I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 555: Those who gain the way help more, those who lose the way help few

  Chapter 456 Those who gain the way help more, those who lose the way are few

  Lu Island at night, the starry sky is shining.

  A dinner was enjoyed by all four people.

  After the wine pouch was full, several people still walked on the beach.

  Especially Zhang Yunchen, who is very interested in tea.

  Because during the meal, the issue of financing was mentioned, and Ma Yun directly and generously stated that Ari could participate in the next round of financing.

  Excited Xiao Zhang almost came to the table for an old age.

  In the end, if it wasn't for the appearance of Lao Ma, who was too obvious to be recognized, the few people would like to go around for a while.

  Egret International Hotel.

  As the hotel staying tonight, Chen Hao bid farewell to Ma Yun and Wang Ziping in the elevator.

  After returning to the room, Chen Hao replied a voice after seeing the WeChat sent by Qian Jiahui.

   "Giahui, I have eaten it, have you eaten yet?"

  Almost a few seconds after sending, the other party responded with a voice.

  Qian Jiahui: "Dried in the cafeteria, Decong oil noodles and meat yan, what did you eat tonight?"

  Perhaps after drinking some wine, Chen Hao's face was a little hot.

   grinning, Chen Hao sent it over with a little embarrassment.

   "What kind of food do you have? I want you to obey."

   "Earse~ Why are you so greasy today!"

   Listening to the disgusting voice in the voice, Chen Hao couldn't help laughing.

  There are many evils, and Chen Hao made another voice.

   "Giahui, I have diarrhea today, do you know what diarrhea is?"

  Qian Jiahui sent an emoticon pack of orange cat tapping the screen with his paw.

   "I don't want to know!"

  Chen Hao smiled, lowered his voice and said: "Your favorite drink An Muxi."

  Qian Jiahui said angrily: "You must have some serious illness today!!"

   "Hahahaha, no."

   teased with Qian Jiahui for a while, and Chen Hao was in a good mood.

  I have been busy these days. Although it is quite fulfilling, my brain is also quite exhausted.

   Leaning comfortably on the soft sofa, rubbing his hands on his temples, Chen Hao began to think about lactide.

  Lactide produced in the laboratory is completely the most advanced at present, why not get a few companies to come in?

   "Desire is endless, but life is limited." Chen Hao said softly.

  Guanghua University-grasp the core technology of lactide.

  Ari——has the largest traffic platform in China.

   Xia Run-pull in state-owned assets, you can escort.

  Hi Tea—The front line of PLA materials is the catering industry, and Hi Tea, as the number one brand of tea in China, can play a leading role in the industry.

  As for Jindan Technology, which is calling today, we can provide production lines and workers.

  This lineup, Chen Hao does not believe in the possibility of unsuccessful!

   "Eating alone is different from making the cake bigger." Chen Hao shook his head and said.

  Unless it is related to the national hard power level, such as photon screens and optical core technologies, at most state-owned assets are drawn in. It is absolutely impossible to let the other party buy shares like Ari, Fujisun and so on.

  It’s lactide, something that involves people’s livelihood, and making the cake bigger can be implemented and promoted to the maximum.

  Thinking about lactide, Chen Hao thinks of Ma Yun again.

  He closed his eyes and slumbered.

   Ma Yun appeared in her mind.

  When you think of Ma Yun, you will think of several corresponding keywords:

  High EQ, martial arts, eloquence, 996, etc.

  When the opponent was still in the altar, many people looked down on each other.

  For example, looks, height, and education are often despised.

  Ma Yun took the college entrance examination three times before being admitted to an undergraduate university. The first two times she failed because of 1 point and 19 points in mathematics.

  20-year-old Ma Yun, despite his family’s strong opposition to taking the college entrance examination for the third time, this time he scored 89 points in the math test, but the total distance from the undergraduate course was still 5 points.

  However, Ma Yun had good luck. Because the enrollment indicators for English majors were not met, some students with excellent English would get the opportunity to be promoted. Ma Yun was exceptionally promoted to a foreign language undergraduate major by Hangzhou Normal University.

  But no one knows that Ma Yun has already begun to make her mark when she was in college. Not only was elected the chairman of the school's student union, he also became the chairman of the Hangzhou Student Union.

  Think about his height and appearance. If such a person can become the chairman of the student union and the chairman of the Hangzhou Student Federation, how much more needs to be paid than ordinary people?

  Afterwards, in the year Ma Yun graduated from University, among the 800 fresh graduates of the school, only Ma Yun got the place to be a teacher at the university.

  After six years of teaching in university, Ma Yun resigned and started to go to sea.

  For Ma Yun, this person has mixed reputations.

  But it is impossible to deny that the other party has done three things right after starting a business for decades: 1. Promoting the development of e-commerce in China; 2. Popularizing the application of electronic payment; 3. Promoting the development of big data cloud computing.

