I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 472: Inspect

  Chapter 473 Inspection

  Lianqian Street Huizhan Road, Siming District, Ludao.

   Outside Ludao International Conference Center, Wang Shan in police uniform looked around and asked the older policeman next to him curiously: "Lao Li, do you think this forum is so important?"

   "It's almost as strict as three years ago..." Wang Shan was helpless to complain.

  In the past half month, the entire island area has been rectifying law and order, but anyone who has a fight will be unlucky.

  Lushima is a tourist city, and the city’s public security is also far ahead in the country. After this toss, it’s okay to sleep with the door open...

  It hurts them.

  This intensity reminds Wang Shan of the BRICS summit three years ago.

  Ludao International Conference Center was completed and put into use in 2008, with a total of 7 conference halls and 6 meeting rooms, which have been used as the venue for many conferences.

  For example, the Second World Investment Forum of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development in 2010, the eighth meeting of the Attorney General of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization...

  "The city attaches great importance to it this time. Do you know what meeting is being held this time?" Old Li took a look at Wang Shan and moved his neck a little sorely.

  "I'm also a college student, okay?!" Wang Shan curled his lips, his eyes floated towards the conference center.

  "It seems to be an academic forum jointly sponsored by a top foreign journal and Guanghua University, right?"

   "Why does an academic forum make such a big noise? I don't understand..." Wang Shan still said depressed.

  "Academic forums are not uncommon, but international academic forums are uncommon! And do you know how many scientists have come to the China Forum this time?" Lao Li paused deliberately and ostentatiously.

   "How much?" Wang Shan asked with a face.

"A total of more than 500 scientists at home and abroad participated in this academic forum, and most of them were foreign scientists. There are more than a dozen Nobel Prize winners. Do you say that cattle are not cattle?" Lao Li said lightly. Talking, but my heart is not at peace.

  Although the old rivers and lakes like him do not understand these studies, as a layman, they also know how famous the Nobel Prize is.

  More than 500 scientists attended, this battle...Tsk, Ludao, a second-tier city in China, is the first time this kind of grand gathering of international academia has appeared.

  "More than five hundred scientists...so amazing!" Wang Shan was stunned for an instant. As an undergraduate from the Provincial Police Academy, how could he have seen this situation?

"It's more than that! With some accompanying students and so on, the number of people participating in the academic forum this time has exceeded 1,000." Talking about what Lao Li seemed to think of, he patted Wang Shandi on the shoulder and laughed, "This time Ah, I heard from the Huang team that there will be a lot of international media."

  Finally, Lao Li said leisurely: “It’s rare for us to hold a major international forum like this on Ludao. It’s also a good publicity for the city if it’s done well. Can you say that it can’t be taken seriously?”

"Yes, but why is Guanghua University the organizer? Shouldn't it be Ludao University, right?" Wang Shan still didn't figure out how such an important conference would be held by Guanghua University. On the strength of Ludao University, Ludao University should not be slammed. Guanghua University?

   "You are a young man whose eyesight is not as good as I am a middle-aged man." Old Li looked at Wang Shan like iron and steel, his voice aggravated.

  "You are stupid! Guanghua is not good. That is the old calendar. Since July this year, how many times has Guanghua been in the news?"

   "Look, Lu Island is going to change, this Guanghua University is amazing~"

  Lao Li didn't have a moment of trembling, a word from his side caused his body to shake suddenly.

   "I think you guys are amazing."

  A thick voice came from behind, Lao Li and Wang Shan knew who the person was without having to look back and just listen to the voice.

  Lao Li yelled badly in his heart, and greeted him with a smile, "Team Huang."

   "Yellow Team." Wang Shan stood upright, and hurriedly shouted.

   "It's pretty exciting, isn't it? Have you finished talking? Do you want to go home now and continue talking?" Huang Anguo in police uniform glared at the two of them.

   "Enough is enough, I dare not."

  "Go on duty, don't run a job anymore!"

