I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 392: Thesis Award Scheme

"Elbow, did you succeed?!" Jing Ming, as a roommate, was so excited that he couldn't help but burst out after seeing the English on Lu Zhou's computer screen.


Although his English level is not very good, but the word still knows the Chinese meaning, it means that the paper submission has been accepted.

"Shhh, keep it quiet."

Because Jing Ming's roar just now almost attracted the dissatisfaction of other students in the entire study room, Lu Zhou hurriedly pulled him.

Only then did Jing Ming react, with an awkward expression on his face.

Then he shrank his head and shook Lu Zhou's shoulders a little excitedly, lowered his voice and excitedly said: "Elbow, this is a SCI area paper!"

As a scumbag, he didn't know what SCI, what is the first district and second district, etc., but there is a student Lu Zhou in the dormitory, and even the whole dormitory knows a little about study and papers. .

But sometimes, the more ignorant you are, the happier you are.

The more you know, the more you know how big the gap between people is!

Although the level of "AdvanceInMathematics" journals has declined, it is also the third-tier paper in the field of mathematics, with SCI in the first district and the Chinese Academy of Sciences in the second district!

And what about Lu Zhou? Just a sophomore undergraduate...

Jing Ming watched Lu Zhou sourly, he was extremely envious. Isn't this the protagonist template in the novel?

"Elbow, how can I become as strong as you? Oh, I envy you!"


Lu Zhou muttered, then shook his head and said, "I am so strong. When will I be able to publish papers in the four major mathematics journals, then it will be strong."

Although his mouth and face were very calm, he could still see through Lu Zhou's eyes that this incident was also a very pleasing thing to him.

After all, it is his first SCI paper!

Jingming directly petrified after hearing Lu Zhou's words.

Does this speak human words? !

Jingming rolled his eyes and asked the other roommate directly: "Old Xu, did you hear the elbow just now? Is this what someone said?!!!"

"I heard, this is probably the gap between the great **** and our mortals!" The other roommate only felt that he had become a lemon essence, it was too Versailles.

"Listen, Old Xu said the same." Jing Ming was more worried about this matter than Lu Zhou, and directly suggested, "Elbow, you have passed the review, hurry up and apply for the reimbursement of the page fee and the paper bonus. Bar!"

"Well, I know this. I'll do it after class is over in the afternoon." Lu Zhou looked at Jingming's appearance and guessed the reason, probably still thinking about the big meal.

"Don't worry, your feast must be indispensable."

"Hehe, then I started looking forward to it." Jingming smiled, and quickly took out his mobile phone to share the joy in the WeChat dormitory group.

"I'm going to make a call." Lu Zhou got up and walked to the stairs of the library.

You have to pay attention to the volume inside the library, it is not convenient to make a phone call, you can only go to the corridor.

Lu Zhou first called Professor Li Yong.

"Lu Zhou, what's the matter?" Professor Li Yong asked curiously after the connection was made.

After getting along for a while, Professor Li Yong has learned more about Lu Zhou's character as he knows it.

"Professor Li, my paper has been accepted!" Even though Lu Zhou lowered his inner excitement, the raised corners of his mouth still betrayed his mood.

"Not bad, not bad, just keep working hard." Professor Li Yong encouraged with a smile.

But Lu Zhou was a little depressed, and couldn't help asking: "Professor, this journal is in the SCI area!"

Why can't I feel the joy of Professor Li Yong?

"What's going on in District One?" Li Yong chuckled, "Isn't this easy for you?"

"If you keep working hard, I believe you will not be too far away from the Big Four." Professor Li Yong on the other end of the phone raised his mouth. He knew what Lu Zhou wanted him to say, but he just didn't say it.

"Um, you are right, I will work hard and strive to be the Big Four as soon as possible."

"En, come on."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Zhou was a little disappointed, and the look of expectation in his eyes dimmed a lot.

As if thinking of something, Lu Zhou suddenly raised his spirits and dialed another phone call.


In a small meeting room in Guanghua Building.

The space inside is not large, it can accommodate about a dozen people.

Chen Hao opened the door and walked in, turning on the lights by the way.

As soon as I sat down, there was a call from my cell phone.

It's just that when he saw the caller's name, he was immediately curious.

"Hey, Lu Zhou, what's the matter?"

I just saw it when I was eating at noon. How long have we been apart? Why did you still call? Could it be that something happened?

Thinking of this possibility, Chen Hao's back straightened instantly, waiting intently for Lu Zhou's Xia's words.

"Principal, nothing big."

Lu Zhou paused while speaking, and then said: "That's it, but there is good news to tell the principal."

"Good news, what is it?" Chen Hao moved his eyebrows and smiled on his face. "I guess it was because the paper was accepted for publication, right?"

