Update in the evening.

  Today is the 25th birthday of the author, if it weren’t for all kinds of software to remind me, I would have forgotten it~

  Living outside alone, there is no sense of ritual, but today’s mood is still very bad, I am weak, and I can’t lift the energy at all. Today I don’t think the bottle cap can be unscrewed.

   Then today, I was deserted for a day, sitting in front of the computer for a long time, wandering, planning to wait for a movie to ease my mood.

  I would like to ask, if it is to see if you have depression or anxiety, which department of the hospital should you go to? It doesn't cost a lot...I won't go to see it if it's too much.

  Because there is no leave slip to use, for the perfect attendance award, it still has to be updated today, and it will probably be late, from 10 pm to 1 am.

  I've caused trouble to everyone again, I'm really sorry.

  So tired to be alive...


  (End of this chapter)

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