I Am the President of the University

Vol 10 Chapter 491: Invitation from IEEE

  Chapter 492 Invitation from IEEE

  In December, Ludao is like a young girl next door who grew up in the early 28th. It is the season of Huifeng and Chang.

  A group of experts next to Chen Hao got off the bus, and beside it was the first place visited [Institute of Advanced Materials].

  The visit process went smoothly without any accidents.

  The experts and scholars who came to visit this time were mainly from the Chongguangxin Research Center. Fortunately, the Material Institute also has a photon screen laboratory town.

   After coming out of the material, everyone got on a few white cars and went to the Optical Core Research Center.

  While on the road, several exclamations sounded from the little white car.

  "This architectural style is very good, I am about to fall in love with it!"

   "Oh, I didn't expect the university environment in China to be so good. It is so beautiful."

  "I even have a little urge to stay. The campus architecture here is unique in Nanyang style. I have seen it when I gave lectures at Sagishima University, but it is far inferior."

   "Oh, God! Why is the forum not held here this time? If it is held here, I can not go out for three days!"

  Professor Miller is also looking around, and his liking for Guanghua University has also risen sharply.

  Because of prejudice before, even Guanghua University was not very optimistic about it.

  After all, a school that was established in 1988 has a history of more than 30 years. What level of success has it developed?

  Not to mention that this school has not even entered the top 100 in China, which is certainly not good.

  But at this moment, he was a little shocked.

  The architecture produced by the system is naturally not an ordinary thing. Although the style is the same as the Nanyang architectural style of Ludao University, it is more exquisite and exquisite. It gives people the same shocking feeling from any angle.

  Professor Broad, who was sitting next to Miller, couldn’t help but smile when he saw Miller’s appearance, "Miller, how did you feel when I saw your "university that even pigs can't go to" in your mouth today?"

  Miller is simply a US version of the keyboard man, and his mouth is quite fragrant.

   "Water? What does this have to do with me?"

  Miller stretched his neck and defended confidently: "That's what Miller from a beautiful country said. What does it have to do with Miller in China?"

   "You old fellow." Brod was speechless. Not only did this guy have a poisonous mouth, but he was also thick-skinned.

  At this time, the car stopped.

  Professor Broad looked up at the building in front of him, and the six characters on the wall [Optical Core Research Center] were clearly displayed in front of him.

  Of course, the reason why I can understand it is because of the string of English next to the six characters.

   "The Optical Core Research Center is in front." Chen Hao's voice came from the front.

  Compared with the Chinese used in the conference center, Chen Hao speaks English here, which is naturally for the convenience of these experts and scholars.

  The use of Chinese in the meeting is because he wants to promote Chinese to the world, which is not the same as it is now.

  There were several school staff beside Chen Hao. After getting out of the car, the group walked slowly into the building.

The experimenter in the white coat inside    was not too surprised. After all, I received the news yesterday, but knowing that Gui knows, some people still look over from time to time.

  After all, among the more than 20 professors who came to visit Guanghua University this time, there are quite a few big cows!

  "Here is..." Ren Hong, who was the reception manager of the optical core research center visited by everyone, was introduced.

  Ren Hong said while taking a tour group around.

  Of course, what the tour group can see is relatively shallow technology, and some of the more confidential and important data and links are not open to the outside world.

When the visit was almost the same, a professor Wendell from Imperial College of the University asked with some dissatisfaction: "Professor, your school is too stingy? Shouldn't your Chinese hospitality be like this, right? Do you have to watch out for us when you visit?"

Wendell’s weird voice made Chen Hao raise his eyebrows slightly. As for Ren Hong, looking at him calmly, he said faintly: “Would you like to let your IC’s confidential laboratory also be open to our Chinese students?”

  As we all know, because of some things that happened in the past, many Chinese students studying abroad can only study some non-core technology majors.

   Wendell's face was not so good, and when he reached his throat, he was instantly blocked.

  Among the people who came to visit this time, most of them have a good impression of Guanghua University or Chen Hao, so they came to have a look.

  But there will be a few mouse **** mixed in it, such as Professor Wendell.

  The reason why I came to visit is of course with some thoughts.

  Professor Wendell did not say a word for a while, but when the crowd was about to go out, he suddenly asked Chen Hao:

   "Dr. Chen, is the Optical Core Research Center open to the outside world?"

   "Huh? What do you mean?" Chen Hao was taken aback, not quite clear.

  "Just like CERN, scholars outside the member states are allowed to participate in the research." Professor Wendell said without hesitation.

  "Do you know CERN too?" Chen Hao laughed angrily.

   "The Optical Core Research Center is not open to the public. Of course, if Professor Wendell is willing to join Guanghua University, this is naturally an exception." Chen Hao said with a smile.

   Speaking of CERN, CERN is also the European Center for Nuclear Research. In the past, only member states could participate in research. Later, it was opened to the outside world. China sponsored a lot of funds in the past to send some scientists to CERN to participate in research.

  It is calculated that China is not allowed to become a member state, and even observer countries are not allowed. Even Ah San and the others are observer countries.

   is also quite enough.

   "I think it might be the secret of your optical core?" Wendell snorted coldly, his face a little dull.

  Let a professor from Imperial College change job to Guanghua University?

  This is a reverse job hopping, right? ?

  What an international joke!

  Chen Hao hasn’t passed by yet, Professor Miller on the other side can’t stand it anymore.

   "Wendall, you must pay attention to your image and don't shame Imperial College!" Professor Miller shouted unhappily.

  Professor Miller has deep qualifications and abilities, and he is still the chairman of IEEE conferences. He needs to show some face when he is replaced by others, but Wendell is also a veteran professor, and he does not give the opposite side to him. He directly chokes back.

  "Isn't this Professor Miller who was still condemning Guangxin and Guanghua University before? What? Is it because he collected money after coming to China?" Professor Wendell said with a curled mouth.

  Professor Miller is not a good temper~www.readwn.com~ is about to get angry until Toshio Fukuda appears.

   "Professor Wendell, this is Guanghua University after all, can you give me a face?" Fukuda Toshio said with a gentle smile.

  Fukuda Toshio, a full-time professor at Beijing Institute of Technology, a foreign academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, a famous robotics expert, a major disciple of Ichiro Kato, the father of humanoid robots in the world, the chairman of IEEE, and the chairman of the advisory committee of the World Robotics Congress.

   "I don't have to give others the face, but I still give you the face of Professor Fukuda."

   Facing Fukuda Toshio, Professor Wendell chose to back down.

  In IEEE, Fukuda Toshio is famous for his reputation and reputation. Otherwise, it will not be the only candidate for chairmanship who has not been nominated by the selection committee but has passed a membership petition in the past few years, and will eventually be elected.

  Just when he shut up and said nothing, Professor Toshio Fukuda turned to Chen Hao and said something that surprised Wendell. .

   "Dr. Chen, on behalf of IEEE, I hope to invite you to join!"

  (Don’t read the next chapter first, wait until you wake up in the morning and read it again. I feel so upset that I can’t write anything at all.)

  (End of this chapter)

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