Chen Hao smiled and asked, "Which periodical?"

Lu Zhou in the corridor of the library was really stunned in an instant. Why did the principal guess it?

"It's "AdvanceInMathematics", IF has 1.4." Lu Zhou hesitated, then added, "It was approved this morning."

In the meeting room, Chen Hao really showed an aunt's smile, and he couldn't imagine that Lu Zhou still looked like this when he was devoted to studying. It was strange and cute.

"Well, it's pretty good. It's an introduction. It's like showing a face in front of colleagues in the international mathematics circle. In the future, I will write a few more powerful papers and vote on the top four mathematics, which can also win honor for our school. "Chen Hao said encouragingly.

But Lu Zhou was still a little depressed.

The corner of his mouth twitched, and after thinking about it, he asked, "Principal, why aren't you surprised?"

"What's the accident?"


"Isn't publishing a paper easy for you Lu Zhou?"

Lu Zhou didn't want to talk anymore!

Everyone thinks that this is a matter of course. Doesn't anyone know that he also spent a lot of effort to write this paper.

But for two whole weeks!

"Um, what you said the principal is that I will continue to work hard."

Lu Zhou took a deep breath, and after saying goodbye, the conversation was over.

As for Chen Hao looking at this call log, he couldn't help laughing.

"I really didn't expect Classmate Lu Zhou to be so cute!"

When Lu Zhou fought over, Chen Hao noticed something wrong.

The tone of the other party's speech was obviously much lighter than that at noon, and it seemed that something pleasant had happened.

Chen Hao, he really did not expect that a classmate of Lu Zhou who only knew how to study would be excited because he published SCI for the first time.

Although Lu Zhou did not clearly express anything during the call, the smell was obvious.

"I published an SCI area one paper, please praise me!"

According to Lu Zhou's potential, it is not a problem to win the world's four major mathematics journals in less than a year or two.

After all, he is still a young man, and his first publication in an internationally renowned journal will also make him lose his steadiness. However, it is precisely this that makes Lu Zhou look more like a normal person than a learning robot.

After all, people have seven emotions and six desires, and they can be happy and sad.


At this time, the door of the conference room was pushed open, and Vice President Zheng Qiang walked in.

When he walked over, Zheng Qiang noticed Chen Hao with a smile on his face. Did he miss something interesting?

"Principal, why are you smiling so happily?"

"Hahaha, it's nothing, it's the classmate Lu Zhou who I mentioned to you before, just called..." Chen Hao explained with a smile.

After he finished speaking, Zheng Qiang also laughed. It seems that because Chen Hao's words touched some of his past, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion:

"Lu Zhou has a very good mind. After all, this is an SCI paper! I still remember that the first time I published a paper and passed it, I was so excited that I took my roommate to the food stall outside the school. The skewer of the lodging."

Listening to Zheng Qiang's words, Chen Hao reduced the smile on his face and began to remember.

"I'm okay, I also published the first paper in my sophomore year like Lu Zhou. The IF is not high, and it seems to be 9.5."

Chen Hao shook his head as he spoke, frowned, and continued with some dissatisfaction, "In my published paper, the IF is less than 10, which is considered my dark history."


Zheng Qiang, who was drinking water, was almost choked by Chen Hao's words, his face flushed and he coughed a little bit badly.

Upon seeing this, Chen Hao quickly walked to Zheng Qiang and patted the back.

Some complained: "Old Zheng, what's the matter with you, can you choke with a drink of water?"

"Ah...I...I'm fine."

Coming slowly, Zheng Qiang waved his hand to Chen Hao, adjusted the position of the glasses he was wearing, and glanced at Chen Hao. He seemed to have something to say, but he held back.

Chen Hao looked a little uncomfortable, and couldn't help asking: "Old Zheng, just say anything if you have anything to say. Here are the two of us."

Zheng Qiang hesitated, then coughed twice, and smiled at Chen Hao: "Principal, what you just said, do you know how much Versailles is?"

What is the black history in the published paper, that is, the IF is lower than 10? ? ?

How many journals have an impact factor higher than 10?

Although the paper published by Lu Zhou is ranked first in the SCI, its impact factor is only 1.4.

This comparison... Fortunately, Lu Zhou is not in the meeting room and did not hear what the principal said just now, otherwise he would be hit hard...

"Has Versailles?" Chen Hao was taken aback, and then he said lightly, "I'm just telling the facts. Besides, writing a paper is not that difficult, right? Except for CNS, I think for ordinary SCI papers It's just written out briefly."

Zheng Qiang: "..."

He felt a little heartbroken.

I don't know why, Zheng Qiang feels that the image of the principal and a famous graduate of Peking University with the surname are somewhat overlapped?

