I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 427: 1 sleepless night

  Chapter 428 A sleepless night

  This time, the forum co-organized with the official journal of "Nature" will be a feast for academia!

  We also invited some of the world's top scholars in the three fields of materials, semiconductors and physics at home and abroad to come to the stage to give special reports.

  The number of people is almost between 18-25. After all, there are only 3 days of activity time. Based on the 45-60 minutes of speaking time for one person, this number is about the same.

  The number of experts participating in this forum is also between 150-200, and there must be a threshold for participation, otherwise too many people will reduce the compulsory qualification.

  The number of domestic scholars participating is between 50-80, and the proportion of materials, semiconductors and physics is about 2:2:1.

  In other words, the number of people in materials and semiconductors is about 20 or 30.

  Besides, Guanghua, as the organizer, has to occupy a few places, leaving only ten or twenty people. Although Ludao University is a prestigious university, it is not very good in materials and semiconductors.

  If it is held by Tsinghua University and University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Ludao University will definitely not be eligible to be invited.

  But in Ludao, I can’t see and see when I lower my head, and Guanghua has signed a mutual assistance agreement with the other side a while ago.

  Chen Hao pondered, but still had to give a few places for care.

  "Ludao University, Ludao University of Technology, Huaqiao University, Ludao Jiaotong University, give one place to each!" Chen Hao muttered and added four names to the list.

  Ludao University-Xu Luan, a well-known scholar in the field of semiconductor in China.

  Huaqiao University——Lu Xin, a well-known scholar in the field of domestic materials.

  Ludao University of Technology-Jiang Wenxuan, a well-known scholar in the field of domestic materials.

  Ludao Jiaotong University——Fan Zhiye, a well-known scholar in the field of microelectronics in China.

  These few people are basically the leaders of the four schools. Although they are not the first step in the country, they can still be ranked.

  As for Ludao Normal University, Jimei University, etc., forget it...

  Come over and join in the head?

  As for Guanghua University’s own quota, the materials include Ren Haoran, Chen Chong, Fang Haosen, um...you have to add a Zhu Chen. Although the field is slightly different, this kind of international exchange is still not to be missed.

  There will be many people in semiconductors, and they are basically concentrated in the Optical Core Research Center. Except for Peking University and a few schools, the first ladder of domestic chips has been exhausted by Guanghua.

  After solving the list of Ludao and our school, the rest are some domestic scholars.

  It's hard to say about other fields, but he is very clear about the materials and semiconductor fields, and soon the names on the list have increased one by one.

  The list of domestic invitations to participate in the forum and the list of special reports that need to be presented on stage have also been gradually improved.


  South Korea, in a mansion in Seoul.

   "West Eight!"

   "It's a waste, I can't handle this thing!"

   "Since it has failed, let the two idiots "Central Daily News" and "Dong-A Ilbo" take responsibility for this incident!"

  After a few roars, Li Jayong directly hung up the phone. After several deep breaths, it calmed down slightly.

  As the head of the South Korean giant Samsung Group, Lee Jay-yong has had a hard time recently.

  His father Lee Kin-hee died of illness last month, but he was found to have a heart problem as early as 2014. Since that year, Lee Kin-hee began to slowly transition Samsung’s semiconductor and electronics business to Lee Jae-yong.

Even with a 6-year buffer period, the Samsung Group is too large, and today’s Lee Jae-yong has only mastered the two subsidiaries of Samsung Electronics and Samsung Life. Other Samsung C&T, Samsung Corning, etc. fall in Lee Jae-yong’s company. Two younger sisters and their uncle.

  There are no fathers and sons in the shopping mall. At the time, Samsung Group founder Li Bingzhe had three sons and five daughters, the eldest son Li Mengxi, the second son Li Changxi, and the youngest Li Jianxi.

  And this Li Bingzhe is a traditional person. Has always followed the family rules of "passing on the male but not the female" and "passing on the concubine without passing on the concubine". Therefore, it is useless to keep Li Mengxi with him for training. Unexpectedly, the eldest son who was regarded as the heir was unbearable, and was jointly appealed by Samsung shareholders because of his ability. In the end, Li Bingzhe withdrew the management right.

  The management right was taken back, and the eldest son was naturally unwilling, so he secretly collected his father’s black material and reported it to the Blue House in an attempt to bring his father down.

Unexpectedly, the second child, Li Changxi, would enter the prison for his father to serve his sentence. He thought that he would become the heir after being in jail for his father for a few years. Unexpectedly, the third child, Li Jianxi, gained the trust of Li Bingzhe during his years in prison. Seeing that he had gone in for a few years and squatted in vain, he was annoyed to learn what the boss did back then. The collector Li Bingzhe's dark history wanted to kill this ruthless man.

