I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 334: The recursive sequence of integer points on elliptic curve and the solution of q

   Lin Xiao was met by Chen Hao during a fellowship of international students at MIT, because of the similarities in personalities, and he was a god-student.

   may be the sympathy between geniuses, but the friendship between the two is pretty good.

   And the other party is studying for a PhD degree in biology at Harvard University, and the graduation date happens to be next June.

   "Ahem, it's like this. I saw your conversation with Zhang Cen a few days ago. I just want to know, is the salary right like that?" Lin Xiao asked embarrassedly.

   "Are you talking about the annual salary starting from 500,000 yuan, the one-time settlement fee of 1.1 million yuan, and the house price?" When he heard that, Chen Hao was still a little confused, but he almost returned to China to have a good time, with a little excitement in his eyes.


   "Lin Xiao, with your strength, can't you apply for Qing Qian to return to China?" Chen Hao asked with some confusion.

Qingqianquan is called the "Thousand Talents Plan for Young People". The application review will be jointly established by the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Academy of Engineering, and Natural Science Foundation of China. Under the guidance of

At present, it is mainly for young overseas scholars who are under the age of 40 in the fields of natural sciences or engineering technology. As long as they are selected to be successful, the central government will provide living allowances of 500,000 yuan per person and 1 million to 3 million yuan for 3 years. Research funding subsidies.

   This can be regarded as a feature. It is mainly created by attracting returned scientists to return to China. It has 600 places a year. Next year, the number of students studying abroad for Ph.

   As long as the application is submitted, basically domestic schools can enter any school except Qingbei. Starting with an annual salary of 500,000, settlement allowances, living allowances, and house purchase allowances are all available. The professors and doctoral tutors who are hired to the senior professional title are the winners in life.

   Harvard University ranks first in the world in basic subjects, and biology is no exception. Lin Xiao held a few Ss in his hand and entered Qingbei with no problem, and even commented on the full professor without any suspense.

"Yes, Qingbei also gives me an annual salary of 700,000 yuan. I apply for Qingqian to return to China. I will apply for Youqing in a few years. But I don't like Beijing very much. I have chronic rhinitis. You know, the air quality in the south is more suitable for me. "Lin Xiao said with a wry smile.

   "Isn't there still Ludao University?" Chen Hao couldn't help but jokingly thought of a certain 985 university in the same city.

   "Lu Da did not give the house to him, so he won't go." Lin Xiao shook his head very honestly.

   "Hahahaha, it seems that the house is still very attractive!" Chen Hao smiled, a little helpless between his eyebrows.

   This house has tossed people to what extent, a promising biologist will use the house as an important reference factor in employment.

   "The house is still there. I will ask the school staff to contact you tomorrow morning. Then you can just follow her for the materials." It's night after all, so he won't let people work overtime at night. This is too capitalist.

   "Okay, if you say that, I'm relieved."

   After the conversation with Lin Xiao, Chen Hao was in a good mood. Walking on the runway was pleasing to everyone.

   Although he didn't use skills against Lin Xiao, the opponent must have a potential value of over 90. Given sufficient resources and conditions, within a few years, he can grow to the status of Professor Ren Hong.

   "Wait, I suddenly remembered what I saw in the group that Lin Xiao just said..." Chen Hao twitched in his heart, stopped, and suddenly remembered this incident, picked up his phone and clicked on WeChat to take a look...

   The news...exploded!

   Chen Hao's face was taken aback. It was only a few hours now, why did it suddenly become angry?

   Click to open, they are all about the treatment issues he said in the group, and some information about @他.

   "Big guy, what kind of major does the school recruit, do you want a PhD in literature?"

   "Brother, I am proficient in all 18 martial arts, and the annual salary should not be too high, 500,000 yuan is enough, okay?"

   "Old Chen, do you remember the night in Boston a year ago? We are comrades in the same trench. With this friendship, I will give you a discount. The annual salary is 450,000, okay?"

   Seeing the last ~www.readwn.com~Chen Hao's mouth twitched, what is it all, it's just a simple foot bath and massage in the bath city, how come this kind of remark in his mouth.

"Don't worry, everyone, for specific positions that need to be recruited, I will post an official website address. After reading it, if you are interested, you can contact our school's talent introduction office and submit the materials." After thinking about it, I typed a paragraph and posted it. Go to the relevant website.

   Chen Hao bubbling, causing an instantaneous increase in group news. In order to answer the question, it was difficult for him to continue walking, so he had to find a place to sit on the side.

   The reason why everyone is so enthusiastic is mainly because of the annual salary and the house!

  A house on Ludao started with three or four million yuan, plus 1.1 million yuan in relocation costs, which is half a ten million yuan worth of assets. Who is not interested?

   Now the society is too involuntary, and it's all involved in colleges and universities.

   Ten years ago, as long as you were a Ph.D. from a prestigious school, in addition to the top schools, as long as you return home, you can directly comment on the predecessor plan.

   And now?

   It’s good to have a faculty position. To put it awkwardly, the gap between doctors and doctors is much larger than the gap between humans and dogs. Some Ph.Ds can enter Tsinghua University and Peking University. Once they enter, they will be associate professors and even the dean.

   While entering 985 universities regularly, unless you hold a very good article in your hand, you have to start with three years of postdoctoral faculty, and then a lecturer who is either promoted or left for the next six years. As for the associate professor...it's even more difficult.

   Guanghua University is a lot worse than those 985 universities, but this is the salary. emmm, it's still very fragrant.


   I'm sick, I'm extremely bored, I haven't finished the code yet, I almost made it up during the day, alas.

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