I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 463: Don't double-fail students?

  Chapter 464 Don't double-fail students?

  Huaxing Company.

  In the office of the president, two bursts of laughter suddenly sounded.

   "Xiao Wei, it seems that my previous guess is still slightly wrong." Ren Zong's face wrinkled and folded because of the magnitude of his smile.

  He waved his hand and ridiculed Wei Han: "This Nanyang wealthy family is not so generous! This idea has hit us Huaxing."

   "Mr. Ren, if you have no objections, then I will order to go down." Wei Han thought slightly. Although nearly six hundred photon screen mobile phones cost a lot of money, up to three or four million, they didn't suffer too much.

  The thing of friendship, it's only when you help me and I help you to slowly have it.

  In addition, this academic forum comes from international experts and scholars with good reputation. It is also a kind of propaganda to let these people change their mobile phones to Huaxing.

  This is why Parker and other companies are willing to sponsor major academic conferences.

"Okay, you can arrange it. If the mobile phone is used in these two days, it will be scheduled and shipped as soon as possible." Mr. Ren said that he slowly stood up from his chair and smiled in a good mood. The academic forum hosted, hahaha, I'm still looking forward to it."

  The sun outside the window is surging, hitting the southern technology city, the shadow is like a soaring big Peng, about to spread its wings and soar.


  Just as Guanghua University was preparing for the international academic forum at the end of the month, a hot post on Guanghua bbs attracted Chen Hao’s attention.

  The heat in the bathtub was still rising, and Chen Hao's originally good mood suddenly became gloomy like a thunderstorm.

  The great leader said that the people are the root of this country, and the roots of Guanghua University are these students.

  Although Chen Hao doesn't usually use Weibo and Douyin, he must do campus forums at night.

  If you want to understand some big and small things happening on campus, the forum is the most important thing.

  Guanghua University students usually discuss the president in the forum, but they don’t know that Chen Hao is watching the screen every night.

  Today, a post was sent in only 3 hours, and there were hundreds of replies.

  The title is [CCB passed the written test, but when I went to the interview today, I said I was not 985 or 211, so I rejected it directly...].

The poster is a senior graduate of the School of Economics and Management. I complained that I had spent a lot of effort to prepare for the bank’s written test and interview, but finally passed the CCB’s written test. When I participated in the interview today, my degree was not 985, no 211, which is commonly known as double non-undergraduate, was directly rejected.

  The worst thing is that this boy also crashed into another interview today, and he abandoned that one in order to participate in the CCB interview.

  In fact, it’s not surprising that we encounter such things in recruitment. Now all walks of life are very good at involving, and recruitment requires 985 and 211 graduation.

  There are even more extremes. Masters and Ph.Ds are 985 and 211 colleges and universities are useless, and you have to have a bachelor's degree!

Some people in    had abandoned their high schools. They suddenly realized after going to college. They climbed one step at a time from the second school to 985 prestigious schools. As a result, the requirement for a bachelor's degree was returned to its original form, which is embarrassing.

  After reading the content of the topic post, Chen Hao's eyes moved down, watching the comments of the students, Chen Hao's brows became deeper and deeper.

"CCB is really inexhaustible. I can understand that you should not double non-schools. I can't blame others. I can only blame our bad studies in high school. But when we recruited, we didn't specify this. When someone enters the interview, you say As long as 985, 211 universities, shameless, is this?"

   "Hug the host, watching such a long content, it really hurts."

   "Hehe, it's really a Shuangfei school that doesn't have human rights. Our Guanghua is great, but because it's not a 985 or 211 university, we are still discriminated against when looking for a job!"

  "Don’t be too sarcasm upstairs, this time it’s mainly because the other party didn’t specify it in the recruitment requirements. This is the point."

   “It’s a fairy tale. The campus card issued by our school is CCB, but CCB treats us like this? Too angry!”

   "What's the use of being angry? The host just complained, after all, this is fate!"

  "I am very optimistic about the future of the school, but for ourselves... alas, how difficult it is."

  These negative replies are like needles sticking to Chen Hao's heart.

   makes him heartache.


  Exited the forum and left the phone aside. Chen Hao got up from the bathtub and put on his bathrobe.

  Went to the balcony and looked down at the bustling night view of Ludao indifferently.

   His eyes flickered.


  The next morning.

  Guanghua University President’s Office.

  The knock on the door sounded lightly and harder.

  As the outside door opened, the knock on the door ceased, and then Deng Hui opened the inside door, and a middle-divided boy walked in.

  "Principal." The boy greeted him, but the application seemed a little restrained.

   "Classmate Lin Yu, right?" At the boy, Chen Hao smiled gently, "Don't just stand, there are chairs next to it. Let's sit down and chat with friends."


  Lin Yu is still nervous, sitting down with his back straight. After all, the students are nervous when they see the teacher, not to mention the school's biggest boss principal.

"I came to you today to find out about your situation. Didn't you post a post on Guanghua bbs yesterday? I want to know if the content is true." Chen Hao calmly looked at the other party's face, as if he wanted to look from the other party's face. Found some answers.

   "Yes, it's true." When it comes to this, Lin Yu is obviously a little bit angry.

   "Okay, then you can tell me the ins and outs of the matter carefully."

  After finishing speaking, Chen Hao watched Lin Yu suddenly become excited, and he was a little bit dumbfounded and soothed: "Lin Yu, don’t be nervous! The school is not going to punish you, but to support you, to find justice for you!"

  The students were still very convinced by Chen Hao's words, and Lin Yu was not suspicious, so he believed Chen Hao's words, and said the whole thing.

  Half an hour later, Lin Yu got Chen Hao's promise and left with satisfaction.

  In the office, by comparing the surveillance cameras with eggs, it can basically be judged that Lin Yu has not lied.

  The reason for calling the other party over is to confirm whether what the other party said is true.

  Now society ~www.readwn.com~Many news are often reversed. If you don’t know more about it, you will be easily beaten.

  But only these are not stable, after all, they are just the other side's words.

   However, Chen Hao paid attention.

   made a call to the staff contact number left by CCB at the Guanghua University presentation.

  The other party did not explicitly say on the phone, but the subtext is to ask for 985, 211 universities.

  Having such a result, Chen Hao's face suddenly became cold.

   "Since this is the case, then I'm not welcome."

  He Chen Hao is a person who protects shortcomings. If his students make mistakes, they are determined not to shield them; but if the students are wronged, then he, the principal, will definitely not tolerate it!

  A few phone calls were made from the office.

  A storm is gathering over Lu Island...

  Ps: To make up for yesterday’s second update, there are still 2 chapters today.

  I was very sleepy and it was a bit late, so sorry.

  (End of this chapter)

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