I Am the President of the University

Vol 10 Chapter 467: Top 10 Scientific People of the Year

  Chapter 468 Top Ten Scientific Figures of the Year

   23:55 on the 18th.

  Ludao University graduate apartment building.


  An Susu yawned, sleepiness surged from his limbs, and the upper eyelid and lower eyelid had already started fighting.

   Looking to the side, her roommate Qian Jiahui was sitting in front of the computer, with a look of excitement, excitement, nervousness, and even anxiety.

   "Gaihui, is it not 12 o'clock yet? Why are you not sleepy at all..." An Susu looked confused. They usually sleep at this point, and when they don't sleep, they will become sleepy.

  "It's still 5...4 minutes! I'll go to bed after I finish reading it later. If you are sleepy, Susu, go to bed first." Qian Jiahui didn't turn his head back, still focusing on the screen.

   "Hetui, woman!" An Susu snorted, got up and walked to Qian Jiahui's side, pulled her chair over and sat down, wrapped her hands around Qian Jiahui's left hand, and the ball head leaned against it.

  "It's different if you have a man, hum o( ̄ヘ ̄o#)!"

   "Susu, what did you say, we are all innocent!"

  "Do you believe this?" An Susu curled his lips. The two were really naive emotionally.

   "I...I, I believe it!" Qian Jiahui said vaguely.

  At this moment, her face was hot, like a freshly baked lobster, red.

"When will you two have to poke open the window paper? Why are you so haunting?" An Susu said dissatisfiedly. As a bystander, the state of getting along between the two can be said to be close to a couple. The last confession.

   "I... I don't know..." Qian Jiahui lowered his head, his voice became smaller and smaller, and said with some lack of confidence.

  An Susu rolled his eyes, wondering if he had to call that guy, or else he would have to drag him.

  While she was thinking, the soft arm on the pillow suddenly disappeared, and her head lost support and hit the ball directly.

"It's 12 o'clock! "Nature" has been updated!" Qian Jiahui was particularly happy. When he refreshed his browser, he refreshed the official website of "Nature" magazine as one of the most important lists of science and technology this year-the top ten sciences. character!

  "Finally, it's all right, oh~~" An Susu couldn't help but yawned again, and forced her sleepiness to look at the screen, which made her sleepier.

  "This cover...how come the more you look at it, the more sleepy it gets?"

  On the top of the cover of the e-magazine on the computer screen are the six bold letters "nature" that are extremely conspicuous.

Below   nature is a string of very small words, "THEWEEKLYJOURMALOFSCIENCE".

  In the middle of the cover is the number "10", but this number seems to be filled with some strange symbol. A closer look shows that the dense clusters are not friendly to patients with intensive phobias.

  Below the number "10", there are two lines of words "ONEYEAR.TENSTORIES" and "Tenpeoplewhomatteredthisyear".

  Qian Jiahui in English can understand both of them, but the number "10" is what the filler is, they look bewildered.

   "I don't know this. What's the meaning, right?" Qian Jiahui and An Susu stared at each other with big eyes. They didn't study engineering, and this thing hurts at first sight.

   "Forget it, just look at the text!"

  Skip the cover directly and look at the first article about Chen Hao.


  University of Science and Technology of China.

  In the postgraduate apartment building.

  Material, third-year Ph.D. Lu Qiling looked at the cover of "Nature" with his eyes shining.

  "This time the number '10' is filled with diamond structure!"

  Although the cover pictures of the top ten characters of "Nature" each year are a huge number "10", the specific styles and shading will be integrated into the design of the technology hotspots of the year.

  For example, the 2016 cover image is shaped like a ripple, suggesting the discovery of gravitational waves, the largest scientific achievement of the year.

  The cover image of 2017, which was rated as the "first year of artificial intelligence" by the outside world, incorporates elements of computer code.

As for the 2018 cover number "10", the "0" is processed into a regular hexagon, just like the carbon ring structure that constitutes graphene, and the entire number "10" is filled with two layers of honeycomb-shaped small regular hexagons. It is red and blue, and there is a slight angle between the two layers, which makes the image appear ghosting. (This chapter says there are pictures)

   points out the "magic angle" that gives graphene superconductivity, which also echoes Cao Yuan's achievements.

  As for this year's number "10", the structure of diamond is introduced.

  The prototype of diamond structure is diamond crystal, also known as diamond. In diamond crystals, each carbon atom forms a covalent bond with the other 4 carbon atoms via SP3 hybrid orbital to form a regular tetrahedron.

  From the cover number "10", we can see what Nature magazine wants to express.

  If 2017 is the first year of artificial intelligence, then 2020 will be the first year of subverting existing technology and opening the fifth industrial revolution!

  And this time, the photon screen will be used as a symbol!

  I haven’t read the text yet, Lu Qiling’s blood has already boiled over. After two years, Chinese scholars once again topped the list of the top ten scientific figures of the year!

  Click with the mouse and read the contents carefully, especially the comments of "Nature" magazine, which highly praised Chen Hao.

   is directly evaluated as: a genius who promotes the progress of the world with his own strength!

   "Principal Chen is too good! I am a role model, let's be a confession!"

  It's just that Lu Qiling flipped through the dormitory and didn't drink any alcohol. As for the roommate who asked for leave and went home, the other party didn't drink.

After giving up, Lu Qiling had to pour the iced black tea from the bottle into the cup.

  Replace wine with tea and drink it all in one go.

  In spite of this, Lu Qiling is still a little unhappy, and it is difficult to express his excitement.

  Proficient in the location of Kaizhihu, I really saw the questions about the top ten people of the year released by the "Nature" magazine.

  【How do you think that the top ten scientific figures of the year published by Nature on the 19th is the President of Guanghua University Chen Hao? 】

   Just less than one hour after 12 o’clock, there were more than forty answers, and there are naturally good reviews and bad reviews.

  Seeing the bad review of Lu Qiling, I really want to pick up the keyboard in front of him and slap the other person on the face, but it is a pity that there is a layer of internet.

  Although physical attacks cannot be achieved, they can be attacked by magic!

  The keyboard sound crackled in the dormitory~www.readwn.com~ For the keyboard man, you can’t be merciful, you have to spray to the other side to exit the Internet.

  Wait until the day, the popularity of the top ten scientific figures in "Nature" magazine is soaring. After all, it is the Chinese scientist who is on the top of the list this time!

   is only one day. Under the reports of major media, the top ten people of the year are already well known.

  Many middle-aged and elderly people with low knowledge levels have remembered a key word: Guanghua University.

  Although I don’t know what the content is, I know that the president of this university has won glory for the country, and he seems to be a very good scientist.

  Then Guanghua University should also be very good.

  However, at this moment, Chen Hao, who was sitting in the office, turned his head and stared out the window.

   Seems to have thought of something, and raised his eyebrows.

   "He should be coming soon too..."

   Haha, I saw a person on the forum today asking how the civil engineering major is, and someone below answered, "Civil engineering, this is a major that runs around with buckets overnight."



  (End of this chapter)

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