I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 606: On the ethics of foreign media

"Guardian": "The optical core research center has undergone drastic changes. Hundreds of researchers have been dismissed or will be closed!"


   has a total of four pictures. The first two are pictures of researchers boarding a bus, the third is a picture of a school bus driving out, and the last is the closed and unmanned optical core research center building.


   In conjunction with the text, the research center is closed and the researchers are also transferred. It seems that the optical core project is about to be dismantled.


   "New York Times": "Hundreds of scientists have all been transferred? Maybe the optical core is just a scam?!"


   The most arrogant one is the "Joongang Ilbo" of South Korea, whose language is very vulgar.


   "Decrypt the truth behind the optical core! There is evidence that the original data of optical core comes from a university laboratory in our country..."


   Many Internet users on the Internet looked at the pictures and texts on Bluebird. The truthfulness was too high. After all, hundreds of scientists got on the bus, which was full of more than a dozen buses.


  Bluebird and the comments on Facebook are also gloating.


   "I said before, how could the Orientals have researched things like chips!"


   "I'm curious where these scientists are going? Are there other possibilities besides evacuation? It can't be a vacation, right?"


   "Oh God, these deceivers are all demons. I believed it before. As expected, only our American technology is the strongest."


   "No, I have read a lot of papers from the Optical Core Research Center before. I think China has made rapid progress in this area. How could this happen? Does anyone know the truth of the matter?"


   "Despicable Chinese! Especially the principal still mit out. It's incredible. How could mit recruit even this kind of people?!"


   Not only foreign media are reporting, there are also many well-known Chinese who are also expressing their views on this incident on Weibo.


   These big Vs are like leeks. A batch was cut, and a batch appeared after a while. It seemed that they had forgotten the fate of those people before.


   The incident continues to ferment, and the heat is also rising.




   Guanghua University.


   Teacher's voice echoed in the classroom.


   "Weak efficient market is the lowest degree of efficiency of the securities market. It means that the current security price can fully reflect the information contained in the price history sequence. Future changes in security prices will have nothing to do with the current and historical prices, so investors..."


   This class is "Investment Studies". The lecture is from a newly hired teacher from the school. The level is completely different from before. After all, there is still a big difference between Ph.D. and master.


   And the salary of Guanghua University is placed here, coupled with Ludao’s petty bourgeoisie and Guanghua University’s campus environment, resulting in a higher proportion of female teachers than male teachers.


   Many students are listening to the lecture, but there are also a small number of students playing on mobile phones.


   "Jiajia, why are you still looking at your phone? I won't help you if the teacher asks questions later." A girl poked Zhou Jiajia.


   "Yeah, I know, right now." Zhou Jiajia responded perfunctorily, still focusing on the phone screen.


   Looking at the roommate's face, the girl looked up curiously, "Jia Jia, what do you look at, your face has become like this."


   "Huh—" Zhou Jiajia pushed her phone aside annoyedly, "You can see it by looking at it."


   "I am Kangkang."


   The girl glanced up at the teacher who was still passionately giving lectures on the stage, and then moved Zhou Jiajia's mobile phone. After reading the content, her complexion also became unpleasant.


   As a student of Guanghua University, it is natural to be both prosperous and prosperous with the students, and to lose everything.


   Seeing these unscrupulous media attacks on the school, the girls suddenly became very annoyed.


   "These biscuits, dare to spray our principal brother, it's damned!"


   Zhou Jiajia’s mouth twitched, forgetting that her roommate is the principal’s face fan, just listening to the principal’s brother...


   Her face is a little weird, thinking of some stalks of netizens, giegies and the like.


   "Although I don't know what happened to Guangxin, these media are too arbitrary, how can they spit people like this!" Zhou Jiajia said uncomfortably.

   Although she looked at the picture and didn't understand why the scientists at the Optical Core Research Center all got on the school bus, there must be a reason for the incident. It is too outrageous to talk about giving up.


   Silently, many netizens really believe it.


   "I think a lot of big v are walking 500,000, maybe they will receive money." The girl said with her lips curled.


   Since the concept of hitting 500,000 yuan came out, people can often see people pinning hats in the comment area.


   Zhou Jiajia didn't even think about supporting the school and the principal on Weibo. Then she looked at the pictures and was a little lost. "But I'm also quite curious. Where did the scientists at the center go?"


   "I don't know, how about you ask the principal directly." The girl said hee.


   "If I can ask, I will tell you?" Zhou Jiajia gave the other side a white glance.


   Zhou Jiajia’s doubts are what many netizens still want to know if they still retain their saneness. The project will definitely not be dismantled. The country attaches so much importance to the chip, how can it be dismantled.


   But... so many people left suddenly, something must have happened.


   Fortunately, many researchers in the Optical Core Research Center are from seven universities. People from some channels sent inquiries to friends who participated in the optical core project.


   Gulangyu, Longtou Road.


   Dai Wenyu, Xu Sheng, and an unnamed junior sister, the three were queuing up while eating.


   "This rice roll is too light, I really can't bear it."


   "No, why are there so many people in this treasure island cheese potato? Is it so delicious?"


   "Well, it's better than the shacha noodles. It's really not used to it, and the mouth is astringent."


   "Except for milk tea praise, good food is fine..."


  When I was on the bus, everyone had dissent, and they were all complaining about Chen Hao's decision.


   But after going to the island, I can only say...


   It smells so good!


  Since these researchers came to Ludao for support, they haven't had any fun, let alone Gulangyu.


   Gulangyu, as a world cultural heritage and a famous tourist attraction, is naturally unique.


   Many complaints have also disappeared, at least the accommodation arrangement...that would be more satisfying. Guanghua directly booked two five-star hotels, single rooms!


   What can I say? Besides, Guanghua seemed to be unkind.


   After checking in, more than 300 people were broken into pieces, and they were playing in Gulangyu in twos and threes. Because the island is not big, they can often be encountered in the alleys.


   When the queue was about to arrive, Dai Wenyu's cell phone rang.


   "Junior Sister~www.readwn.com~ You help me line up, I will answer the call."




  Dai Wenyu helplessly, the caller was a high school buddy.


   "Old Dai, is your optical core research center going to dismount?"


   Dai Wenyu was startled, "How is it possible, who said this?"


   "As reported in the news, a lot of foreign media are reporting crazy, and there are pictures of you getting on the school bus and leaving, it seems quite convincing."


   "Uh." Dai Wenyu was speechless for a while, but he can understand that these foreign media just like to catch the wind, especially in the black China, really spare no effort.


   "Nothing, just take a day off." Dai Wenyu explained.


   "One day off? Everyone rests?"




   "Where are you then?"


   Dai Wenyu glanced at the piles of tourists beside him, and said, "It's on Gulangyu Island."




   Just when the Internet was so noisy because of the optical core report, the person was on vacation on Gulangyu? ? ?


   Good fellow, it's so sour.




  Ps: Karvin, it’s a headache...


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