I Am the President of the University

Vol 6 Chapter 317: Life is like a long journey

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After 10 o'clock in the evening, the night in Ludao was already late.

Chen Hao sat in front of the computer, looking up information intently.

A cell phone ringing suddenly rang.

Chen Hao couldn't help frowning. Basically, there would be no work related to this point, unless it was a very important matter.

Looking at the screen, the caller is Deng Hui.

Chen Hao raised his brows and answered the phone.

"Principal, Apple just called, and the other party not only donated a teaching building and set up a scholarship, but also donated 100 million dollars to our school!" Deng Hui said excitedly.

Many foreign universities' operating funds come from alumni or personal donations, accounting for up to 26%!

This is different from domestic universities. Domestic universities are basically public and funded by special funds from the state. On the contrary, donations from alumni are rare.

Since the establishment of Guanghua University in 1988, this is still the largest foreign donation!

According to the latest exchange rate, this billion dollars is as high as 654 million yuan!

Compared with Deng Hui's gaffe, Chen Hao asked quite calmly: "Is Apple not saying anything else?"

Nothing to show your courtesy, you will steal if you do it!

He believes that Apple is definitely not thinking about donating to Guanghua.

Deng Hui also said with some puzzlement: "No, Apple said that this fund was used to support the discipline construction and scientific research of Guanghua University."

As if thinking of something, Deng Hui added, "Oh, yes, there is a requirement that the donated teaching building should be named after Apple."

Hearing this, Chen Hao twitched, Apple Teaching Building?

It sounds like low...

Even if it is named after Jobs, how can Jobs House sound a hundred times better than Apple House?

"The principal...? Then do we still accept their donations?" Seeing that the other party did not speak on the phone, Deng Hui had no answer. Could it be that the principal was going to refuse?

"Why refuse? The sugar-coated cannonballs from the other party, we accept the sugar-coated and return the cannonballs."

There is no reason to refuse the one hundred million dollars and the free house.

Although he is rich, who can resist the temptation from Franklin?

"It's just that this teaching building can't be named. It happens that we are going to build an apartment building for researchers' accommodation needs. Let's name it after this building!" Chen Hao, who had a whim, said meditatively.

Apple Yingcai Apartment Building...emmm, it sounds a bit better than Apple Teaching Building.

"By the way, the construction of this apartment building is also changed. The floor is changed to 15 floors. Except for the first floor as a lobby, gymnasium, audio-visual center, etc., the remaining 14 floors have 30 rooms on each floor, and there are two underground parking lots. These needs tomorrow Notify after work." Chen Hao said viciously.

"Uh, okay, the principal, I understand." Deng Hui wiped the sweat from his forehead. The principal was really drenched. The original 8-storey apartment building with 20 rooms was changed like this... the cost is not low.

This is to seize the opportunity to squeeze the wool into death!

Just after hanging up Deng Hui's call, another call came in immediately.

"Mr. Liu, is there anything that I need to call at night?" Chen Hao said with some disapproval.

This Liu Tong is really ignorant. The newly integrated Guanghua Electronics Group has not given him the position of president. Is there anything that can't be said tomorrow?

Liu Tong's high EQ naturally understood what Chen Hao's words meant, and he quickly apologized and said, "Dong Chen, I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have disturbed you by calling so late. There is really something important to report to you."

"Important thing? What is it?" Chen Hao asked curiously, with a slow expression.

Liu Tong said with some joy: "Apple has just called Guanghua Semiconductor, saying that it is willing to provide a one-billion-dollar fund to help us complete the construction of the super factory."

One billion dollars...More than the 100 million dollars donated to Guanghua University before.

"Are there any strings attached?"

"No, Apple said that this is an expression of their sincerity, hoping to become a strong partnership with us."

"Why do you think Apple is so okay?"

Faced with Chen Hao’s question, Liu Tong guessed and replied: “It may be the world’s first launch of the photon screen phones of Huaxing and Rice today. It is estimated that they are threatened.”

Chen Hao really didn't care about this.

"It's okay, no matter what the reason is, they will accept it without strings attached anyway."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Hao searched on the computer.

