I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 459: Take Mei's father's money if you want

  Chapter 460 If you want to take it, take Mei Dad’s money

"Policy Support??"

  Chen Hao's eyes widened, he didn't apply, why did he fall from the sky when he was so good?

  It turns out that the sky will only drop sister Lin, but also the pie? !

   "Uncle Zhou, the problem is that I haven't applied for policy support either!" Chen Hao still didn't think too much.

  Zhou Hanqing explained with a smile: "You have to thank Professor Hu Chengan of Zhejiang University for this. After your press conference yesterday, Professor Hu Chengan called the leader of the Ministry of Science and Technology. After overnight discussions, I only notified you this morning."

   Zhou Hanqing deliberately raised Professor Hu, the other party can do these things without benefit, but Chen Hao cannot be completely ignorant of all this.

  "Professor Hu Chengan from Zhejiang University?" Chen Hao said.


  How can I thank such a noble professor?

  Why don’t you just dig it over and let the other party enjoy the blessing?

  Chen Hao touched his nose, he thought about this, and he would be sprayed to death when he said it.

   "Uncle Zhou, what kind of government support is it?" Chen Hao sighed secretly.

  In fact, it is possible to apply for some policy support from the above for lactide, but he did not do it.

  Countries on the chip have helped a lot, and Guanghua University is now on the right track, without the country’s wool.

  After all, it has not been easy for the country in recent years.

  People, you must compare your heart to your heart.

"Didn't you newly set up a Guanghua Biologics? Tax exemption for 2 years and tax reduction for 5 years. The government can also cooperate with you on the construction land of the factory, as long as everything is not easy to say on the island." Zhou Han said refreshingly, and even had leisure. Chen Hao ridiculed, "Nephew, is that enough? If it is not enough, I will give feedback to the above?"

   "Enough is enough, thank the government, thank the party." Chen Hao's mouth twitched, and the government's support is not small.

  Guanghua Integrated Circuits, where the country has given tax exemption for ten years, the technical content and importance of lactide can not be compared to chips, but the two-year tax exemption and five-year tax reduction have already saved a lot of money.

  Chip tax exemption is an announcement issued by the four departments of the Ministry of Finance, the State Administration of Taxation, the Development and Reform Commission, and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on January 1 this year. The integrated circuit production enterprises or projects with an integrated circuit line width less than 28 nanometers (inclusive) encouraged by the state and an operating period of more than 15 years are exempt from corporate income tax from the first to the tenth year.

  Guanghua Collector certainly cannot meet this condition, but the photonic chip made by Guanghua is not an ordinary electronic chip!

  Several elders from the capital area are very good at talking, and they have done special things directly.

  The optical core has not yet been manufactured, and it will enjoy a 10-year tax-free period starting this year.

  This time on lactide, the state gave support again, which moved Chen Hao a little.

  The country values ​​him so much, how can he live up to the country’s expectations!

  "Has the site been selected for the construction of the factory?" Zhou Hanqing asked.

  "Not yet, let's initially prepare to put it in Xiang'an District." Chen Hao thought for a while and replied.

  It is impossible to put some industries in the two districts on the island of Ludao City, mainly the four districts outside the island.

  Jimei District is mainly a cultural and educational district, which is not very suitable, but Xiangan District is more suitable.

   "Okay, I will talk to the relevant departments later and let them cooperate with you Guanghua."

  Speaking of this, Zhou Hanqing paused, and said in a serious and hopeful tone: "Xiao Hao, this time lactide is also on your behalf!"

  "Uncle Zhou and the country, please rest assured, Guanghua will definitely live up to expectations!" Chen Hao said in a deep voice.

   "I feel at ease with your words. Don't carry things on your own. We have the Ludao Municipal Government and the country as your strong backing!" Zhou Hanqing said powerfully.

After    hung up with Zhou Hanqing, Chen Hao straightened his face and began to think about lactide.

  Two major production bases, one is Ludao Xiang’an District, and the other is Jindan Technology in Henan Province.

  On the construction site of the former, it is necessary to prepare quickly these days and start construction as soon as possible. It is expected that the first phase of construction will be completed within six months and the second phase of construction will be completed within one year.

  As for Jindan Technology, after the company will be integrated. The existing 10,000-ton capacity of Jindan Technology first used the latest lactide technology of Guanghua, and the second phase of the construction of a 40,000-ton factory was started at the same time.

  "Zhang Ye of Jindan Technology hasn't left yet, we have to urge them, time waits for no one!"

  Chen Hao pondered it, clarified his thoughts, and called the laboratory. After learning that Zhang Ye was still there, he got up and left.

  As for the apology of NatureWorksCEO Weber, who was still missing before, it also becomes unimportant at this moment.


  In the afternoon of the same day, Shancheng.

  B campus of Chongqing University.

  Yin Ren is an associate professor at the School of Materials Science and Engineering of Chongqing University, which is No.1 in Shancheng. He has just finished his lecture and is walking to the parking lot.

  I received a call on the way, asking him to change his behavior and walk to the small woods aside.

   "Mr. Bruce, don't worry, I will arrange this matter, don't worry!" Yin Ren still smiled flatteringly across the phone.

   "Professor Yin's professional standards are assured, so please."

  On the other side of the phone came a hoarse and fluent English.

  The other party also coughed and reminded, "Professor Yin needs to check more financial information, maybe it has gone up again."


  Yinren hung up the phone and hurried to the parking lot. He met a few students halfway and said hello.

  After returning home, looking at the numbers on the Bitcoin account, a refreshing energy rushed straight to the forehead from the pubic area!

  The safest and most suitable place to hide assets in novels and movies and TV shows is Swiss Bank.

  However, since the Swiss Bank was forced to join the CRS in September 2019 by the stinky rascal, everything has changed.

  The exchange of tax-related information on offshore assets between CRS allied countries within a prescribed year will exchange tax-related information on non-resident financial accounts with tax bureaus in 33 countries and regions around the world, including China Xia.

  In other words, the governments of these 33 countries have the right to view the account information of their residents in Swiss banks.

  Swiss Bank is not safe anymore, so what way is it safe?

  Of course it is Bitcoin!

  Yin Ren's face was filled with joy, which was even more joyful than the New Year.

  Even he hummed a little song.

  At the current Bitcoin price, this price is not low.

  He paid attention to the press conference of Guanghua University yesterday, and was a little bit surprised when he was shocked.

  As a scholar in the field of materials~www.readwn.com~, he knows how powerful the lactide technology that Guanghua University has broken this time!

  He envy!

   To be precise, it is jealous!

  Fortunately, you can step on Guanghua University today and make a lot of money!

  Reminiscent of the "performance report" recently announced by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sakura, which directly authenticated the identities of many well-known big Vs in China.

  Yin Ren tapped on the keyboard, couldn't help but chuckle, and hummed with confidence:

   "What Jiang XX and Xiong XX are spicy chickens, and if you take the money from the cherry blossom country, you can take the money from Dad Mei!"

  Ps: I’m sorry for being late! Checking the Swiss Bank and CRS has delayed the time and is not easy to check.

  Finally ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly pass!

   Thank you [TPCERP's natural style] classmates for the 200 starting currency reward!

     Thank you very much!

     I’m very happy to be able to get one or two pieces of the author’s bacteria every day!




  (End of this chapter)

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