  Looking at the figure of Huang Anguo going away, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief.

  Wang Shan couldn’t help asking: “Where is the yellow team going?”

   "Just you talk a lot!" Old Li grunted, but he was also a little curious in his heart.

  In other words, what is the yellow team doing?


   "Hello, yellow team, you have worked hard."

   "Hello Principal Chen, it is all for the development of Ludao, it is not hard."

  The two were polite to each other, Chen Hao looked at each other, and the other was also looking at this legendary young man.

   "Principal Chen is really young and promising, shouldn't it be a big deal?" Huang Anguo asked with a smile.

   "It's not too small anymore, I'm 26, and I'm going to 30 when I look at it." Chen Hao sighed slightly.

  Huang Anguo's mouth twitched, and he turned 26. Just looking at his handsome and delicate appearance, he thought it was 22 and 23.

  After chatting for a few words, Chen Hao noticed the police car on the side of the road and suddenly moved in his heart.

   "Yellow Team, are our city police cars enough?"

"It's okay, barely enough." Huang Anguo smiled bitterly. Now the internal scrolls are great, and there are more and more people taking public examinations and public examinations. There are even a bunch of auxiliary policemen with a monthly salary of two to three thousand. People are rushing to be.

   "It's all for the people and can understand." Chen Hao continued with a smile, "As a good five-star citizen, I think it is necessary to give a little love."

   "I want to donate a batch of police cars to the Municipal Bureau, but I don't know if it is inconvenient?" Chen Hao looked at Huang Anguo.

  Huang Anguo, who was still indifferent to the secular before, heard Chen Hao’s last words, and he was shocked.

The tone of    instantly became much warmer.

  "This...I'm so embarrassed, it's our own business."

   "I have said that, as a person from Ludao, I, Chen Hao, should make a contribution to the security of my hometown."

After several pushes, Huang Anguo and Chen Hao both laughed contentedly.

  Being a person is an art, but it is also a learning.

  Although his background is hard enough, the more friends, the less trouble.

  After chatting with Team Huang for a while, Chen Hao inspected the venue, and Jiang Lin was accompanied by him throughout the process.

  At first, everything went well, until Chen Hao saw some people nearby with long guns and cannons.

   "When did these reporters arrive?"

  Chen Hao stood still, looking straight at some media not far away.

   "It showed up near the venue yesterday, but they all have the proper certificates. The yellow team has also checked it, but today there are many more people." Jiang Lin explained.

   "These guys are quite fast." Chen Hao said lightly. He has no good feelings about the media. Most of them are controlled by capital. What you can see is actually what they want you to see.

When    was about to leave, a cry of exclamation sounded not far away.

   "Mr. Chen!"

  A blond reporter recognized him and rushed over.

  "President Chen, I am Smith, a reporter for the Daily Mail, don’t you know it’s convenient to accept interviews now?" Smith asked quickly in a language that was not fluent in Chinese.

   "Yes, but I can only answer one question for you." Seeing that the other person's attitude was good, Chen Hao did not refuse. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

  The other party's face was overjoyed, and the microphone moved closer.

  "In this China Forum, President Chen, will you give a special report on stage? For example, photon screens and optical cores?"

   "These two questions." Chen Hao waved his hand and responded: "We will be on stage. As for what we will talk about at that time, we will keep it confidential for now."

  After talking about Chen Hao, who was about to turn around and leave, but because of the delay in the conversation with Smith, he was surrounded by many domestic and foreign media.

  A bunch of questions made Chen Hao annoyed.

  The security of the conference center also came up to separate the reporters.

  Just an unfriendly voice rang from the side, making Chen Hao's expression changed.

  He scanned the reporters in front of him, and finally confronted the owner of the sound source.

  "This reporter in a black trench coat, can you repeat the question just now?"

  Ps: I wish our party a hundred years of happiness!

  One chapter today. . . Can't get out of the second chapter.

  (End of this chapter)

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