I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 403: High-level academic conference?

Perhaps many media have forgotten the principles taught by their teachers when they were in college.

The young and vigorous who first entered the society, until the edges and corners were smoothed by reality.

What is real?

Even what you see with your own eyes is not necessarily true. How can you talk about news that has been processed and processed twice or even three times?

For Ma Xiaoxiao and the others.

The flow is real, and the red banknotes in hand are also real.

But there is one more important thing, and that is to be alive!

Only by living can you feel these truths.

Today, she will teach each other a truth.

"Editor in chief, you said."

Xiao Wang was stunned for a moment, scratching his head and still didn't understand.

"Flow is important, but you must have the ability to get it."

Ma Xiaoxiao sighed and said with some regret:

"Guanghua University's move is invincible, and if you want to mess with Guanghua without evidence, it would be unlucky!"

"Unlucky? Not so?" Xiao Wang didn't believe it.

"The President Chen of Guanghua University is not an ordinary person. The most important thing is that the energy behind the other party is too great. Whoever touches this porcelain will die!" Ma Xiaoxiao said in a deep voice.

Don't think Guanghua University is a private university, but this school is not a concept with other private universities.

Chen Hao, the president of Guanghua University, has the energy behind his whole body.

This time Guanghua University tossed out the thesis award plan, except for the self-media and the publicly known big V unscrupulously sprayed, the vast majority of the media either pretended to be blind and did not see it, or pretended to be a Chinese customer to report, anyway, they dare not guide public opinion.

In the final analysis, the Beijing News is also bullying the soft and fearing hard local goods. Knowing that Guanghua University is not easy to provoke, it is good to say that it is good to rub the other party's traffic. If they want to go up and touch porcelain, things will happen!

"How much energy is it?"

Xiao Wang was really frightened by Ma Xiaoxiao's words, his face instantly turned pale, and he didn't dare to breathe, but the curiosity in his heart was like being scratched by the soles of his feet, itching fiercely.

Ma Xiaoxiao glanced at each other, "Do you think the elder of Hu province is great?"

"Great Elder... of course this is amazing!" Xiao Wang swallowed hard. If it is the Great Elder, then it is no wonder Guanghua University is so arrogant.

"This is just for the face!"

Ma Xiaoxiao pursed his mouth, looked around, and then said to Xiao Wang, "Which city do you think we are in?"

"The capital!" Xiao Wang was still a little confused after answering.

His head was down for a moment, and then he reacted, his eyes were shocked, and it directly turned into a stutter.

"Difficult, could it be..."

This is a content that will be 404 if you say it, and Ma Xiaoxiao can only remind the other party in this way.

However, compared with the silence of these media reporters, there are always some self-media confidently believe that:

If Guanghua University’s thesis award program this time is a flow vent, then they are the pigs that can stand on the vent and take off.

No one knows whether he can take off or not, but it is very appropriate to describe himself as a pig.


Tianfu Province, Rongcheng.


A rustling voice sounded in the room.

In the almost dark room, there is no light on, only the layout inside is not clear, only the light from the computer barely drives away part of the panic and brings a trace of light.

In front of the computer fluorescent, there was a face with bloodshot eyes and a face that was so gloomy that he could star in a horror movie.

The mouth was closed tightly, and the outer lips kept squirming, seeming to be chewing on something unpalatable.

"Why is this!"

This voice was almost squeezed from between Li Chao's teeth.

He looked bitterly at a picture found on the computer screen.

A young man, wearing a piece of clothing that can't see the brand logo, but his inner temperament is still difficult to conceal.

Especially that heroic face, the kind that any woman would scream when she saw it.

"Chen, you're waiting! I'll take revenge!" Li Chao stared at the picture, biting his lips, until a trace of blood oozes, then let go.

The development of the matter was a bit beyond his control.

The Douyin response sent by Chen Hao was very popular, with more than 5 million likes, and it went straight to the top of the Douyin Hot List. During the same period, Weibo and Zhihu were also affected.

Therefore, Li Chao not only wrote the manuscript, but also cut the video to respond to the other party.

Just like this, as the storm intensified, he was also involved.

Last night, Chengdu University of Technology Fang interviewed him overnight, treated him coldly, stopped his class, and asked him to go home and reflect on it for a few months.

In fact, this action can also be regarded as a protective measure. You can avoid the limelight for a few months. After the heat passes, you can go back to school and continue classes?

However, Li Chao, who was named diss by Chen Hao, was blinded by anger, and only felt that the school was trying to kill the donkey.

Simply no matter what the school leaders planned to deal with him, after returning home, the family didn't care, so they locked themselves in the study.

Today, he wants to let the other party know what is the power of fans!

Look at the time in the lower right corner of the computer from 09:59 to 10:00.

Li Chao moved!

The same message appeared in a group of several 2000 people in an instant.

"Time is up, let's start! @All members"

In the past two days, he has not been idle. Through the two platforms of Douyin and Weibo, he has gathered his fans and passers-by fans who are dissatisfied with Guanghua University this time.

Just a large group of 2,000 people built several!

What's the point of slapstick?

He is going to do what a "man" should do!

That is: report!

Li Chao felt that Guanghua University’s move was still a bit of a sidekick, so he decided to report it collectively.

Regardless of whether the Ministry of Science and Technology related to the thesis bonus is the Ministry of Education in charge of university education, even the State Administration of Taxation has not let it go.

After all, in addition to the identity of the principal, the other party also owns many companies.

Li Chao does not believe in evil!

He doesn't believe that it can do such a big business, and there is no tax evasion!

Regardless of the three seven twenty one, report it first! Anyway, when the time comes, check it out and you will be able to find out the problem!

Only after he sent the message.

There was a sudden noise from the door of my house.

During this time, the child was at school and his wife went to work. He was the only one left at home.

The knock on the door did not stop, even Li Chao in the study could hear it.

This "dongdong" knock on the door was almost like a reminder, and Li Chao became even more annoyed when he heard it.

When he got up, he kicked the aluminum can of beer next to him, and there was a crisp sound.

The study door opened and crossed the hall.

When Li Chao came to the gate, Maoyan didn't feel in the mood to look, and the door opened directly.

Two valiant men in police uniforms appeared in front of him.

"Hello, we are from the Chengdu Municipal Bureau. You are suspected of being XXXXXX, please come with us."

Just half an hour after Li Chao was taken away.

Several QQ groups were blocked instantly ~www.readwn.com~ Some accounts even received reminder text messages from the Public Security Bureau.

The turmoil against Chen Hao has disappeared before it takes shape.

It's just that Chen Hao doesn't know all of this, his figure is appearing in the laboratory of lactide technology.

The expression was pretending to be relaxed, but the corner of his eyes kept falling on someone.

The newly obtained lactide synthesis process experience book, this time is the time to start!

"System, use lactide synthesis process experience book!"

【Please select the target! 】

Chen Hao took a deep breath, as if he had made a major decision, and said without any doubt:

"Target: Chen Chong!"

ps: Ask for recommended tickets, ask for monthly tickets! ! ! Remember the website of this site, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu to enter this site

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