I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 361: Let people breathe air-conditioning task!

The three ministries and commissions interviewed not only the Ali family, but also Qiandu and Bixixi who participated in the counterattack.

With this shot, the major bloggers directly pretended to be an ostrich.

What's the difference between black Guanghua at this time and hitting the muzzle directly?

The stock price of Alibaba, which was originally burnt down because of its Ant Group, fell directly this time.

The stock price of Chido and Minami Xixi did not hold. Instead, the stock price of Fujitsu, which did not participate in the second selection this time, should rise by 5 points in an instant!

Netizens were amazed that this guy Fujisun didn't do anything, and he became the final winner when he lay down?

No way, who will let Guanghua have no listed companies.

"The principal is ridiculous, no wonder you don't make a move, this is a big move when you make a move!"

"Those savvy netizens believe what they say when they read the news, and they actually believe that the Guanghua Security Center steals user data. Has this face been beaten and swollen?"

"Let me say that Brother Xiao Ma has the brain. I didn't participate in this matter from the beginning to the end. I kept myself out of the matter, so I was not affected by this incident."

"Call the headmaster crazy! What kind of celebrities are you still fans? From now on, the headmaster will be my idol, only the headmaster alone!"

Zheng Tianyu looked at the chat records in the school group and couldn't help but smile.

From the night before to this morning, no matter how badly Guanghua was blacked out, at least in the school, almost all students supported the school and the principal. Occasionally, a few clowns popping out to be sensational, they were so shocked that they didn't dare to appear.

"Interviews with the three ministries, this time Ari and the others are in big trouble!" Zheng Tianyu smiled, who would let them dare to do something to the school.

Zhang Lei and the others are also refreshed, and they have made them angry in the past two days.

Because some people on the Internet posted posts mocking Guanghua, Zhang Lei directly lined up with each other and sprayed them all night.

While the whole school was in joy, Chen Hao, as the principal, gave a wry smile.

"The elders have high hopes for you and Guanghua University, so you guys don't mess around and get the light core out!" Zhou Hanqing urged on the phone.

Chen Hao reluctantly said: "Uncle Zhou, the optical core can be developed when it is developed. It takes a cycle. I can only say that I will put more energy on the optical core in the near future."

"I don't care, anyway, don't delay it for too long. There are a lot of people staring at the optical core thing. I don't care about time!" Zhou Hanqing said meaningfully.

"What do you mean by this?" Chen Hao was taken aback, without understanding.

"Take care of yourself! Just leave it alone, Optical Core Optical Core! Don't forget!" Even at the last sentence, Zhou Hanqing would emphasize optical core again.

No way, he has been paying attention to the affairs of the Guanghua Security Center. Yesterday he called and cared about it, but Chen Hao was not in a hurry at all.

Good guy, this morning it was the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Central Cyberspace Administration of China, and the Internet Society.

Then... he received a message from the upper-level ~www.readwn.com~ and asked him to send a message to Chen Hao, and then he had this conversation.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Hao shook his head.

Before noon, got up and went to the Optical Core Research Center.

Optical Core Research Center.

"This experiment is done well, but the data is still not rigorous enough. Wen Yu, you will do a few more experiments in a few afternoons and take a look at the data at that time."

After Ren Honggang told Dai Wenyu several people, he turned around and saw a very surprised person, and said in surprise: "Principal Chen, why are you here?"

ps: I’m exhausted from the train tonight. I just got home. In order to keep my full attendance, I’ll wait for a while and then read it. I haven’t finished writing yet.

I'm really sorry for causing trouble to everyone!

…………Remember the website of this site, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu to enter this site

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