."

"Automatic submission, it should be valid if you fill in it, but with this score, I am very worried!"

"I'm drunk, what else do I have to do [Comprehensive Level Evaluation Paper] is completely useless and a waste of time, I can't finish it with just one [mathematics paper], who can do all of it!"

"I thought I was stuck on the [Mathematics Paper] alone. It turns out that everyone is like this, so I can rest assured."

When I heard that the students around me were just like myself, many of the discouraged people were instantly happy.

"I really don't understand. Why is Guanghua University making it so difficult? I was full of confidence before, but now I am panicking a lot!"

"Oh, again, it's no wonder that math papers alone account for 70 points. It turned out to be like this, I understand..."

"\\BHow much did Yu Shen write?"

I don't know who shouted, almost all the students in the computer room focused on Yu Mingzhe.

One person boldly moved to the side of Yu Mingzhe and asked curiously: "Yu Shen, you won't finish it all, are you?"

"No." Yu Mingzhe shook his head.

Everyone immediately breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that the boss was the same as himself.

It was just that Yu Mingzhe said afterwards, "However, only the bio-volume was left unfinished, and everything else was done."


I don't know who didn't sit firmly, and fell directly to the ground.

The power of learning the gods is so terrifying!

In the eyes of outsiders, Xueba is really kneeling at this moment.

Zhang Yang also looked depressed, because he only did the [Mathematics Volume] and part of the [Physics Volume].

Seeing that Yu Mingzhe only had the [Bioroll] not done, the ones who were beaten couldn't do it.

With the thought of luck, he asked Lu Yan, "Stone, how much did you write?"

Lu Yan shook his head discouragedly, "I'm too dishevelled, only half of the [Chemical Roll], which is still far behind A Zhe."

"whispering sound!"

"Old Versailles!"

"Lu Yan: Ten tiers of the power of Versailles! I was injured internally by the air shock!"

Some students who eavesdropped nearby were hit again in an instant, and the psychological damage caused by the two combos was even more serious.

Still some unwilling students asked Zhang Yang, "Zhang Yang, how much did you do? Can't you also do [Chemistry]?"

"I only did [Physical Volume]..."

Upon hearing this, the students who had just been hit by the second combo began to regain their confidence.

"It turns out that Zhang Yang is about the same as us, I thought I was going to be hit again!"

"I also did the [Physics Paper], ahem, although I only did two questions, the main thing is that it is really scary to do the chemistry paper..."

"Isn't Zhang Yang fifth grade? Playing with Lu Yan and Yu Shen, why is the difference so big?"

"Is there such a big difference between the second and fifth grade? I was shocked!"

Hearing these discussions, Zhang Yang's face flushed, and if there was a crack on the ground, he would go in.

Jiang Lin on the stage was also confused by this situation.

Jiang Lin was nervous.

It was originally just a preliminary test, and its role was to screen talents.

If the first test has eliminated most of the people~www.readwn.com~ then the retest will get a new wool.

Thinking of this, if it wasn't for the teacher from Double Ten Middle School standing beside him, he really wanted to contact Wen Dong and Yu Jing immediately to check the information and see if the situation was the same.

"Group leader Jiang, this first try it...no problem, right?" Teacher Huang had a numb scalp when he saw it. He was quite optimistic about this system in front of him.

"It should be okay, there will be results soon, and I will know later." Jiang Lin pretended to be calm and said.

"It can only be this way." Teacher Huang sighed slightly, but he didn't expect that this first try slapped so quickly that everyone despised.

Three minutes of suffering finally passed.

All the screens of the computers in the computer room are beating at the same time.

When Zhang Yang fixed his eyes to see the result of the initial test, his eyes were wide and his face was extremely pale.

[At the end of the first test, your total score for the first test: 60 points. 】

[Among them, the math paper scores 57 points, and the physics paper scores 3 points. 】

[Congratulations on passing the initial test! 】

Although he passed the initial test, Zhang Yang couldn't be happy, his face was crying, and his soul was lost.

Yu Mingzhe, who was next to him, looked unhappy and frowned.

[At the end of the first test, your total score for the first test: 89 points. 】

[Among them, the math paper scores 70 points, the physics paper scores 10 points, and the chemistry paper scores 9 points. 】

[Congratulations on passing the initial test! 】

This is the first time in his life that his test score is below 90...

There was not even a howl of grief in the computer room, and all were immersed in grief.

Teacher Huang leaned down in a hurry and looked at the computer that Jiang Lin was in charge of.

"Group leader Jiang, how many people in Kuaikangkang have passed the initial test!"

"I advise you to leave it alone." Jiang Lin gave a wry smile, but still gave way to the side.

After Teacher Huang could see the numbers clearly, he couldn't help but cried out.

"Group leader Jiang, isn't this true?!"

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