I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 287: Secretly photographed by reporters?

"I am the president of the university(

"I know that you have put a lot of effort into the management of the company over the years, and of course you also hope that the company will go public. But, I am very clear here to tell you something..."

When Chen Hao stopped talking, several people were so nervous by what Chen Hao said before, they all came over.

"The company will definitely not go public in the future." Chen Hao shook his head and said.

Zhuang Kai felt cold.

After swallowing a group of saliva, regardless of other people, he hurriedly said: "Dong Chen, only by going public can the benefits be maximized! How can you toss the school so that you can cash out part of the stock at any time."

The other people also woke up like a dream, reacting and agreeing:

"Yes, Mr. Chen, going public can help the company develop better, and the better the company develops, the higher the stock price, the more right your assets will be!"

"Dong Chen, I think not going public will also affect the enthusiasm of employees, not good."

"If it is not listed, it will be difficult for the company to compete with other companies. This is too much trouble."

Hearing what a few people said, Chen Hao just nodded, then looked at everyone, "Is it all done?"

"Haha, don't be nervous, let me finish first." Chen Hao's mouth curled slightly and smiled and said, "Although the company will not be listed, it will not affect the distribution of shares to everyone, so don't worry."

A few people were taken aback, isn't this contradictory anymore?

Zhuang Kai asked: "Dong Chen, what do you mean?"

"I am going to follow the example of Huaxing Company and release virtual shares." Chen Hao said as he looked at everyone.

The shareholding of all employees of Huaxing can be regarded as a feature, and Zhuang Kai naturally knows it.

Its shareholding structure is extremely unique, with the helm only holding 1.01%, and the remaining 98.99% are held by the employees through the labor union.

When it comes to Huaxing’s shareholding system, there are three characteristics in general:

1. Employees hold dry shares instead of real shares.

Employees mainly hold shares in Huaxing through virtual restricted shares. "Virtual restricted shares", as the name suggests, are virtual equity and equity with restricted rights.

Different from real shares, virtual restricted shares have no industrial and commercial registration, no voting rights, and only staged dividend rights. These shares of employees are more benefit-sharing and do not involve voting rights, so although Mr. Ren only has more than one share, his actual control is still very strong.

2. One-vote veto power.

"Same shares with different rights", Mr. Ren has a veto power. No matter what decisions Huaxing executives make, as long as Mr. Ren vetoes all the decisions, it will be useless. Mr. Ren’s special rights determine his actual control rights in Huawei, so although he only has 1% of the equity, his actual voting rights are equivalent to close to 100%.

3. An extensive benefit sharing mechanism has been established.

The biggest attraction of Huaxing is the dividends of employees' shares. It is normal for employees who hold Huaxing's shares to receive dividends of millions. The most important reason why Mr. Ren was able to control the entire Huaxing with about 1% of the equity, was able to say one thing in Huaxing, and there are so many people who follow him desperately, the most important reason is that he is willing to share, and he is willing to truly share the benefits of the company with employees. Let employees and the company be bound together.

It is impossible to go public. Chen Hao has no plans to list his properties. He has no interest in this.

It was Huaxing's system that made him very interested.

It not only ensures that the power is still in their hands, but also allows employees to hold shares to receive dividends, killing two birds with one stone!

Seeing everyone still thinking, Chen Hao continued: "I personally hold 20% of the stock, each of you holds 10%, and the remaining 70% is held by other employees. What is your intention?"

While others were still in deep thought, Zhuang Kai took the lead in responding: ""I support Chen Dong's ideas! "

Although dry shares are not real shares and cannot be used to make friends normally, as long as the business is well managed, this 10% dividend can also be a lot of money!

Zhuang Kai is satisfied.

Watching this scene, a huge rock in Chen Hao's heart also fell.

On the bright side, he appeared to be indifferent, but he was still a little nervous.

After all, dry stocks cannot be compared with real stocks no matter how they are.

"Since everyone has no opinion, in the recent past, everyone has worked so hard to conduct in-depth research on this virtual stock and how to issue this virtual stock." Chen Hao said with a smile.

This trip is always worth it.

Not to mention that the problems of the companies have been resolved, and the cooperation between these companies and Guanghua University has also become closer.

After talking about the business, the atmosphere became even more fierce as the arrogant scrambled.

And at this moment, in the lobby outside the box.

There were only two people sitting and eating at a table, a man and a woman.

There is also a small bag on the table.

Of these two, the male is called Yu Yang and the female is called Huang Li.

Huang Li looked down at the dishes on the table, raised her head quite nervously and said to Yang, "Brother Yu, can I be reimbursed in this restaurant tonight?" It seemed that her voice trembled because of excessive tension.

"Of course it can be reimbursed." Yu Yang looked at Huang Li's appearance and wanted to reprimand him, but when he thought of where he was now, he just lowered his voice and said, "Xiao Huang! As a reporter, no matter when or where Wherever you are, keep a calm heart!"

"Oh, I see." Huang Li replied a little aggrievedly.

This meal on the table cost more than a thousand even if I had already saved some points!

The point is that the editor Yu Yang, who is older than him, asked her to pay the bill.

At this time, the phone rang, and Yu Yang took out the phone. After seeing the caller's name, his face was full of smiles.

"Editor-in-chief, yes, Xiao Huang and I are in the restaurant. The information of the person who broke the news should be accurate. We have seen them go in."

When Yu Yang answered the phone, he glanced at the small bag on the table from time to time.

As a reporter of the Beijing News~www.ltnovel.com~ sometimes we need some covert interviews, for example, there is a video recorder in this small bag.

The place opposite the bag is the passage from the restaurant lobby to the box.

"Okay, don't worry! When they come out, we will take a flight to Beijing that night after taking the photos! Reported to stay up late tonight to drive you out!" Yu Yang said, patted his chest and packed the ticket.

"Okay, the editor-in-chief, please do it first."

After the call was hung up, Yu Yang's smile disappeared, but his eyebrows were still somewhat proud.

Today’s restaurant party has to start with an anonymous revelation two days ago.

This revelation claims that the eight companies in Ludao, including Rongwang Group and Longda Industrial, are the properties of the newly promoted Internet celebrity principal Chen Hao!

The Beijing News reporter Yu Yang and assistant Huang Li are responsible for this!

After verification, Yu Yang found that these eight companies are all companies that have not yet been listed, and their operating conditions are very good. They occupy a lot of market shares in Ludao and even the whole province. Once this is listed, it is appropriate to add a market value of 100 billion yuan. of!

Especially today, the anonymous whistleblower also provided a restaurant location for gatherings.

Today is mainly to take photos of the scene, plus the information given by the person who broke the news, enough to write an eye-catching report!

The Hurun Rich List is also called the Killing Pig List, because Chinese people like to pay attention to how rich these rich people are. Once the exposure is high, right and wrong are prone to appear.

as time goes by.


Yu Yang couldn't help but yawned.

At this moment, a noise came from the passage in the box area.

Then Chen Hao and Zhuang Kai came out talking and laughing.

Yu Yang was overjoyed.


The next chapter has not been written yet, so I will use the scrapped manuscript to top it, don't read it, wait around 1 o'clock, I'm really sorry.

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