Sure enough, I found it.

Today, Huaxing and Rice will be launched in the top ten cities in the world, and tomorrow, Beijing, Shanghai and Pengcheng will also sell photon screen mobile phones, with a limit of 100,000 units per city.

Looking away from the computer screen, Chen Hao looked at the night view outside the window, thinking a little fascinated.

"Apple is panicking, it's the rhythm of licking dogs?" Chen Hao raised his eyebrows and said amusedly.

Apple can be said to be exhausted. Seeing that it can't steal the core technology of the photon screen, it can't make it by itself. Now it's starting to lick Guanghua.

Why did you go?

If Apple comes to this set from the beginning, Chen Hao feels soft. In addition to rice and Huaxing, the first batch of photon screen supplies may add another Apple mobile phone.

"In the future, honestly, don't make trouble with Jiebao, it's okay to supply the photon screen and optical core to the Apple mobile phone." Chen Hao chuckled.

Anyway, the technology is here. As long as the other party dared to do something, he would cut off the confession directly.

Tonight, Chen Hao slept soundly because of the news from Apple.

It's the OV family, a little disturbed.

It is hard to see that Apple's pride has given them a chance to squeeze each other's high-end market share.

As for Huaxing and Rice, they disagree. Apple's photon screen phone will not be available until next month at the earliest. One month is enough time for the two of them to cut off each other's meat in the European and American markets.


In the early morning of the next day, the sun was exceptionally bright, and I didn't feel the slightest chill while walking on the road.

Office of the Dean of the School of Materials Science and Engineering, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

"Professor Fang, have you really thought about it?" Dean Xu Cong looked sad, as if Fang Haosen left him very reluctant.

"Dean Xu, I have already thought about it. I am very grateful to Beihang for the cultivation of me over the past few years, but I still don't quite adapt to the urban rhythm of Beijing. I like the city of Ludao a lot." Fang Haosen said with a smile.

"Although you are leaving Beihang, Professor Fang, Beihang will always be your safe haven. When you come to Beijing in the future, you might as well come to Beihang." Xu Cong smiled and signed his name on Fang Haosen's resignation application.

For Fang Haosen's departure, Xu Cong was the happiest person in Beihang.

Because of Fang Haosen's outstanding ability, the secretary and the plan to promote him to the deputy dean of the School of Materials early next year, this made Xu Cong vigilant.

In order to introduce Fang Haosen, the secretary personally went to the University of London several times to persuade the other party to return to China, and the treatment was quite high.

Obviously, the promotion of the deputy dean is a signal...Fang Haosen will also be Fang Haosen's no accident.

Xu Cong, who knew the character of Professor Fang Haosen well, began his plan.

The effect was remarkable, and Professor Fang Haosen was indeed disgusted.

"We still need to sign a name from the secretary. We, Secretary Huang, the other professor is very serious, and may not want to let people go." Xu Cong seemed to remind him in "kindness".

"Thanks to Dean Xu for reminding me. I have my own plan for Secretary Huang, so I won't bother you." Fang Haosen raised his eyelids slightly, took the application form after speaking, and turned to leave the office.

As soon as the door was closed, Xu Cong hummed comfortably.

Just humming a few words, the door was suddenly opened.

"I forgot to take the pen, see you by Dean Xu~"

Fang Haosen walked back, picked up the pen on the table, and smiled at Xu Cong.

After leaving the dean's office, Fang Haosen stood downstairs at the School of Materials Science, standing and watching, and couldn't help sighing.

Then walked to the administration building.

There is no such thing as a memento.

The world will not stop turning because of who leaves.

Beihang will not, nor will he.

Life is like a long journey ~www.ltnovel.com~From start to finish, you need to constantly change to new trains.

A few years ago, he got on the bus at a station called Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

Now...it seems to be almost at the destination, it's time to get off.

Thank you for the harvest and memories that this journey brought him.

But now, he wants to get in a car.

It is called the train of Guanghua University.

ps: Ask for recommended tickets, ask for monthly tickets! ! !

Tomorrow is the double monthly pass. If you have votes, you can vote tomorrow. Love you!

There will be more in the evening!

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