I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 413: What is the difference between internal volume and hard work?

  Chapter 414 What is the difference between internal scrolling and hard work?

  In the teacher's lounge in the teaching building of the School of Humanities.

  Shen Youchu was originally a student of the School of Humanities of Guanghua University. After graduating this year, he became an honorable teaching assistant of this school. His current task is to assist Professor Huang Hong's lecture teaching. (Too lazy to think about the name)

  Professor Huang Hong came early, and his personality was very kind. The two chatted for a while in the lounge.

   "Little Shen, it's not a good job to be a teaching assistant. Do you have any plans in the future?"

Huang Hong looked at Shen Youchu's eyes with some kindness. As the name suggests, Shen Youchu's appearance gives people a lovely and moving feeling. His skin is not only fair but also tender and smooth. He wants to pinch it when he looks at it. The wind blows under the bangs. Bright eyes, just look at each other as if the mind will be captured.

Listening to Professor Huang Hong’s words, Shen Youchu’s eyes were a little gloomy, and his nose twitched, “Originally, I planned to be an on-the-job graduate student at the same time as a teaching assistant, and then I could be a lecturer in school after the graduate student graduated, but it’s not so good now. I do not know either……"

  General university teaching assistants are all graduate students led by the professor of this course, or the junior and senior schools of this school, there are also non-students specially recruited, but not too many.

  Shen Youchu belongs to the latter, a full-time teaching assistant at Guanghua University.

Originally, it was fine to proceed according to her plan. In the past, the lecturer of Guanghua University could serve as long as a master's degree, but now... after President Chen took office, the school has improved and other requirements are also different from the past. .

  Master can be a lecturer is history.

"On-the-job graduate students are required to improve their academic qualifications when they have entered a good unit. I suggest you to study a full-time graduate student. If you have the opportunity in the future, it is best to study for a Ph.D." Professor Huang Hong pondered. Persuade.

   "But now it's so inbound, the postgraduate entrance examination is not very good." Shen Youchu scratched his head and replied somewhat blankly.

  Now the number of postgraduate entrance examinations is increasing year by year. It is basically useless if you don't take a 985 or 211 university, and the promotion of double non-examination is limited.

   "That's not necessarily true, I think the chance is already at your feet." Professor Huang Hong smiled at Shen Youchu.

   "Under your feet?"

  Shen Youchu was taken aback, looked at her feet somewhat silly, and then reacted, Cherry's mouth widened and her eyes widened.

   "Professor Huang, did you say that you want me to take the postgraduate examination of this school?"

  This really surprised her. What she considered before was a part-time graduate student at Sagishima University, even if she took the full-time exam, she never considered our school!

  After all...not to mention a second university, even if it is a university, unless it is a small number of schools, the benefits of a graduate school are very limited.

   "Yes, it is the postgraduate examination of this school."

  Professor Huang Hong glanced out the window. Although the weather is gloomy, the Nanyang-like characteristic architecture still attracts attention.

  She smiled deeply and said: “I have a hunch that Guanghua University will take off soon. After a few years, Guanghua’s graduate students will not be able to take the exam.”

  Shen Youchu blinked. Although he didn't say anything, he didn't believe it.

  In recent years, Guanghua’s enrollment for graduate students has not only fallen sharply, but also has not been able to accept transfers every year. Even if the school is getting better and better under the leadership of Principal Chen, how can the postgraduate area change so much?

  Huang Hong knew what the other party was thinking, but he just smiled without saying a word. The opportunity is for those who are prepared. Don’t just listen to what stands at the air vent and the pig can take off. However, how many people passed the air vent but failed to stop?

   "Time is almost here, we should go to the classroom too."

  Shen Youchu nodded, and hurriedly followed Professor Huang Hong. The two quickly arrived at the 103 lecture hall.

  As soon as he joined the teacher, Shen Youchu’s mouth was surprised and turned into an "O" shape.

  Compared to last week's lecture, this time it can be said that there are no empty seats!

   Sweeping my line of sight, I basically couldn't see the empty place. The most frightening thing was that there was a steady stream of students pouring in from outside the classroom.

  "Professor Huang, this, this..." For a while, Shen Youchu's brain short-circuited, and Xiao Meng Xin, who had just been working for less than half a year, was a little flustered at this scene.

   "Don't panic, I am here."

  Professor Huang Hong patted Shen Youchu's back lightly, and said Wen Sheng.

  Shen Youchu, who was standing by the side, also had a backbone in an instant, and the panic in his heart dissipated a lot.

  The noisy classroom suddenly disappeared when Professor Huang Hong walked onto the podium, and there was no sound.

  As for the reason...

   because the principal appeared at the door of the classroom.

  For Principal Chen, Guanghua’s students all admire him very much. After all, the reason for the school's ups and downs is because of this man.

  After all, most of the students who voluntarily come to listen to this lecture are more active students.

