I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 602: Purity and passion for scientific research

"Principal Zhang, what you said is wrong, how can this use up the previous favor, it doesn't count!"


   "It's OK, but I can't say you, then it's settled."


   After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yue looked helpless.


   I don’t even think about the ideals on the side. The only person who can help the president of Ludao University in Ludao is the one from Guanghua University.


  Zhang Yue sat in his position and thought for a while, then beckoned to the assistant, "Xiao Huang, contact Professor Yang Yong of the Institute of Chemistry, I want to know where he is now."


   "Okay, principal."


   A few minutes later, Xiao Huang temporarily put the phone down.


   "President, Professor Yang Yong is in the laboratory now."


   "Okay, then you tell him that I will be there soon and tell him not to leave the laboratory." Zhang Yue got up and left as he said, and the assistant informed the other party to go.


   Walking on the road, Zhang Yue couldn't help but sighed.


   "You should not owe favor debt to anything."


  Because of the Straits Research Institute, I owed a debt of favor to Guanghua. This time the other party contacted and wanted to invite the team of Professor Yang Yong from the Luda School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering to join the research on lithium-air batteries.


   This thing is naturally a good thing, and Zhang Yue has no reason to refuse.


   It's just that he still wanted to fool the other party this time and offset the previous favor debt, but he failed.


   I have no choice but to continue to owe it.


   Twenty minutes later.


   A certain laboratory.


   The more Zhang walked to the door, he heard the voice inside.


   "During the charging and discharging process of litmo2 and naxtmo2 materials, the insertion and extraction of li+/na+ will cause structural phase changes, leading to rapid decline of electrode material capacity."


"The main reasons for the phase transition of the layered oxide cathode material include the migration of tm ions, the anisotropic change of the tm-o bond during the redox reaction of tm/o ions, and oo, na(li)-o and tm- o Electrostatic interactions, etc."


   "What we have to do now is how to alleviate the multiple phase transition problems of mn-based naxtmo2 materials during charging and discharging..."


   The more Zhang opened the door, the sound inside suddenly stopped.


   "Principal." The middle-aged man with glasses looked over, and then said to the researcher beside him, "You continue to repeat the experiment, I will come back later."


   After speaking, they entered the office with Zhang Yue.


  Professor Yang Yong asked: "Principal, do you have anything to do?"


   "Something is going on." Zhang Yue nodded, and then bluntly said, "Are you paying attention to the recent news from Guanghua?"


   "Are you talking about the approval of the [National Key R&D Program] for lithium-air batteries?"


   "Yes, and Guanghua invited us to Ludao University. Inaccurately speaking, it invited your team to join the lithium-air battery research and development team. What do you think?" Zhang Yue said while looking at the other party.


   Professor Yang Yong is no ordinary person.


   He graduated with a Ph.D. in 1992 and received a special government allowance from the State Council in 2006.


Currently serving as the editor-in-chief of the internationally renowned battery magazine jpowersources (if=6.93), a member of the International Battery Materials Institute (iba) Council, a member of the Executive Committee of the International Lithium Battery Conference (mlb), and a member of the Academic Committee of the State Key Laboratory of Special Chemical Power Sources. At the same time, he has served as an expert in the National Military Battery Expert Group for a long time.


   has a rich resume, and led a team to undertake more than 40 tasks including national 973, national defense 973, key research and development projects and key projects of the National Fund Committee.


  Professor Yang Yong is a famous scientist in China's energy field and a backbone scholar of Ludao University's School of Chemistry.


   "Lithium-air battery..." Yang Yong was lost in thought.


   The more Zhang recalled the scene he had just seen in the laboratory, he couldn't help asking: "What stage of research is your research group now?"


  Professor Yang Yong replied casually: "The research team is stuck on the structure-activity relationship of the cathode material of the layered oxide of the sodium ion battery."


   "How does this sodium-ion battery compare to a lithium-air battery?" Zhang Yue understood this too, but was a little curious.


   Hearing this question from the principal, Professor Yang Yong smiled.

   "Compared to the current mainstream ternary lithium batteries and lithium iron phosphate batteries, sodium ion batteries still have many problems. As for lithium air batteries... if both can be achieved, sodium ion batteries are far inferior to lithium air batteries."


   The more I understand, in terms of performance and prospects, sodium-ion batteries are not as good as the lithium-air batteries used by Guanghua.


   He stopped talking and waited for the answer from the other party.


   It didn't take long, just a minute or two, and Professor Yang Yong spoke up.


   "President Zhang, I agree to lead the team to join the Li-air battery project of Guanghua University."


   As Zhang Yue breathed a sigh of relief, Yang Yong's next sentence changed his expression.


   "And I want to apply to you, hoping to participate in the follow-up research and development work in the laboratory of Guanghua University."


   "No, shouldn't it be enough to carry out research and development in our school laboratory?" Zhang Yue's head was confused, "Why go to them Guanghua?"


   "Principal, this lithium-air battery is not large, unlike a rocket that can be divided into several parts for research, although it can also be jointly developed in different places, but communication is not convenient."


   As he said, Yang Yong paused and said comfortingly, "Guanghua is not far from our Luda University. Don't worry, principal, I will definitely not forget the teaching task."


   Zhang Yue: "..."


   Am I worried about the teaching task?


   I am worried that you will be abducted by that brazen principal of Guanghua!


   "Is it really necessary to go there?" Zhang Yue frowned and asked.


  Yang Yong nodded, "It's better to pass, so that the time efficiency will be faster, and it will not be far anyway."


   Zhang Yue is not ignorant of the general situation, and he also knows how important this lithium-air battery technology is to the country, especially in the military industry.


   sighed and said with a face of constipation: "Okay, then I will go back and get back to Guanghua, and you will also prepare the after-treatment procedures for the subject at hand."


   After explaining the matter, Zhang Yue also left.


  He didn't want to stay in this sad place for a moment.




   Hi Du.


   Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences.


   Peng Zhangquan walked out of the director's office with a complex expression on his face.


   went back to the laboratory, looked at the still busy experimenters, opened his mouth, and finally turned into a sigh.


  Experimental experiment, without funds, you can't afford the next experiment.


   "Do you really want to join the Guanghua University project?" Peng Zhangquan's eyes were blank.


  As the person in charge of this team, he is the backbone, anyone can be confused, but he can't.


   At this time, a young man in a white coat walked over quickly.


   "Teacher, this is the experiment we just did~www.readwn.com~Look at this set of data, where do we need to adjust."


   Peng Zhangquan continued the data, squeezing a smile on his face. This young man is one of his doctoral students, talented, and full of enthusiasm for scientific research.


   "Okay, let me see."


   "There is a place that needs to be changed, I will mark it for you, and you can do a set of experiments to verify this..." He said, picking up the pen and making changes to the data.


   "Good teacher, I understand!"


   Looking at the back of the other person leaving, Peng Zhangquan's heart couldn't calm down for a long time.


   glanced at the other researchers in the laboratory a few more times.


   His lips squirmed a few times.


   turned around and left without saying anything.


   These people have such a passion for scientific research. Even if the experiment failed many times, even if the applied project was delayed in results, it did not dampen their confidence.


   cannot ruin their purity and enthusiasm for scientific research because of his selfishness.


   walked back to the door of the director's office.


   fist lightly knocked on the wooden door.


   also knocked his heart.




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