I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 433: Lie flat

   Chapter 434

  Lactide technology laboratory.

  After Chen Chong and Fang Haosen’s words, all researchers are full of fighting spirit!

In addition, the two big cows Chen Chong and Fang Haosen were charging ahead, and everyone was full of confidence and vowed to complete the purification process of lactide within half a month, and to achieve high purity by continuous rectification and purification of lactide. High yield of lactide.

  One afternoon passed quietly in the long experiment.


  It wasn't until there was a scream in his stomach that Tian Ziang woke up from the intoxication of scientific research.

After touching his hungry stomach, thinking about whether to go to the vending machine on the first floor of the research institute to buy some bread to fill his stomach, the researcher Guan Yuan next to him patted him on the shoulder and smiled intimately: "Let's go, Ziang, everyone is going to the cafeteria to have dinner."

  Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

  Guan Yuan is a support staff transferred from the photon screen laboratory together with Tian Ziang.

  At the same time, several people gathered together.

   "Let's go, people are iron rice but steel. How can we do scientific research if we don't train our body well?"

   "Yes, and the school canteen is good and cheap. It is no exaggeration to say that it is much better than our canteen in Peking University Yanyuan!"

  These are the eldest brothers and sisters that I have met in the photon screen. For Tian Ziang, he is the youngest one.

"All right……"

  Tian Ziang was helpless, so he had to go to the cafeteria with him.

  When eating in the cafeteria, a few people chatted and talked about everything. Some college graduate students were forced to jump off the building again, a famous professor was accused of academic misconduct by a student's 256-page PPT, or something related to science and technology, Musk’s Dragon spacecraft failed to launch again.

  On the contrary, Tian Ziang thought of some words he had heard in Professor Huang Hong's lecture.

   "Recently, there is a concept called Lie Ping, do you follow it?"

  Who knows, several people looked at each other and laughed, as if they had heard something funny.

   Tian Ziang was at a loss, wondering what they were laughing at.

Guan Yuan patted Tian Ziang on the shoulder, and smiled and said, "Ziang, this flat bed has started to get hot recently. Of course we also know it, but this has nothing to do with us, so you don’t need to think about it. Do you know? ?"

  "Why? How to say?" Tian Ziang was still a little puzzled.

   Guan Yuan directly supported his forehead, he understood.

  Tian Ziang's classmate is very talented. In terms of learning ability, he can kill doctors of these famous schools in seconds, but he is really not good at being a person in the world.

  At the end, Guan Yuan laughed himself.

   “If you don’t get married, you can’t have children or buy a house. You can spend money on filial piety to your parents and improving your quality of life. But ah, do you think we need it?”

  Guan Yuan looked around at the people around him, then looked at Tian Ziang with a smile on his face.

  It seemed that something was missing, so I added a sentence.

   "Well, you don't need it either."

  Tian Ziang understands.

  In fact, lying flat is because the society is rolling, and the cake is getting smaller and smaller. Ordinary people can't resist, but are not reconciled, so they have to lie flat.

  But Guan Yuan, they don’t need it, because they are all PhDs from prestigious schools, so it can be said that they are the future social elites. For ordinary people, the five major obstacles to marriage, housing prices, medical care, education, capitalists and mother-in-law, are not a big problem for them.

After   understood, the **** social reality caused Tian Ziang to fall into silence for a while.

  At this time, another boy also joined the topic and said with some emotion.

   "Although we all use Huaxing as a guarantee, we have to praise Huaxing."

   Guan Yuan also agreed and said: “Yes, Huaxing is still good. It does not talk about care, but only struggle; it does not talk about feelings, but only pays and returns. It is a company that has a high degree of compatibility with underachievers.”

   Tian Ziang didn't speak, he quietly listened to several people starting to discuss Huaxing.

   "Huaxing can be said to be the gospel of learning materials. Many schools rely on Huaxing to support employment there."

"When I was studying for a master's degree, a roommate had a bad family situation. He gave up the opportunity to study a Ph.D. and went to Huaxing. After staying for two years, he chose to reside overseas. The salary + various subsidies can have 25 dogs in a year! Go! A few years later in Huaxing, the dilapidated old house in the family was rebuilt. My sister does not have to worry about economic problems and can study in graduate school at ease. My parents do not have to go to the factory when they are busy farming. This has really changed their family's life!"

"Huaxing has nothing to say! But some companies talk about the wolf culture every day and compare it with Huaxing; but it is ridiculous that when it comes to the salary incentive system, Huaxing is not mentioned. What is this called? This is called. Husky culture!"

  Hearing this, Tian Ziang couldn't hold back, and asked another silly remark.

   "Then Brother Guan and Brother Zheng, why didn't you choose to go to Huaxing?"

The man with thick eyebrows called Zheng Ge glanced at Tian Ziang, sighed, and shook his head: "Silly brother, there is a saying: Huaxing is the ceiling of traditional engineering and the guarantee for computers (for 985 schools). But the annual salary is Four, five hundred thousand, or even one million is so easy to get? Huaxing’s high salary is made by working overtime. Not everyone can stick to the work rhythm, not to mention there are various evaluations. If there is a better choice, no Need to go to Huaxing and suffer."

  Anyone who can get a Ph.D. degree will not have a bad family background. It can be said that most families are middle-class or above.

  Unlike those from ordinary backgrounds who need to go to China to fight to upgrade and change their own class, what they need to consider is how to realize their self-worth.

  Furthermore, although colleges and universities are not easy, they are much better than industry, and the salary is not bad!

  They all have an annual salary of more than 200,000 yuan in Guanghua, plus year-end bonuses and various subsidies. They can get three to four hundred thousand yuan. Why bother to go to China to be excited?

Finally, Guan Yuan said to Tian Ziang expectantly: "Ziang, don't worry about this, anyway, these are not the problems we worry about! You, just study hard, and use the big platform of Guanghua to continue. Read, I wonder if you will be the next Cao God!"

  Great gods like Cao Yuan and Chen Hao are out of play in their lives, but Tian Ziang is still very promising.

   Then Guan Yuan greeted everyone.

   "Everyone has finished eating? Then let's go, go back to the lab and continue!"

  After a few people finished eating, they put the plates in the recycling area, and left the cafeteria talking and laughing and walked in the direction of the institute.

  Only Tian Ziang’s mind, still digesting what I heard tonight.


  On the other side, Guanghua is downstairs.

  Chen Hao looked up at the picturesque dusk.

  With emotion.

  "Today's dusk is so beautiful~"

   Then faintly sighed ~www.readwn.com~ and got into the car.

  The car starts and drives out of school.

  To him today, and also to the development of Guanghua University, there is a very important meal that we must go to.

  In life, no one can avoid human relations.

  Ps: It’s been too late to check the information...These are not written casually, I only start writing after checking the information, it's really not easy to write...

  Finally, ask for a monthly pass! ! !

   Thanks to the book friends 20181215180120324 for the 100 starting currency rewards!

     Thanks to my ignorant classmates for the reward of 100 starting coins!

     Thank you xIa, Mu, for your reward of 100 starting coins!

    Thanks to TPCERP's natural students for their 200 starting currency rewards!

    Thank you for the 1500 starting currency rewards from big and small mages!

thanks for your support! Thanks(ω)



  (End of this chapter)

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