  Being able to create the huge Samsung Group, Li Bingzhe is naturally not an idiot. How could he fall for a second time in the same place?

  The second child was controlled by Li Bingzhe before reporting to the Blue House. He personally sent his son to the mental hospital run by him.

  There is a dialogue in "Remaining Sin".

  The veteran cadre said to the newcomer: "I have lived for so long and have understood a truth. The one who has gone the farthest is never the smartest person.

   "Who is that?"

  "A person who is good at hiding and accustomed to low-key."

  Li Jianxi is this person.

  In 1987, Li Bingzhe passed away.

  From then on, Samsung officially entered the era of Li Jianxi.

  Because of his superior position, the talented overlord pays special attention to the heir. Fortunately, he does not have to worry about having a son.

  It’s just that the only son, Li Zai-yong, is not a worry-free thing, because he was sentenced to five years in prison for bribery of officials and he has been suspended from prison.

   With the death of Lee Jianxi, Lee Jae-yong has not completely mastered the Samsung Group.

  Li's face was gloomy, sitting in his father's office, he sighed.

  "Father, it would be great if you were there."

  Speaking, he laughed at himself.

  "If you see me now, you will definitely be disappointed?"

  Today's Samsung Group is scattered. For the Blue House, who has always wanted to reform Samsung, it is only necessary for him to enter.

   Then he helped Li Zayong's uncle to get up. With his sister Li Fuzhen's ability, he couldn't fight the old guys at all.

  In addition, Samsung Electronics, which is in its own hands, has also been severely hit by the emergence of photon screens, and the mid-to-high-end market of the mobile phone industry is declining.

  Wait for the other party’s optical core to be developed...

  At that time, another major business semiconductor of Samsung Electronics will also be hit hard!

  At that time, these old guys in the group will not miss the opportunity to give Samsung Electronics an opportunity.

  As if thinking of something, Li Zayong's eyes gradually narrowed, and a cold flash quickly flashed through his eyes.

   "That plan should also be implemented."


  China, Rongcheng.

  This night Li Chao really couldn't sleep over and over again.

   "Wife, you go to bed first, I am troubled, go to the sun and smoke a cigarette."

After talking to his wife, Li Chao got up and went to the balcony and lit a cigarette.

  Looking at Rongcheng, where Hua Deng had just arrived, I felt a little more annoyed.

   "This Professor Jin is really ill, how can he turn his back on the enemy?"

  Speaking, Li Chao was angry.

Although he was scared after being invited to drink tea for 24 hours before returning, he saw Guanghua University being attacked by major foreign media using Professor Kim of the South Korean Academy of Science and Technology. He was really full of energy every day, Rong Guang. Glow.

  Today I was looking forward to the press conference in South Korea in the afternoon, but it turned out that the most important person, Professor Jin Zhihui, disappeared!

  Then wait until the evening, Guanghua University will send a message, and a press conference will be held tomorrow afternoon, and...Jin Zhihui, who has disappeared in South Korea, will attend.

  After a long time, South Korea had an oolong!

   "It's a bunch of trash, is this guy silly eating kimchi?"

   "What kind of cosmic country you claim to be, spicy chicken, it's not as good as a village in Cao County!"

  Li Chao didn't hit a place with anger, and cursed directly.

  The expected South Korean stick was too stretched, and it was able to let the person slip away under the nose.

  Thinking about this, Li Chao coughed with chest tightness.

   "Cough! Cough!"

   "Grass (a kind of plant), no one can handle this Guanghua University, right?"

  The night is very good~www.readwn.com~ Li Chao is very depressed.

  How can a private university be so good? It's a pinnacle and can't move the other party at all!

  Li Chao’s idea is the same for many keyboard men and red eyes in China.

  Today this night is destined to be a sleepless night in the eyes of those who are unhappy at Guanghua University.

  The next day, Guanghua Hotel Lecture Hall.

  The voice is full of people.

  Almost all the media that can be well-known in the world can be found here.

  The much-anticipated press conference is about to begin!

  Ps: Ask for recommendation tickets, ask for monthly tickets!

  This chapter is not easy to write... Tomorrow I will fill in the pit of Jin Zhihui... It is not water, it is for MR smart glasses.

   Thank you for the 500 starting coin reward from the fallen time classmates!

    Thanks to TPCERP's natural students for their 200 starting currency rewards!

Thanks for the support! Thanks!



  (End of this chapter)

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