I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 396: Should scientists be poor for a lifetime?

The author has an episode of procrastination, has not finished writing, is writing, don't read it, wait for 1 o'clock to refresh the next chapter and read again...


The author has an episode of procrastination, has not finished writing, is writing, don't read it, wait for 1 o'clock to refresh the next chapter and read again...


Li Chao is a PhD in biology. After graduation, he worked as a lecturer in a good university in Rongcheng. After class, he also picked up a popular science account through Douyin. Now he has reached more than 20 million likes and 950,000 fans.

The main job is university teachers, the salary is not high, but it is decent. As for the side job Douyin bloggers, relying on millions of fans to post a few advertisements every month can also make a lot of money.

There are houses and cars, wives and children, it seems to be very happy.

But he has been in a bad mood recently.

The university he worked for had a bonus for dissemination before, and after two years of hard work, he finally issued an SCI paper with an impact factor of 6.2. As a result, the school bonus was cancelled and only a symbolic comfort payment was given.

This makes him mad!

Nowadays, colleges and universities like to talk about "promote or leave", and they have set a lot of assessment requirements for green peppers. It was good before. At least there was a bonus when sending SCI papers. Now it is asking you to send papers, and there is no money for sending them. take.

In addition, his Douyin account has become more homogenized due to recent videos. Not only has the number of fans not increased, but it has also fallen by tens of thousands.

The two things added together made his mood exceptionally bad.

When I saw the new Guanghua University document in front of me, a layer of haze quietly shrouded Li Chao's face.

"Isn't Guanghua just a broken private university? It's great to have money?!"

Li Chao was very upset. If his SCI paper was published in Guanghua University, it would earn a bonus of 60,000 yuan if it scores 10 points according to the IF!

However, this 60,000 yuan has nothing to do with him.

He doesn't have this fate, but other people have it!

br/>It is impossible for him to give up his faculty at a public university and go to Guanghua University, but others will definitely be moved.

"Why don't we publish papers without bonus, they can have it?!"

"I disagree!"

The bloodshot eyes of Li Chao began to spread, and he clenched his teeth, because the strong friction between the upper and lower teeth was accompanied by a "sizzling" sound.

"Can't let this paper award plan of Guanghua University be implemented!" He took a deep breath, his chest was undulating, his expression was a little exaggerated, his voice almost suppressed his voice.

He doesn't have a bonus for thesis, so why can others have it? !

"We must find a way to make Guanghua University stinky!"

At this time, Li Chao's inspiration flashed, thinking of his nearly one million fan vibrato, his face gradually showed a perverted smile.


Although it was night, Li Chao didn't feel tired at all. In response to the notice just issued by Guanghua University, Li Chao wrote a copy with great energy.

Looking at a few pages of text on the computer screen~www.readwn.com~ Li Chao nodded in satisfaction.

Then I adjusted the camera, and after changing into another outfit, I was sitting in front of the camera and started video recording.

"A two million yuan bonus for a paper? The Chinese academic community will be ruined by this new measure of Guanghua University!"



3. The general education system of American universities (different schools have different classifications, but basically covers all the following subdivisions), divided into 8 categories and more than subcategories: Western cultural studies, mainly involving European and American cultures and historical minorities, non-Western cultures Cultural studies mainly involve the study of ethnic minorities in Asia, Africa, Oceania, South America, American Indians, African Americans, and non-"European and American mainstream cultures." Writing, mainly teaches the basic outline of university academic writing, including how to make an argument, cite evidence, collect evidence, argument, conclusion, etc. Professional writing, mainly teaches more advanced writing skills, usually combined with professional courses, to improve students' search in professional fields, reading documents, summarizing and expressing self-remembering the website of this site, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu to enter this site

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