I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 189: University military training of others

When Li Qiubai, Weng Mingliang and others stepped forward, the commentary also sounded.

"Now passing the rostrum is the three battalions and one company, consisting of the computer science and technology majors and the software engineering majors of the School of Information Science and Technology. Since the military training, they have been scrupulously striving to be training pacesetters, determined and brave to face difficulties, strict requirements, and hard work Training has yielded fruitful results. They are like a group of young eagles spreading their wings and pre-flying..."

Looking at these students, Chen Hao thought of the experimental class of "Guanghua College" in his mind.

The plan for the junior class will not be available until next year, but the pilot class will be available first.

Guanghua College is the top priority of the future school.

The pilot class is selected from the freshmen of the school each year.

Regardless of any major, as long as you are confident to apply, you can participate in the selection.

After entering the experimental class, the corresponding training plan is formulated according to the students' specialties.

Each student will create a corresponding file, and the training methods will be different.

Many students in the phalanx breathed a sigh of relief after the three camps passed the rostrum in a row.

But it didn't end. When all the squares were finished, there was a separate performance behind.

After the three camps walked through the first row, the second group walked over.

While watching the phalanx walking, Chen Hao had a chat with the Colonel Huang next to him.

"Principal Chen, how effective is the military training of our Ludao Security Zone?"

Chen Hao nodded and said, "Not bad, very satisfied."

This sentence is true, but the effect on the scene is not bad.

Moreover, the split performance is just the beginning, and the following tactical exercises and anti-terrorism and anti-riot exercises are the main dishes.

Chen Hao glanced at each other, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Does Colonel Huang have anything to say?"

"Ahem, that's it. I heard that your school has five thousand freshmen?" Huang Daxiao asked with a cough.

"Yes, there are only five thousand people in this session."

Faced with the question from Colonel Huang, Chen Hao answered truthfully, but he didn't know why the other party asked this?

Colonel Huang asked with concern: "In addition to our Ludao garrison area, there are also corresponding military training regiments in the Zhangzhou Military Region and Licheng Military Region. Would it be troublesome to divide it into three parts?"

"There is indeed a bit of trouble."

"That's more than a little bit. President Chen, let me tell you that dividing the students into three parts is troublesome and inconvenient to manage. It is not good for the students or the school."

Chen Hao just listened, smiled, and agreed: "It is true. It is really troublesome to divide five thousand students into three parts."

Then, he asked again: "Then what should Colonel Huang think?"

Colonel Huang seemed to kindly suggest: "Hahaha, my suggestion is to put all 5,000 students in our guard zone."

With the news broadcast of Guanghua University's chip incident, the significance of this is self-evident.

Don't look at Guanghua University, which is currently lagging behind in the rankings, but it has already entered the high-level attention.

Colonel Huang thought, anyway, when Guanghua's military training was undertaken by the province, it was better to take it all!

Independently undertake the military training of the other party, and then make a good relationship with the military training.

As for the Zhangzhou Military Region and the Licheng Military Region, how can they take advantage of the cheap!

Chen Hao frowned, sighed, and said, "All five thousand people are here? But the accommodation, eating and sanitary conditions can't keep up!"

Colonel Huang promised: "This is nothing. There is still a year away from the next military training. We can improve the conditions of the lower guard area. This year's military training can only be achieved by the grass-roots team. Next year, it will definitely be better than this year. better!"

After these words, Chen Hao fell into thinking.

He knew what Xiao Jiujiu was playing in his heart, but he didn't care.

Sincerity can indeed be felt.

And Huang Daxiao's words are also consistent with his mind.

It is indeed inconvenient to divide into three military training regiments, but one...

He glanced at each other, with a wry smile on his face, "College Huang is right, but I have agreed to the other two military regions before, so it's hard to regret it?"

Then, Chen Hao gritted his teeth and said, "Well, I will discuss with the school leaders again these days. The three military training regiments are indeed too scattered. It is more appropriate to change to two military training regiments."

Naturally, all the eggs cannot be put in one basket, and the number of students is also quite large...

Even so, Huang Daxiao was still a little unwilling to fight.

"President Chen, our security zone is absolutely fine with five thousand people!"

"But Huang Daxiao...our school has more than 5000 freshmen..."

"Aren't there five thousand people this year?"

"Starting next year, our school will expand enrollment, and it will reach seven or eight thousand new students in the next two to three years."

"Seven or eight thousand..." Major Huang listened to the corner of his mouth, and he really couldn't help it.

Mainly not only to settle these students, but also to be responsible for training.

Especially all kinds of tactical training, grenade throwing training, etc., are very labor intensive.

Colonel Huang said with some regret: "Okay...Then President Chen, you must send more students to us."

Chen Hao nodded and said:

"This is natural, after all, it is in the same city, and the journey is more convenient."

The other two military regions are ready to give up one.

Freshmen can be placed in two places.

Just as the two were discussing, the last square also came over.

"Finally came the four-battalion and four-company phalanx, consisting of electrical engineering majors and communications engineering majors from the School of Engineering and Technology. They are optimistic and self-confident. Their style is their style. They dare to work hard and are inspired and enterprising. From their eyes, we read the determination to win; from their voices, we heard high morale...

After all the phalanxes were completed, the school leaders present also began to discuss the selection of an advanced company for military training.

Chen Hao said, "Let's discuss it, everyone."

A female leader glanced at Chen Hao, and then said: "I think the second battalion is a good company, the square is neat, and there is a heroine demeanor!"

"I think four camps and three companies are good~www.ltnovel.com~ one camp and four companies are also good! Recommend this."

After thinking about it, Chen Hao, who listened by the side, waited for several school leaders to finish, and then gave out his own suggestions.

"No one talks about the third camp? Then I will push the third camp in a row. Their slogans are the loudest and their morale is high."

After Chen Hao finished speaking, several school leaders glanced at each other and agreed with each other tacitly:

"Hi...what the principal said, it is indeed the best slogan of the three camps!"

"I didn't notice it just now, it is."

"Then the advanced company will give the third battalion a company!"

Chen Hao: "..."

Looking up at the sky, they are all flatters.

"Then three camps one company..."

After the split performance is over, the next thing is the highlight!

All the students teamed up again on the playground, this time not by battalion or company, but by performance!

The two thousand students are divided into 10 square formations, which are unarmed grappling, grenade throwing drills, anti-terrorism and explosion-proof drills, capture boxing, tactical confrontation drills, on-site first aid drills, and shooting drills.

Generally speaking, university military training is mainly based on separate performances, plus several performance phalanxes.

But Guanghua University has taken a different approach!

Everyone is involved!

Every student is trained in these items during military training, and only when they report on performances will some top-notch students be selected.

The first to appear is the unarmed phalanx!

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