I Am the President of the University

Vol 10 Chapter 474: Guanghua University

Generally, participation in academic forums, forums, etc. can be reimbursed. From conference registration fees to accommodation fees, travel expenses, etc., anyone with an invoice can be reimbursed, and it is the funding of the research team. \\b

In this regard, some foreign countries will be more convenient, there are almost no procedures for reimbursement, just submit the conference fee list and the name of the hotel.

I met some good tutors who found out that there were some funds left after the project was completed, so they would find a way out for the students to go out and spend the reimbursement.

Of course, there are some unscrupulous tutors. In order to cover the remaining funds, they dragged down and looked around for students to ask for tickets, air tickets, and hotel invoices for reimbursement. As for the remuneration... a red envelope of five or ten yuan would be good. .

Professors of high moral character like Academician Sun Wenchang still retain the frugal tradition of the previous generation. Except for the scientific research of equipment and materials, which can not be saved, other places can be saved.

For people like Academician Sun Wenchang, if they weren't going to graduate school under him, of course it would be admirable.

However, Wei Hong was a little helpless while admiring him. The tutor was too dignified, and he didn't make money from the large amount of state funding. Naturally, he didn't have any benefits for these graduate students.

In the end, the taxi failed, and the \\b limousine bus did not complete. Instead, I boarded the special bus that stayed at the edge of the airport.

This time, the number of participants in the China Forum is as high as 1,000. Those who arrive can not only go to the designated hotel by themselves, but also get on the limousine bus prepared by Guanghua University at the airport.

In addition, special buses have been prepared for nearly 100 academicians and Nobel Prize winners at home and abroad.

After the group of people arrived at the Bailu Hotel to check in, Wei Hong sat in the room with a look of excitement.

"Niu Pian, can we also enjoy this treatment?!!!"

Wei Hong put the suitcase aside, sat down on the bed, looking at the layout of the surroundings, his face happily like Chinese New Year.

"This bed is really comfortable! It's white and soft!"

Wei Hong touched the bed under his **** with his hands, the soft touch of his hands, and the resilience of pressing.

He couldn't help standing up and embarking on a journey of exploration in the hotel room.

"There are so many drinks in this small refrigerator... Will there be an extra charge?"

"Wow, there is still a luxurious sea view outside the window, awesome!"

"Even if there is a bathtub, there is a separate dressing room besides the toilet with separate dry and wet?"

"This... why is this smart toilet glowing purple..."

Wei Hong felt as if a countryman had entered the city, and his astonishment had not stopped since entering this room.

You should know that this room is just the side bedroom in the suite, in addition to the master bedroom where the teacher is staying, and a study and living room.

Most academic conferences at home and abroad designate hotels and book rooms on their own, because these expenses can be reimbursed back.

But because of the personality of my instructor, every time I go out for a meeting, I will book the most basic standard room, which is... a twin room.

Had it not been for the conference party to designate a hotel, Wei Hong completely believed that the room he lived in might not even reach 300 nights...

This is the first time to have such a luxurious experience!

Wei Hong held up his mobile phone and sent seven or eight photos to a group of postgraduates majoring in materials of Little Tree Worm.

"Guys, Guanghua University is so awesome! Not only the accommodation fee is all-inclusive, but it is also a luxurious suite. I really love it! Picture.JPG"

After Wei Hong sent out, a group of hundreds of people instantly exploded out a lot of diving parties.

"I'm going, is that the best? I knew I would go too!"

"It's really sour, I envy the big guys who can go out with the boss, the low-level tool people like us can only silently attack in the laboratory. (〒_〒

"Wait, this toilet should be imported smart? But why is it glowing purple? Σ(??ω???)?"

"Maybe...can sterilize?"

"Guanghua University is indeed rich. I heard that in addition to the travel expenses, the hotel accommodation and registration fees are free this time. It's really inhumane!"

The registration fee generally refers to the submission fee, overpage fee, and only participation but not submission.

Contribution fee is the contribution to the conference organizer, and the payment is accepted. That's right, if a paper is accepted, not only does it have no manuscript fee but also a submission fee, even if the paper is too long, it is called an overpage fee, which starts at a few hundred yuan per page.

If it is just to come to the conference and not to publish papers, then you have to pay a thousand, eight hundred or one or two thousand, depending on the conference organizer.

As for being an escort, some are exempt from the fee of an escort, and some are required to pay half of the registration fee.

Guanghua not only waived these expenses, but also solved the accommodation of the accompanying persons.

Too proud!

While enjoying the envious vanity, an Aite's message pulled him back to reality.

"@湾铁穗 Are you at the Bailu Hotel or Haiyue Villa?"

Aite's person, Wei Hong, is no stranger to him. He is a PhD student in Tsinghua University, and his tutor is also one of the best in the industry.

"Egret Hotel, are you there too?"

"Yeah, I've gotten the teacher too, and will stay in the suite with me."

The other party then sent another message, "It's still early, and it's boring to be bored in the hotel, do you want to go out and get together?"

Wei Hong looked at it and his heart moved, but he had a better idea.

Then he typed and said: "Yes, no problem! See if there are any other friends in the group who are also in the Egret Hotel. Let's go out and chat together."

"This can be."

After a few red envelope bombings, only a dozen of the hundreds of material graduate students said they were also here in Ludao.

Only a few people were at the Haiyue Mountain Villa Hotel. There were also two people at the Egret Hotel who said that they did not want to go out. Only three or four of the friends came out.

For this reason, Wei Hong pulled out Geng Haobo from the same school by the way.

"Huh, where's Professor Huang?" Wei Hong asked curiously.

"As soon as my teacher put down his suitcase, he received a call and went out. It seems that Professor Zhao from Beihang University has also arrived." Geng Haobo said dismissively. The scientific research circle is so narrow, and there are very few newcomers who can jump out every year. As for academic conferences In addition to understanding the most cutting-edge technology and direction of academia.

Also, it is a good opportunity for communication.

Whether it is a student or a professor, they will come out to gather for small talk in private.

"Professor Sun should read the literature in the room?" Geng Haobo seemed to think of something~www.readwn.com~ Geng Haobo winked at Wei Hong.

"You know what else to ask..." Wei Hong couldn't help rolling his eyes.

Lao Sun doesn't really like gatherings. Even if he is on a business trip, he keeps himself in the room to read documents or write materials.

"Walking around, you meet at the entrance of the hotel, right? It's the first time I have come to Ludao, so I have to seize this opportunity to take a good stroll!" I think of Gulangyu, Zhongshan Road, Huandao Road, Ludao University in Ludao. , Zengcuo'an and other places, Geng Haobo's heart has flew far away.

After meeting at the entrance of the hotel, Wei Hong and Geng Haobo strolled around talking and laughing.

At the same time, in Guanghua University.

Chen Hao's figure appeared in the Advanced Materials Research Institute.

He looked at Professor Fang Haosen rather helplessly.

"Professor Fang, are you really not going on stage to give a special report?"

ps: Supplement the second chapter of yesterday.

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