  People's Daily Online has a very appropriate comment: "There is no Jack Ma era, there is only Jack Ma in the era".

  Recalling Ma Yun's loss of power over the past two years, Chen Hao has a very confident smile on his face.

  He stood up and walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows, overlooking the beautiful night view of Lu Island.

  The handsome and three-dimensional facial features are hidden under the blind spot irradiated by the lights in the living room, the neon lights outside the window are shining in the city, and his eyes are extremely determined.

   "Ma Yun will lose power, but I will not."

  “The ones who gain the way help more, those who lose the way are few. Behind me is the 9.6 million square kilometers of Yangyang Huaxia, which is 1.4 billion compatriots in 34 provincial administrative regions!”

   "Come from the masses, go to the masses, then there will be no failure."


  The next day.

  Ma Yun, Wang Ziping, and Zhang Yunchen are not idlers, so after another meeting in the morning, they will leave in the afternoon.

  As soon as the meeting had just started, Chen Hao received an unexpected call.

"Okay, when someone arrives, you will arrange for Professor Fang to receive the other party to visit the laboratory, and I will see him after I finish the meeting." After that, Chen Hao especially exhorted, "Pay attention to the core technology, after all, the other party I haven't signed the contract yet, and I'm not my own."

  After finishing speaking, I just hang up the phone.

  Old Ma sat on the chair with Erlang's legs tilted, and asked self-consciously: "President Chen, the caller should be Mr. Zhang from Jindan Technology, right?"

  When I heard the word laboratory visit, I think of some words I heard in the car yesterday. It is not difficult to think about it.

"Yes, it is Mr. Zhang Ye from Jindan Technology." Chen Hao twitched his mouth and said helplessly, "I really didn't expect this man to have such a strong mobility. After the call last night, he was violent this morning. Just came here by plane."

  Chen Hao waved his hand and said, "I took a taxi to Guanghua as soon as I got off the plane, and I am already at the school gate now."

  Lao Ma Ge was out of interest and clapped his hands: "It's quite interesting. I will meet with Principal Chen later."

  Seeing that the old horse was about to go, Zhang Yunchen agreed with a wink, and finally climbed onto the high branch of Ari, but he had to grasp it firmly.

  As for Wang Ziping, he said that he was going to go back after the meeting. He was busy with official business.

  2 hours later.

  The general policy for lactide is also released, and the meeting is over.

  In addition to Wang Ziping's departure, Chen Hao and the three went to the laboratory to meet Zhang Ye, who had come from afar.

  The chat was very harmonious, especially after the other party saw the technology of the laboratory, they were completely impressed, and the attitude was both humble and enthusiastic.

  In the afternoon, except for Zhang Ye of Jindan Technology who planned to stay at Guanghua for two days for research, Zhang Yunchen and Ma Yun both got on the plane leaving Ludao.

  Ludao Gaoqi Airport, Gulfstream G550 aircraft.

  The location of the private jet is wide and comfortable. The old horse sits by the window, gazing at the airport scenery outside.

  A story that Chen Hao mentioned during dinner last night resounded in his mind.

  Just on the top of Zhangshan Mountain in Wuyi Mountain in Hu Province, there are 1343 monuments without words.

  Under each monument, there is a Red Army soldier buried.

  Ma Yun's face was a little dazed, as if the words that Chen Hao was reading echoed in her ears.

   "I don’t need you to know me, I don’t want you to know me

  I melt my youth into the rivers of the motherland

  The mountain knows me, Jianghe knows me

  The motherland will not forget

  Will not forget me. "

  Finally, a sentence from Vice President Huang, who was sitting opposite Ma Yun, brought his consciousness back to reality.

   "Mr. Ma, why do you value the principal Chen who is Guanghua so important?"

  Vice President Huang still has some contempt in his tone, and the reason is naturally because of Chen Hao's age.

  "Do you know whose shadow I saw on him?" Ma Yun looked at each other indifferently, tapping his knuckles on the table lightly.


  "I saw Chen Qingxing~www.readwn.com~ and the shadow of Chen Kah Kee on his body."

  Ps: On the ordinary 17th, there were good news and bad news.

  The good news is that the Shenzhou 12 manned spacecraft was successfully launched; the bad news is that my country’s translation industry leader, Mr. Xu Yuanchong, has passed away. Good news! (Forgot to say yesterday, make up)

  May my generation be the rock of the Republic!

   Thanks to TPCERP's natural students for their 700 starting currency rewards!

     Thank you Amk for your 1500 starting currency reward!

     Thanks to his classmate for the 400 starting currency reward!

    Thank you for the 240 starting currency rewards from the gluttonous rice ball classmates!

     Thank you Bai Yucheng for the 600 starting currency reward!

    Thank you for the 100 starting currency reward from Slow Sunrise!

Thanks for the support!

     I owe several chapters, and will be added in the next few days.

     Today, two chapters are gone for the time being... I’m really sorry!



  (End of this chapter)

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