I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 355: Crazy application behavior record

"A blockbuster produced by Dayu Studio of Guanghua University! Guanghua Security Center APP! Expert in big data security and protection! Are you still angry about the Bing Xixi incident? Are you still worried about the leakage of personal privacy information under big data? What are you waiting for? Hurry up and download this software! It is currently available on the four major mobile app stores of Huaxing, Rice, Popo and Vovo. Hey, let me show you the APP icon and the look inside the software! Picture.jpg "

Looking at the content of the post, Zheng Tianyu was taken aback for a while, raised his eyebrows, and looked at Shi Ze, "Yes, Aze, it looks like something is written."

Zheng Tianyu still supports Shi Ze's behavior. No matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat!

There are 20,000 students in the school anyway, so it's good to advertise.

Zhang Lei just finished writing his homework at this time. Seeing the two of them, he leaned forward and asked, "What are you two doing?"

"It's nothing, Aze posted a post on the forum to promote our anti-big data software." Zheng Tianyu still likes this old name, which is more vivid, but the name is easy to be misunderstood, so it was finally listed under the name of Security Center. .

"Come! Then you have to go to the forum to post a post!" When he mentioned this software, Zhang Lei was radiant. After all, he was also involved in the research and development, and was also his first finished project.

With that said, Zhang Lei directly picked up the phone and opened the school forum. As expected, he could see Shi Ze's post at a glance.

Click to open it, and in just a few minutes, there have been seven or eight replies.

2L: "Really? Isn't the studio just established? How come the finished product came out?"

3L: "I don't know if it's true or not, just passing by Bangding!"

4L: "I just searched it, I'm Cao, there really is! 6666, this icon is the school badge of our school, this operation is too awkward, I heard that the studio director is the principal? I guess it was the principal's idea! (manually funny

5L: "Cry, I am an Apple phone, I can't download it at all! Can the school develop an ios version?"

Looking at the reply on the fifth floor, Zhang Lei responded smoothly.

At Apple, when he was in the studio, the principal had already stated that he would not consider putting it on the Apple Store for the time being.

After returning to the post, Zhang Lei had a plan to make a living, and said to Zheng Tianyu, "Tianyu, you can't just post on the forum, you should also promote it in the school group!"

"Okay, then you go." Zheng Tianyu doesn't like this kind of time-wasting behavior, it is better to read more books and write more codes.

On the contrary, Zhang Lei was very concerned about this kind of thing, he did not learn from the eyes of Zheng Tianyu and Lu Zhou.

To him, he is a layman with a little ability.

Riches do not return to their hometowns, like a night walk in Jinyi!

If you don't install a pen, you will be struck by lightning!

Zhang Lei deliberately sent a message to the school’s three thousand people and the other two two thousand people, and because he was still the management of one of the groups, he used administrator privileges and directly @ all members.

Then, in the group of @ all members, the news was 99+ instantly, and the group began to discuss the Guanghua Security Center APP all at once.


At noon, in a building in Xuanwu District, Jinling City.

When it was time for the lunch break, Zhou Min hurriedly punched a card, then went to the company's cafeteria to finish the meal, and sat down by the window.

Not long after taking the seat, Zheng Ying, a colleague and best friend, sat opposite.

"Minmin, do you want to fight the king together after dinner?"

"Beat the king again...Don't you take a nap?" Zhou Min stopped eating, and replied with some speechlessness.

Zheng Ying is too addicted to the king, she is simply an internet addicted girl, and she plays gangster games whenever she has time.

"It's the new season! This season I must be the king," Zheng Ying, who is also a vegetable and loves to play, said stubbornly.

"You have been playing for three seasons, and you are still a diamond... Don't even think about the king." Zhou Min opened the game, but wanted to update, jumped to the app store, watched the update progress, suddenly frowned, "Yes. It needs to be updated, it's estimated to take half an hour."

"It's okay, just take a rest after dinner," Zheng Ying said dismissively.


Zhou Min thought that it was indeed like this, but when she clicked on the top left corner to return, she suddenly noticed the big banner on the homepage of the app store, and she was a little stunned.

"this is……"

"Guanghua Security Center? What is it?"

Zhou Min froze with his chopsticks, perhaps because he saw that the slogan was about personal privacy information security protection in the era of big data, he clicked on the software when he was curious.

Just opened it at one point and looked at the software icon at the top of the phone screen, which really surprised her.

"This, is this the school badge???"

Zhou Min stared roundly, confused.

The name is Guanghua Security Center. As a result, the icon of the software point is the school badge of Guanghua University...

Who actually came up with this?

It makes people powerless to complain!

Anyway, the size is not big, so I downloaded it directly.

The company WiFi was still extremely fast, and the download was completed in a short while.

While eating, with curiosity, Zhou Min clicked to open the software.

The operation of the software is very simple and easy to understand. A software produced by a school has 8 functional sections.

After looking at it, the function seems to be pretty good.

Turn on the demon mirror function.

Blank pass, open.


Almost without hesitation, Zhou Min turned on all the eight functions.

In the next minute after it is turned on, the [App Behavior Record] in the function has started to record.

[And Xixi read the application list-once allowed at 12:18]

[Also get mobile phone information-has returned to control information 6 times at 12:19]

[Read or write to the clipboard-Rejected 8 times at 12:20]

[Read and write photos and files on the device-275 rejections during 12:18-12:20]

Seeing the last one, Zhou Min opened his small mouth and looked incredulous.

In just two minutes, Qi Xixi tried to read the photos and files on her rice phone 275 times, but was refused.

And over time, these 275 times will increase more than one hundred times almost every minute.

This looks at Zhou Min's goose bumps all over~www.readwn.com~Does he still have privacy?

Look at other software, there are almost no exceptions!

The craziest thing is Qiandu. Why should a search engine obtain such authority? I kept reading in the background and refused to try.

As for Ali's Alipay, Fujisun's QQ, WeChat, and JD.com are the most rampant, and there is almost no stop on [App Behavior Record].

Zhou Min swallowed a group of saliva. In the past, he had never paid attention to the security of private information. I did not expect that such an investigation would be so dangerous!

There was this sympathy, and Shen You, who was walking with his girlfriend in a mobile phone store, was stunned when he saw a certain application on the phone.

"Wait, what software is this?"

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