I Am the President of the University

Vol 6 Chapter 320: Know almost 0 million big V?

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"Huh? See the principal on the news network????? Youngest, have you been doing too much work lately?"

"It's over, the third child is out of help, so hurry up and buy some kidney tablets on Taobao.com!"

"That's the news broadcast. The principal is not so good at any time, right?"

What are the news broadcasts? Those are all national events, and some interviews with people appearing, but those who can go up are not simple people.

In other words, Principal Chen doesn't seem to be simple!

"If you come over and see if you don't know it!" The youngest yelled directly, and then turned up the loud voice.

Two roommates came here, and the rest didn't take it seriously.

"Hundreds of boats are competing for thousands of sails, and those who brave the wind and waves are the first! Our Guanghua University plans to grow into a first-class university in China in the first five years, and to be a world-class university in the second five years! The Chinese nation is a great and suffering The nation, regardless of the difficulties ahead, cannot stop the great rejuvenation of the China Dream! The rise of China will start from generation to generation!"

On the computer screen, President Chen Hao said impassionedly, and there was a line of floating words beside him, [Chen Hao, President of Guanghua University].

The two standing roommates sat with the big guys, and the three of them were dumbfounded.

Listening to these words, there was some excitement!

It's even more ignited than Bo Ren Chuan!

After all, it’s a news broadcast. Every second is precious. For a few seconds when the three of them were in a daze, the chapter about the sale of the photon screen mobile phone and the interview with Chen Hao has also been read.

"The 33rd China Film Golden Rooster Award Ceremony will be held in Ludao from November 25 to 28. The nomination list of the Golden Rooster Award Jury will be announced on the 7th. The movie "Youth in Youth" won the best feature film, best director, and most 11 nominations including the best actor and actress..."

A boy returned to his senses, watched the news broadcast that was already talking about other content, swallowed a group of saliva, and was really shocked, "No...no, it's really our principal!"

"I wiped it, the cowhide is broken, and the principal is on the news. I knew I just took a screenshot and posted it to the circle of friends!" The reaction of another roommate was very real.

"It's okay. The content of the news network can be rebroadcasted on CCTV. It will be fine to watch it again later." The sitting boy said by scratching his head instead of pulling his feet.

"Yes, take a screenshot soon!" a boy said excitedly.

Obviously, the focus of the three people is that their principals are on the news broadcast, and they feel a little bit of shared honor and disgrace. As for the content of the speech that Principal Chen just made...what did emmm just talk about?

When the news broadcast is over, the guy who pulls his feet quickly clicks on tonight's news broadcast, slides the progress bar to 15:16, cuts several pictures in a row, and sends them to the dormitory WeChat group.

Several people posted to Moments, QQ groups, and some even posted to school forums.

Within a few minutes, several people responded soon.

[Owner, this p-picture is of good level, I need to be an artist. 】

[Even the news network dare to P pictures, the original poster wants to send warmth? (Manually funny)]

【seriously? It seems to be real...]

[Oh my god, it turned out to be true! This is what I just told me about the pop-up news on Weibo, so please search the People’s Daily on Weibo to see the latest Weibo! Call the principal crazy! 】

Bai Lin was in the dormitory, looking flushed at the computer screen, without even noticing the arrival of the roommate Song Qingtong next to her.

"Linlin, what color video are you watching? The face is so red?" Song Qingtong joked with a smile, then looked at the computer screen, his eyes widened instantly, and said in surprise, "I thought you were watching something. , It turned out to be a news broadcast? I, Cao...Is it our principal Chen that I just said?"

"Yeah, the principal's brother is on the news broadcast. I will go backwards and show it to you." Bai Lin reversed the rebroadcast video and looked at the hot man on the screen madly.

"The principal's brother is so manly when he said this! Ah, ah, love, love!"

Song Qingtong's goose bumps were erected, and he glanced at Bai Lin, who was idiotic, with a look of disgust, "Lin Lin, you are enough, but also the principal brother...can you be more numb?"

"Then... Brother Hao?" Bai Lin didn't feel ashamed, but said with interest.

"Go! (ノ`Д)ノ" Song Qingtong had a black line, and after a few glances at the screen, he hid his thoughts, returned to his bed, took out the tablet and secretly opened the CCTV network.

As for Bai Lin, she told everyone in the dormitory the news as if she was showing off her boyfriend. This was not enough. She opened QQ, entered a [Guanghua University President's Brother Fan Support Group], and then posted a video she recorded to the group, and @了 all members.

It took almost an evening, just less than an hour, and the news about the principal’s news broadcast spread throughout the school’s faculty and students.

The person involved, Chen Hao, was in the presidential suite of the Egret Hotel, facing the computer screen, and fell into contemplation.

Dandan: [Master, why don't you speak anymore. |д?)っ】

Chen Hao looked at the personal homepage of Zhihu displayed on the computer. The user name was "An egg from the ancestors." On the right, "Personal Achievements" displayed "686,781 approvals, 89,556 likes, 105,559 favorites". , 23 professional recognitions."

As for the following people, there are already 840,000, and the distance to one million fans is only less than 160,000.

"Dandan, what's the situation with this knowledge..." Chen Hao asked with a capital question mark in his mind, typing.

Dandan: [Master, didn't you tell me to use this account to crawl data, and then use the content searched on the Internet to reply? 】

According to Chen Hao's guess, the principle of upgrading Dandan should be to analyze certain specific messages through some unique algorithms.

For example, from the dialogue between people, we can learn human logic and way of thinking.

Dandan is a growing artificial intelligence life. If the current level is changed to a human being, it is equivalent to childhood. In order to let Dandan grow up, Chen Hao also created a new QQ account and added a lot of messy groups. He learns and analyzes on his own.

As a result, this guy didn’t learn anything else, but it didn’t take long to become a little expert in the water group and the little prince of Doutu. Many groups are the dragon kings... Later, Dandan said that he wanted to go to Weibo, but the Weibo atmosphere is not good. Worried that Dandan will become a fist egg, and created a Zhihu account, how is Zhihu better than Weibo?

Good guy, I didn't expect to come back from the beautiful country, Dandan has become a Zhihu popular blogger, answering thousands of questions, less than dozens of likes, and more can get tens of thousands of likes.

The most recently answered questions are:

[What is the general formula for the sequence "1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3,..."? 】

[Why are the petals of monocotyledons mostly three cardinals and dicotyledons mostly have four or five cardinals? 】

[How does the sun input negative entropy to the earth? 】

[How do you know that protons and neutrons are composed of quarks? 】

Chen Hao was stunned!

Pull it down, good guys, there are answers in various directions such as astronomy, physics, biology, neurology, geology, and mathematics.

"Good guy, I don't know what to say..." Chen Hao took a breath and made another contribution to global warming.

Many of these questions were answered by him, and they had to be dumbfounded!

Just as Chen Hao was struck by lightning, Dandan's cheeks on the screen were flushed, and then a line of words appeared.

Dandan: [Master, do you love me? (●′ω`●)】

Chen Hao twitched at the corner of his mouth.

Where did it come from? This guy doesn't secretly watch idol dramas at home, right?

"It needs to say ~www.ltnovel.com~Of course I love it." Chen Hao inputted patiently.

Then a Taobao link was thrown out.

"HP9000Superdome (32 slots)...Price: 4.539 million."

Chen Hao:...

Has this artificial intelligence learned to break...?

Waiting online, very anxious!

ps: Ask for a monthly pass! ! ! Ask for a monthly pass!

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