I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 173: Detonated the big news of the whole network!

"I'm the president of the university(

Classroom 606, Teaching Building, College of Engineering and Technology.

A ray of sunlight in the morning shone through the tall trees, shining on the window, and then, little by little, slowly slipped in through the window.

The mischievous sunlight spread along the wall, past boxes of instant noodles, Red Bull boxes, and over the A4 paper on the table full of draft math formulas... and finally fell on Zheng Tianyu's face.

"Um..." Zheng Tianyu opened his eyes slowly, suddenly feeling his eyes shining, and subconsciously raised his wrist to look at his watch.


Zheng Tianyu was sleepy and muttered: "I slept until noon this night."

He put his hands on the bed, supported his body and sat up.

He turned his head, and when he scanned the two figures on the table, he instantly became sober.

He couldn't help screaming.

"Fuck a DJ! You are a real **** elbow! Why did you get up??"

He also slept around 4 o'clock, and Lu Zhou was up now!

Yesterday, Lu Zhou solved the three questions with five questions, and he stayed up late to finish the programming, and the two slept almost at the same time.

And now the other party is busy?

Zheng Tianyu stood up immediately, and finally found Zhang Lei beside Lu Zhou.

"Lao Zhang? You won't stay up all night, are you?" He stared intently, looking at the three or four cans of Red Bull on the table, and was stunned.

"Did not sleep, the paper is almost finished...I am exhausted." Zhang Lei's eyes remained on the screen, his hands tapping rhythmically.

Looking at Lu Zhou who was helping to turn through the literature, Zheng Tianyu couldn't help but ask: "Where are you, elbow? When did you wake up?"

Zhang Lei replied: "He woke up less than 10 o'clock."

Zheng Tianyu looked at Lu Zhou and nodded when he saw him.

Directly shocked as heaven and human.

I couldn't help but vomit and said: "I'm going... this is too hard..."

Obviously there is still so much time, but Lu Zhou's sleep time for these two days is about 10 hours, and the rest of the time is spent on the competition.

This comparison made him a little ashamed.

"No problem with modeling, right?"

Lu Zhou shook his head and said, "No problem, I checked it this morning."

"Then I will check the code again." After saying that, Zheng Tianyu directly sat down and checked the code part of the three questions.

Until an hour passed, Zheng Tianyu sighed slowly, turned his head and said to the two with some excitement: "The code part is okay."

The two ignored him, one was writing a paper, and the other was helping to find literature and information.

Zheng Tianyu scratched his head, and said dejectedly: "I don't know how to dissertate, so you are busy, I go for a walk?"

Lu Zhou glanced at him, then said, "Go."

As for Zhang Lei, he is working hard.

"Then I should go out?" Zheng Tianyu stood in the classroom after speaking, and walked out watching the two of them indifferent.

The long-lost sunlight came, and Zheng Tianyu couldn't help stretching.

"It's so comfortable!"

Only the paper was left unfinished in the digital simulation contest, and with Lu Zhou assisting Zhang Lei, the problem was not big.

Along the way, Zheng Tianyu, who was about to go back to the dormitory to take a bath, suddenly noticed a crowd of people as he passed by the Guanghua Hotel.

He pulled a passing classmate and asked curiously: "Classmate, are there activities in the hotel?"

"I don't know, but it seems that a lot of reporters have come."

"Okay, thank you."

Zheng Tianyu, who hadn't been out for the past two days, couldn't help but step forward to get a closer look.

He was stopped just at the door.

"Students are forbidden to enter."

Zheng Tianyu, who was stopped, was a bit embarrassed, but it didn't matter if he had a thick skin. He peeked in and asked, "What activities are there? Can't you go in?"

"The press conference, just go back and wait for the news."

Zheng Tianyu looked at the security guard at the door resolutely and had no choice but to give up.

On the way back, thinking that I still had the principal’s WeChat account, I quickly sent a message and asked.

Chen Hao: "Is the competition finished?"

"The modeling and programming have been completed, and now there are papers left. I don't know how to do this, so I will come out for a little relaxation."

Hearing that the progress of the competition was good, Chen Hao directly agreed to reply: "That's all, I will ask Assistant Deng to speak to the entrance, and you will have to report your name later. When you come in, sit in the lecture hall and click back instead of sitting in the front.

"Received, thanks to the principal, hehe."

Zheng Tianyu is happily planning to go back to take a bath, change clothes and go to the hotel.



Time is gradually approaching 2 o'clock in the afternoon.

Guanghua Hotel, Lecture Hall.

The crowds are crowded, and of course the media and TV stations are at the top of the list.

You can even see the CCAV TV station also appearing.

"I'm going, this camp is strong enough, it seems there is a big move!" Ma Xiaoxiao of the Beijing News, looking around, was directly shocked by the media atmosphere on the court.

Sitting next to him was a reporter from the Northern Metropolis Daily. The other side looked over his head mysteriously and said, "Want to know what the topic is today?"

The reporter of Bangpai News interjected curiously: "What is it?"

This news interview was only received yesterday, and I hurried over. As for the theme of the press conference, I still don’t know.

These three have the same reputation ~ www.ltnovel.com~ with traffic as its mission.

I don't know if it was the organizer Guanghua University deliberately or something, and it happened that three reporters were sitting together.

"Gazette, Tsinghua University and Fudan University are going to cooperate with Guanghua! Chip related!"

Ma Xiaoxiao was speechless, "..."

The surging news reporter on the side said directly: "Aren’t you taking off your pants and farting? It’s just a matter of talking? Tsinghua University, Fudan University and other famous universities in Guanghua know everyone! Chip-related? So what are you talking about? !"

At this moment, the speakers in the lecture hall heard a few auditions.

Then the big screen behind the report desk also lit up.

"Seven universities jointly support the joint construction of Guanghua University."

There are a few rows of fine print below.

"What the **** is this?" The reporter from the Northern Metropolis Daily was stunned.

Tossing about so much movement and static, and finally put a big satellite?

This is the big move?

"Look at the list of participating support below." Ma Xiaoxiao reminded softly.

"Fudan University, Tsinghua University, Huaxia University of Science and Technology, Shanghai Jiaotong University...I'm rubbing, cowhide, seven famous universities support Guanghua University together?" The Bangpai reporter said with emotion.

He knows the counterpart support university plan, but it generally supports backward universities in the Midwest.

It is really rare to support universities in coastal areas, and it is also supported by the joint support of seven schools!

Before he could finish his emotions, the lights in the lecture hall were on.

A group of people walked onto the report platform from behind.

Looking at the few people who appeared on the stage, the media below were directly dumbfounded!

ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly pass! !

Embarrassed, I have a procrastination attack. . .

This is the second chapter of today, and there is one more chapter to come! The 5 more plans were soaked up, and it became 3 more...heart-tired.

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