He waved his hand, no longer wanting to struggle with this issue.

"Principal, let's get to the main topic, let's talk about this thesis award plan."

"Well, yes."

Chen Hao's interest just got hooked, but Zheng Qiang had changed the subject, and he had to end it with some regret.

Speaking of business affairs, Chen Hao had a straight face and said seriously: "That's it, in order to attract more talents to join Guanghua and increase the enthusiasm of our students, teachers and researchers at Guanghua, I think we have come up with a thesis award plan! "

It’s not uncommon for schools to issue SCI papers and give bonuses to schools. Many schools are doing this.

For example, a scientific research performance award document issued by the Northwest Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has attracted attention online. It is mentioned in the article that high-impact papers will be rewarded. Those who publish in "Nature" and "Science" will be rewarded 1 million yuan each, and those who publish in their sub-journals will be rewarded 500,000 yuan each.

Shanghai Jiaotong University, a Science or Nature, award 2 million.

Chongqing University, a Nature/Science/Cell, award 600,000 yuan;

Shenzhen University must be mentioned here. As a well-funded Shenzhen University, it is also generous in scientific research performance rewards.

A reward of 500,000 for an article on Nature, Science, and Cell is nothing, but the sub-journals of the CNS are rewarded with a reward of 100,000, with an impact factor of 10-20, a reward of 50,000 yuan for an article, and a reward of 20,000 yuan for each article with an impact factor of 10 or less. .

The current scientific research evaluation system uses SCI as an evaluation index to measure the achievements of universities and scientific research units, leading to the use of SCI papers to discuss heroes.

Although the assessment produced by SCI may cause many professors to write some worthless papers to receive rewards, this is the most direct and effective assessment standard.

"Thesis award? But the principal, the Ministry of Science and Technology only issued a document a few months ago, but now this kind of award behavior is prohibited." Zheng Qiang said with a wry smile.

Just a few months ago, the Ministry of Science and Technology issued a notice on "Several Measures to Eliminate the Bad Orientation of "Thesis Only" in Science and Technology Evaluation (Trial. Among them, Article 8 stipulates that “it is not allowed to use the special funds of national science and technology plan projects to reward the publication of papers. For those who violate the regulations, the reward funds and related project balance funds shall be recovered.”

In addition, Article 9 stipulates that “relevant universities, scientific research institutes, etc. that have poor implementation, serious "paper-only" problems, or rewarded papers for publication shall be dealt with by means of interviews, notifications and criticisms, etc., and rectification shall be ordered, and the rectification period shall be suspended. The special fund of the National Science and Technology Plan is the funding for the publication of the unit’s papers."

After these two items came down, the thesis incentive plan was beaten to death. Many universities and research institutes occasionally stopped issuing thesis awards.

Chen Hao just smiled at what Zheng Qiang said.

"Old Zheng, this document of the Ministry of Science and Technology says that it is not allowed to use state funds to issue thesis awards, but we are a private university, and the issue of thesis awards is my private funds. This document does not control us."

Zheng Qiang directly slapped his thigh, and exclaimed: "Yes, our Guanghua doesn't live on state funding, so we will have no problem issuing paper awards!"

Zheng Qiang is really excited now!

"Principal, this trick is absolutely amazing! It will definitely attract a lot of talents!" Zheng Qiang's eyes are shining. He can already predict that after the school's official website announces the launch of the thesis award program, many domestic scientific researchers will definitely be moved.

Now the domestic colleges and universities are not rewarding, but Guanghua University has suddenly emerged, which is simply too dazzling!

Which other private universities dare to learn? Public universities dare to do this because they have state funding. Private universities run schools for profit, and they would never do such a foolish thing.

Seeing Zheng Qiang's appearance, I don't know why Chen Hao felt sour and couldn't help sighing.

"Our domestic scientific research environment is relatively poor. Those who don’t do scientific research may already have cars, houses, and children, and live happily. Those who do scientific research have nothing to do, and even the living expenses have to reach out to family members. How embarrassed people are...

Besides ~www.readwn.com~ Researchers are not humans? To adopt parents, fall in love, buy a car after graduation, buy a house, marry a wife and so on. "

Chen Hao said with a loud voice and firm eyes: "You can't talk about dedication and feelings to scientific research workers every day! If you don't reward money, can you give verbal praise?"

"Atomic bombers are worse than selling tea eggs. This behavior must be eliminated! I can't control other schools, but the scientific researchers at Guanghua University must allow them to worry about food and clothing, and be able to devote themselves to scientific research!"


Zheng Qiang applauded from the bottom of his heart. Guanghua University is a private university. The principal is a scientist who generously helped himself to the school!

This is not a small number, how many people can do it!

He Zheng Qiang really convinced the principal!

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