I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 371: Three. Zero version

"Hello principal!"


After greeted several classmates, Chen Hao continued to walk forward.

After walking for a while, the footsteps stopped.

Finally came to the destination.

Qingfeng Pavilion.

Located in the center of the Qiuzhen Lake of Guanghua University, it is taken from the poetic poet Su Shi's "Chibi Fu", "The breeze is coming slowly, but the water is not thriving".

The pavilion is quite clean, with no rubbish.

Guanghua’s students may not like to learn much, but the basic qualities are still okay.


As soon as Chen Hao sat down, a muffled thunder sounded from the sky above his head.

Looking out, gloomy dark clouds piled up on the microwave-sparkling lake, and the trees on both sides of the Qiuzhen Lake swayed from side to side in the sudden gust of wind.

"It's going to wind up." Chen Hao smiled slightly, letting his hair be blown up.

"It's raining!"

I don't know who shouted by the lake.

Several youthful figures ran in the rain like needles.

The rain and fog don't know when it will start, and it envelopes the lake. The closer you get to the center of the lake, the denser the fog.

"A hundred years have passed, if only gentlemen could see today's scene."

Sighs sounded in the pavilion.

It is now 2020, because a conversation with Professor Huang Hong in the morning reminded him of 1920, a hundred years ago.

In that special period of internal and external troubles, the two words that shrouded all intellectuals were "confused"!

Yangyang Huaxia, with a history of five thousand years, is no match for the artillery and solid ships of foreigners.

The warlords are divided, and mountains and rivers are broken.

Some people feel that this country is not saved, and they buy drunk with alcohol all day long, hoping that alcohol can make them forget everything; some people feel that they are still saved. Although this country is sick, it can be cured as long as you find medicine.

Some people with lofty ideals began to embark on the road of salvation in search of an antidote.


A bolt of lightning fell not far away, illuminating the surrounding scenery instantly.

It was just a light rain, but now it has turned into a violent storm.

This majestic rain seems to be washing something.

At this time, the cell phone rang.

Chen Hao knew who was calling, but he didn't get through. Instead, he got up and walked a few steps, on the bridge outside the pavilion.

The rain instantly wet Chen Hao's clothes.

The November rain was still a little cool, but he didn't feel it at all.

"A hundred years ago, today, would someone get the same rain as me?"


Guanghua Building, the principal's office.

"Principal, it will be fine if you wait for me there next time. It will be bad if you get sick!"

"I'm in good health, nothing serious, don't worry!"

Seeing Deng Hui nagging like an aunt, Chen Hao replied helplessly.

"Okay, I will definitely pay attention next time! You go out first, I have things to deal with here."

"Okay... Then I'll go out first. If you feel unwell, remember to tell me." Before Deng Hui finished speaking, he hesitated, and gently closed the door when he left.

"Why haven't I noticed that this girl has such a long-winded side before?" Chen Hao shook his head, his head really going to be said to be big.

I thought about it in the rain at Qingfeng Pavilion, and then went to the hotel on campus to take a shower and asked Deng Hui to bring his spare clothes in the office.

As a result, when Deng Hui came over, from the Guanghua Hotel to the office, her mouth did not stop on the way.

It was finally clean now, Chen Hao spread out the notebook on the table, picked up the pen, and wrote while thinking.

"Guanghua University Education Reform 3.0 Version."

Reform is a university question. How can it be done all at once? Even he himself crossed the river by feeling the stones, consulting some senior educators and formulating reform measures.

"1. Re-planning of faculties and departments."

Chen Hao thought for a while, and Zheng Qiang's faculties were not mature before. If you want to get general education, then any discipline will do.

There is a difference between training all-rounders and specialists.

Chen Hao's eyes were determined, and he looked out the window and said in a low voice:

"Professor Huang Hong really reminded me that as long as it is a student of our Guanghua, the school will not give up any eager student!"

For example, the support teacher should be serious about every student, not just to find a certain talent.

He was a little bit **** before.

Like the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University, although each college had strengths and weaknesses in the past, each college was very leathery.

But Chen Hao is now tossing, the weak will not change, in the future it will be the Guanghua College who will die together, and the other colleges will be more ordinary.

"If the whole school has general education, then the number of people must be controlled..." Chen Hao had a headache thinking of this.

There are too many people in Huaxia University. As long as it is a school with more than two books, there are generally about 20,000 people.

The more prestigious the school, the greater the number.

Peking University has 14,465 undergraduates, 10031 masters, and 5088 doctoral students.

Tsinghua University has 14,000 undergraduates, 14,000 masters, and 7,000 doctoral students.

And Harvard University has more than 6,699 undergraduates, and more than 13,120 master and doctoral students.

MIT has 4,602 undergraduates and 6,972 postgraduates.

Stanford University has 7,083 undergraduates and 9,437 postgraduates.

The problem can be clearly seen from the comparison of famous universities at home and abroad.

According to the student-teacher ratio of 10:1.

For 10,000 students, 1,000 teachers are required; for 50,000 students, 5,000 teachers are required.

The more students there are, the more university teachers are needed. However, many domestic universities only expand their enrollment but fail to keep up with the teachers, which leads to a decline in teaching standards.

A student-teacher ratio of 10 is a healthy ratio. The lower it is, the more beneficial it is to students, and the higher it is, the more harmful it is to students.

Chen Hao pondered for a moment, then thought about it.

"The number of students is best controlled at about 20,000, with 10,000 for undergraduates and 10,000 for graduate students."

But at the moment the number of graduate students is too low, with only a few hundred students... At least the focus of the current three years is undergraduates.

"2. De-bureaucratize and improve efficiency!" Chen Hao wrote seriously.

Sometimes you want to go through a procedure that requires several departments to pass it, and sometimes the administration is too involved in scientific research, and there are some papers leaders that link the corresponding author, the first author and other operations.

"Procedures must be streamlined! Professionals should do it! Strictly crack down on academic corruption!" Chen Hao wrote.

Guanghua University is different from other universities. This is a private university. He is the chairman of the board. If he wants to reform, he will reform. If he doesn't want to, he will get out.

"3. General education of the whole school, expansion of full-time teachers!"

Chen Hao couldn't help but gritted his teeth, and sighed: "In terms of salary and treatment, this expenditure will not be a small figure in the future!"

According to the student-teacher ratio of 10:1, Guanghua University has 20,000 students and 2,000 teachers.

The salary offered by Guanghua is not low, especially for the two talent programs of Guanghua Youth and Guanghua Scholars, which are even higher. When accumulated together, the number of expenditures to be spent in a year can be calculated as "100 million".

"Fortunately, there is still a photon screen at ~www.readwn.com~ Chen Hao shook his head. Without these new technologies, even those industries left by his grandfather would not be able to withstand such a toss.


After one hour.

After writing a full six points, the entire reform plan has also been written.

"As expected, I wrote it. The needle doesn't poke!" Looking at the contents of the notebook, Chen Hao nodded in satisfaction.

Thinking of Zheng Qiang who had asked for leave to go back, Chen Hao was a little lonely, and the only person discussing was not there.

"Old Zheng, come back soon!"

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