  Chen Hao gave Professor Huang Hong a friendly look on his face, nodded, and sat directly on the seat reserved for him in the first row.

  With Chen Hao's pressure, almost no one in the entire classroom dared to make noise.

  Professor Huang Hong also entered the state, turned around and wrote a line on the blackboard.

  【The difficulties and choices faced by contemporary Chinese college students. 】

  This title is very big, and the students below look a little confused.

Professor Huang Hong took two steps to the podium, looked at the crowd with a smile, and said: "What is the predicament facing contemporary Chinese college students? How to face and choose under this predicament? This is the second part of the series of lectures. The subject of the title may be a bit big. Let me ask you a question first."

  You should be familiar with the term "internal scroll", right? The first question I want to ask is: What is the difference between scrolling and hard work? "

  Professor Huang Hong looked around the crowd with some expectation, and said with a warm smile: “Students can raise their hands to speak. Today is not a rigorous academic forum. It is just a family gathering. Let everyone open their hearts and simply chat.”

  Introduction everyone knows what it means, and it’s easier to work hard.

  But what is the difference between scrolling and hard work?

  This is the first time I have heard of this question, and many people also have a question in their hearts. What are the connections and differences?

  Chen Hao heard a smile on his face, and was full of expectations for the content behind this lecture, and it was indeed the original "Yellow Rainbow" style!

  At the beginning of a conversation with Professor Huang Hong, Chen Hao was impressed by the other party.

  Inviting Professor Huang Hong over to give lectures is to bring a gust of wind to Guanghua University.

  A spring breeze of "reform"!

  Change the decadence of the past and get rid of the confusion of today!

  Two minutes later, a female student sitting in the front row raised her hand.

  After Huang Hong nodded, the girl in a plain white dress stood up.

  "Hello Professor Huang, I think the difference between rolling and hard work is like a cake. The former is to make the cake smaller and smaller, and the latter is to make the cake bigger and bigger. This is my understanding."

  After the girl sat down, Professor Huang Hong first cast a complimenting look at the girl in the white skirt, and then leisurely said:

  "First of all, praise this classmate. The statement is good and basically correct. Then I will explain in detail the difference between internal scrolling and hard work."

  "Effort is an act, and involution is a phenomenon. At the same time, involution is also the inevitable evolution of biology. If you understand it in a more general way, you can look at it this way."

  "Efforts: 100 yuan for every 100 bags of bricks moved, the more you move, the more you get, and the ceiling is not capped.

  Inner volume: Every day the top 10% of the bricks moved will get 100 yuan, the following will decrease in order, and the last 10% will be eliminated. "

  “In both modes, workers seem to earn more as they work hard, but the difference lies in:

  In the first mode, you can get 1,000 yuan for moving 1,000 bags of bricks. Workers can make the cake bigger together, and then share the cake with the boss;

  In the second mode, moving 1,000 bags of bricks can only get a maximum of 100 yuan. The workers compete with each other for ranking, but the total amount of cakes allocated is constant. The more the workers work hard, the more cakes they create will eventually belong to the boss. "

  Professor Huang Hong finished these words quite heavily, and then turned around and wrote a key word on the blackboard: "Lying flat".

  "Modern society is getting more and more involved. Some young people say: Oh, then I can't do them, and I don't want to follow them again. Can I lie flat?"

  "Next, I will tell you about the lying-flat phenomenon that breeds under involution, and how your generation of college students should face the increasingly introverted society and what role you should play..."

  The entire lecture hall, one person on the stage, four to five hundred students and some teachers under the stage.

   But only one voice echoed in the classroom.

  This voice is very ordinary, unpleasant, and intriguing. Even some passing students heard a few words and couldn't help but stand outside and listen.

  Master of Heaven and Earth, why is the teacher behind his family?

  Teacher~www.readwn.com~ So preaching teaches karma to solve puzzles.

  Guy is so.

  Ps: Ask for recommendation tickets, ask for monthly tickets!

  This chapter is really not easy to write. I was scratching my head while drinking coffee. I didn’t eat any food, so I was afraid that I would be interrupted in the middle... I was starved to death. I’m going to eat now.

  In addition, I spit out more than ten or twenty negative reviews in the book review area of ​​the last limited exemption result. After reading it, my mentality almost collapsed.

    Thanks to Chauxue and Doki for the reward of 100 starting coins!

     Thanks to classmate Ah Soul for the reward of 500 starting coins!

     Thank you for catching a little God classmate alive for the reward of 300 starting coins!

    Thanks to the free n-wind classmates for the reward of 100 starting coins!

     Thank you book friend 20200724153821872 for the 100 starting currency reward!

     Thanks to the addicted Thai classmates for the 300 starting currency reward!

    Thank you for the 10 monthly pass support of registered brick movers!

Thanks for the support! Thanks!



  (End of this chapter)

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