I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 604: Sword of the Republic

Optical Core Research Center.


   Renhong team.


   The laboratory was full of vitality in the past, but today the atmosphere is particularly depressing.


   "Wenyu, do you...do you want to take a break?" A young man with glasses gently pushed Dai Wenyu's shoulder.


   "No, there is a problem with this model, I will definitely be able to finish it!" Dai Wenyu did not turn his head back, and deduced on the paper with his head down.


   The young man glanced at Dai Wenyu, his eyes were bloodshot and his hair was messy.


   After looking around the laboratory, he couldn't help sighing.


   His name is Xu Sheng, and he is the second batch of support team members of the University of Science and Technology of China.


   From the seventh lunar day to the Lantern Festival, support teams have successively reported. As for task assignment, the nearest unit is divided. Xu Sheng and his party joined Ren Hong's team.


   The front is okay, because they are all acquaintances, they are quickly integrated into the team, and the research and development is also going smoothly.


   After the addition of manpower, the research and development progress has been greatly improved. The researchers in the entire center are full of confidence and feel that this optical core technology will definitely be overcome within half a year.


  Who knows this juncture, suddenly there is a problem.


   The progress is stuck!


   And not only are they a team, the other teams are also not ideal.


   It seems that it went so well before that they forget that they are developing the world's first photonic chip!


   The incident happened suddenly and many researchers were stunned.


   As for the solution... it can only be hard.


   Soaked in the laboratory every day, and went back to sleep when he was too sleepy, and even slept on the table when he was too lazy to go back.


   As for meals, take out when you are hungry, or eat instant noodles.


  The hardware facilities of the Guangxin Research Center are very good, including shower rooms and lounges.


   Bring a change of clothes and toiletries directly, saving time even back to the hotel.


   Just, are these useful?


   Xu Sheng was a little at a loss. Everyone was experimenting day and night, but the effort might not be rewarded.


   Today, even a doctor in their team fainted directly. Fortunately, he was sent to the school hospital. The doctor said that he was just overworked and he could take a rest for a while.


   "Wen Yu, do you think we will succeed?" Xu Sheng asked anxiously.


   "We will succeed, and we can only succeed!" Dai Wenyu replied loudly.


   At this moment, there seemed to be a blazing fire in his eyes.


   "We must make the optical core, even if we fight this life, we must!" He clenched his fist, and these words seemed to motivate him to move forward.


   Xu Sheng was stunned, and then solemnly nodded, "You are right, we can definitely achieve it!"


   At this moment, the laboratory door opened and the three of them walked in.


   Chen Hao glanced at Professor Ren Hong, stepped forward and asked: "Professor Ren, how is the situation?"


   Ren Hong heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Chen Hao's appearance, "Principal Chen, this is how things are..."


   The more I heard from behind, Chen Hao's brow furrowed deeper and deeper.


   "The fainted Dr. Zheng I will visit later, but your work attitude...I have to criticize you, this is unhealthy and unscientific!" Chen Hao's tone increased after speaking.


   Day and night, even sleeping directly in the laboratory, how can this work!


   You can't toss your body and health like this for scientific research.


   Guangxin who is not anxious, he is also anxious!


   But what's the use of urgency?


   "I know these too, I have persuaded it, it's no use." Ren Hong said with a wry smile.


   All the scientific research personnel are just like the magic, sticking to the laboratory, as if they will not stop without conquering the optical core technology.


  Professor Zhou Haoshen and Dr. Hao Qi behind Chen Hao listened to Professor Ren Hong's words, and then looked around at the researchers in the laboratory. They all wore dark circles under their eyes, fearing that they had not taken a good rest in the past few days.


   How can there be such a desperate scientific research?


   Chen Hao's heart is irritated, and the chip is not a simple thing.


   This is a big project!


   can't be made overnight. This thing requires a long-term struggle. According to the methods of these scientists at the center, I am afraid that the optical core will fall half of the people before it is made.


   Chen Hao didn't even think about it, and said silently in his heart, a light screen popped up in front of his eyes.


   Looking at the above content and reminiscing what Ren Hong just said, Chen Hao's eyes became extremely complicated.


  【Research Project: Optical Core】


  【Researchers: 396 people】


   [Research progress: 72%]


   [Time required: 1 year and 6 days]


   Two months ago, optical core's scientific research progress was still 50%, and it took more than 1 year and 9 months, but the scientists at the research center had reduced the time by 7 months abruptly!

