I Am the President of the University

Vol 9 Chapter 442: Which one is better, Wei Shen or Lu Shen?

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"The school is really amazing. Fortunately, I didn't repeat it. Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't pass the exam again next year.

"The forum held at the end of this month has even been reported by major foreign media. I heard that many scientists will come to Ludao!"

Chen Hao couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth as he listened to the conversation of the students passing by.

Then his face turned straight, and he turned on the mode of turning his ears off the window.

The pace slowed down, walking on the way to the cafeteria, and then muttered silently in his heart.

"System, check the lactide projects in the scientific research section."

【Research Project: Lactide Technology】

【Research personnel: 32 people】

【Research progress: 86%】

[Required time: 15 days]

"86%? So fast?"

Chen Hao's pupils shrank slightly, which he had never expected.

Then came to my heart, the 80% progress bar reward can be turned on again!

"Professor Fang and Lao Chen are too great!" Chen Hao said with satisfaction.

My own vision is not worse than professional ability. The matter of lactide is simple and not simple, otherwise it will not always be monopolized by foreign companies in the raw material market.

It's just that this progress time is a bit beyond his expectation.

"Then you can receive the reward again!"

Chen Hao did not hesitate and chose to receive it directly.

A golden light flashed up, and then an open book pattern popped out.

[Congratulations on obtaining the complete process experience book for lactide! 】

"An experience book again?"

Chen Hao was taken aback first, then nodded thoughtfully.

"The experience book is better than the attribute points, but this experience book..."

Thinking about it, Chen Hao's gaze fell on the inventory.

[Item: complete process experience book of lactide]

[Explanation: Do you want to experience the feeling of getting through the two channels of Ren and Du? As long as you use this experience book, you will greatly enhance your knowledge of various processes of lactide! 】

"It looks like it's amazing?"

Chen Hao meditated for a while, this time he didn't hesitate, but made a decision directly.

"System, use lactide complete process experience book!"

【Please choose the target:】

"Fang Haosen."

The next moment, I saw the newly-stored experience book in the inventory turned into ashes and disappeared.

Just after dealing with these things, I just walked to the door of the Furong restaurant.

Chen Hao strode in happily.


Advanced Materials Research Institute, Lactide Laboratory.

There was a sudden burst of cheers in the laboratory.

"Director, we made it!"

"Professor Fang's continuous distillation method to purify lactide is correct, and we did it!"

A group of researchers looked at Fang Haosen and Chen Chong enthusiastically.

If conditions didn't allow them, they would have some thoughts in their hearts.

I want to throw Professor Fang and Director Chen directly.

That's amazing!

At the time, Professor Fang Haosen mentioned the continuous distillation to purify lactide, and most of the laboratory staff were not very optimistic in their hearts.

After all, this difficulty is too high. Many scientific research institutions have tried it, but they all ended in failure.

Guanghua's conditions here are not to be compared.

But... they succeeded!

Tian Ziang looked around, feeling the joyful atmosphere beside him, and even his face was excited.

Although he is the youngest person in the laboratory, it does not affect his sharing of honor and disgrace with everyone.

"Well, everyone is quiet!"

Chen Chong scowled, but his face was clearly filled with a smile.

The eldest had spoken, and everyone stopped their voices, but their faces were still smiling.

Now that the two major difficulties of the synthesis process and purification process of lactide have been overcome, all that is left is some finishing work, which is not difficult.

In other words, they will solve the problem of lactide, which is a raw material for the domestic polylactic acid industry, within a few days at most!

When Chen Chong was about to make some speeches, Fang Haosen on the side suddenly spoke.

Professor Fang Haosen was still looking at the data, but his face frowned.

"Don't be happy too early, everyone, the purification process has not been fully processed yet."

"Ha? Professor Fang, isn't this, this has been successful?" a researcher asked with a confused expression.

Chen Chong also looked at him with some doubts.

I saw Professor Fang Haosen raising his head, a serious face, and his tone still a little serious.

"The purity of lactide obtained from this set of experiments is 94%, and the yield is only 83.74, which is still a short distance from my expected goal."

Sun Jie scratched his head. After thinking about it, he couldn't help but said, "Professor Fang, with our current data, we are already far ahead of NatureWorks, the world's leading company, and it won't be so easy to upgrade later."

Another person quickly echoed: "Yes, Professor Fang, we should now start the next small batch mass production experiment."

In the crowd, Meng Xu sighed inwardly, don't these guys know yet?

In fact, Professor Fang is a person who has strict requirements on himself, and at the same time is also very rigorous in scientific research.

After hearing the words of these two people, Fang Haosen's heart sank, his face still calm, but his eyes turned to Tian Ziang.

"Tian Ziang, what do you think?"

The other researchers also looked at Tian Ziang in the crowd.

After experiencing the other party's speech, coupled with the follow-up Tian Ziang's performance, no one now despises this undergraduate who is still studying.


Tian Ziang hesitated, bit his lip, took a deep breath and said: "I think scientific research must pursue the ultimate perfection, and cannot stop because of satisfaction. I, I think that in the purification process of lactide, whether it is purity or There is still a stage of improvement in the production rate, so I might as well do a few more sets of repeated experiments to see."

It seems that there is still some panic in his heart, Tian Ziang added:

"Of course, this is just my personal opinion, not everyone."

In the crowd, a few people bowed their heads in shame.

And Chen Chong and Fang Haosen looked at each other and smiled with satisfaction.

For this Tian Ziang, it is simply that the mother-in-law looks at her son-in-law, and the more she looks, the more she likes it.

"Oda is right. We who do scientific research cannot be easily satisfied. We must be strict and strict!"

Fang Haosen smiled, "Then let's continue to repeat the test! I believe that we can all work together and we will be able to complete it soon, so we can give the principal a full score report!"


"Everyone insists on this step, and the rest is not impossible at all!"

Seeing everyone being full of fighting spirit into the experiment, Fang Haosen smiled from the bottom of his heart.

Chen Chong on the side was a little worried. He looked at the busy people in front of him and said in a low voice, "Professor Fang, the subsequent improvement is not easy, and he also faces considerable trouble in mass production."

"I know these too." Fang Haosen sighed slightly, but fortunately the dawn of dawn had already appeared, it was only a matter of time.

At this moment, my mind suddenly swelled, as if there was something more in my brain.


Chen Chong listened to the muffled hum from his side, turned around, looked at Fang Haosen who was frowning, and asked curiously: "Professor Fang, are you okay?"

"I'm fine~"

Fang Haosen exhaled a foul breath, and his eyes flashed with excitement.

I don't know why ~www.readwn.com~ suddenly my brain is a little awake, there are still a few things that I didn't figure out on the lactide, and I am very cheerful at this moment.

"So it was done like this..." he muttered in a low voice.

Then it was put into experimentation.

He has a hunch.

The finishing work of lactide can be completed in up to four days!


Furong Restaurant on the second floor.

Chen Hao, who was eating delicious boiled pork slices, caught his attention by a voice in his ear.

"Second, do you think Wei Shen is good or Lu Shen from our school is good?"

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