   Chen Hao took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Professor Ren, you inform all the researchers in the center that I want everyone to arrive in the auditorium within half an hour, otherwise I will cut off the power and network in the center in half an hour."


   "Okay, this is the notification." Ren Hong probably guessed Chen Hao's thoughts, and went to notify after speaking.


   half an hour later.


   Guanghua University Auditorium.


   There was a lot of commotion below, and Chen Hao knew that many scientific researchers felt speechless about this inexplicable rush notice.


   Chen Hao patted on the stage and patted the microphone.


   "I know that everyone is dissatisfied with this sudden recruitment, and even scolds me in their hearts, but everyone has heard me talk about it."


   "I learned about some recent events from Professor Ren, and I am very pleased, but more worrying."


"Why? Because doing scientific research is like fishing, and this fish is a light-cored fish. Seeing that the fish is already on the hook, everyone starts to pull up anxiously, but this is not right! Once you are in a hurry, the fish We decoupled and ran away, so at this time we have to be more stable and not mess up our position!"


   "The steps are not solid, no matter how fast you run, you will only fall back. Even if you walk a little slower, but every step on the ground, he is steady."


   Chen Hao said these words, the scientific researchers present all understood, but everyone was anxious.


   The progress of the scientific research has been stuck, and there has been no progress for more than a week, and they can only do this.


  Why did Huaxing’s chip supply crisis lifted?


   Isn’t it because Western countries feel that it is only a matter of time before the optical core is developed, so they dare not continue to cut off the supply?


  The chip is a race. We are too long behind in the electronic chip. A lithography machine is like a heavy object on the body, and it can't run fast at all!


   If you want to overtake on a curve, you must bypass the lithography machine. The development of a photonic chip is the only way!


   Chen Hao looked around at everyone. He knew that what he had just said was useless, but he had a way to solve this crisis.


   "The 396 comrades sitting today come from 8 units across the country, some from Tsinghua University, some from the University of Electronic Science and Technology, and some from Fudan University. What brings us together?"


   "It's a chip!"


   "Chip is a powerful weapon like atomic bombs, hydrogen bombs, and missiles! Our country was facing a nuclear crisis in the 1960s, and now we are facing a chip crisis again!"


"From the first atomic bomb to the hydrogen bomb explosion, it took seven years and three months for the United States, six years and three months for the Soviet Union, four years and seven months for the United Kingdom, eight years and six months for France, and It took only two years and eight months for China without any external assistance!"


   "How much did we spend on the development of optical cores? Less than a year!"


   "More than fifty years ago, Qian Lao, Deng Lao, and Yu Lao cast the shield of the Republic, which protects our Republic from being bullied by Western countries."


   "Today, the optical core we cast is the sword of the Republic. We not only have a shield, but also a sword! Only in this way can we deter those Western countries!"


   Chen Hao's remarks made everyone listen with enthusiasm.


   Because of the chip in the past two years, the country has been passive, which is similar to that period.


   What they are doing now is what they did in the past with two bombs and one star.


   just a few words after Chen Hao caused an uproar in the auditorium.


   "So, do you guys know how important the mission is?"


   "Scientific research is a combination of work and rest~www.readwn.com~Where can I spoil my body like this!"


   "From now on, the whole center will be off for one day, and everyone must give me a good rest."


Chen Hao’s conversation turned, with a smile on his face, “In order to prevent some comrades from returning to the research center or studying in the hotel room, there is already a school bus ready outside the auditorium. I will send everyone to Gulangyu for a day. Play, sleep, sleep, anyway, no boat will pick you up from the island until 6 o'clock tomorrow afternoon!"


   In order to let these scientific researchers have a good rest, Chen Hao really took great pains, and directly refused to give them the opportunity to return to the hotel, and everyone pulled to Gulangyu to forcefully stop working for one day.


  Where is there such a person who engages in scientific research day and night, this will not advance the progress of scientific research, but it will hurt the body!


   One fell down today, and if you continue to do this, I’m afraid someone will fall down every day from now on.


   Chen Hao chose to ignore everyone's dissatisfaction.


  With him, don’t even think about working today!


   Give me a rest!


   It was Zhou Haoshen and Hao Qi who were in the audience who were moved by these words.


   Zhou Hao looked deeply at Chen Hao's back and chuckled.


   "This time we two came to the right place."


  Ps: This chapter is really difficult to write, alas, the pen is not good enough, so please read it.

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