I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 505: Meet with Goldman Sachs SVP

"Then I call Xuedi Chen?"

Huang Lan raised her eyebrows and smiled. In terms of identity, it is natural that Chen Hao's identity is far better than her.

It's just that, when the other party came up and shouted it was Senior Sister Huang instead of Manager Huang and Miss Huang. This attitude has already explained a lot.

"It's really disturbing to meet today. Please forgive me." Chen Hao said apologetically.

Then he looked at this senior sister who had graduated a few years earlier.

The appearance is medium-to-high, and I am wearing very casual clothes today. As for the makeup on my face, I can see that it has been carefully applied.

But Chen Hao noticed that Huang Lan's makeup was unconcealedly tired.

Reminiscing about the investment banking department of Goldman Sachs before, an idea in my heart was also finalized.

"It's okay. If you don't make an appointment today, but the day after tomorrow, Chen Xuedi, I'm afraid I won't be able to make it." Huang Lan smiled bitterly.

"Why is this? Isn't the New Year's Day holiday three days?" Chen Hao asked suspiciously.

"That's normal." Huang Lan shook her head, seeming to say with emotion, "Outsiders only see high salaries in the financial industry, but who knows the blood and tears of investment banks."

"The IT industry has been complained of as 996, eating young food, but is our financial industry easier than \\bIT?"

Listening to Huang Lan, Chen Hao thought of what he had heard before, and asked curiously: "I saw a survey report before, saying that the median working hours per week for your Goldman Sachs investment banking employees is 05 hours, and the average working time per week is 9 hours, 5 hours of sleep a day on average, are these true?"

At the end, Chen Hao looked at Huang Lan.

He is still quite curious about this topic.

Huang Lan nodded and admitted.

"That's right, but this is the first two years of joining Goldman Sachs. It will be better if you get over it."

Chen Hao couldn't help shaking his head when he heard Huang Lan's words.

There are always some naive netizens in China who feel that foreign countries pay attention to human rights and are rushing to enter foreign companies.

As the world's top investment bank, Goldman Sachs, staying up late and working overtime have become the norm. Basically, employees of the investment banking department of Goldman Sachs cannot sleep until 3 am.

Note that the investment banking department of Goldman Sachs here is not just for China.

Of course, the salary of Goldman Sachs' investment banking department is indeed high.

But it's not that what I just mentioned above is just one million in annual salary.

Generally speaking, the investment bank job sequence is: Analyst→Assiate→ViePresident→SenirViePresident→Diretr→anagingDiretr→Partner→X.

There are a total of eight steps. After most of the prestigious school students pass the internship period, they come in from Analyst, that is, ordinary analysts.

Assiate is translated into Chinese as a manager, and it is actually an analyst who has been working for 2-4 years and is promoted or hired after graduating from a business school BA.

In fact, the VP is the middle management, and D is the senior management.

Many years ago, foreign investment banks made a joke when they first entered China.

Foreign investment banks and the four major banks negotiate business, and then the other side will come to a VP, and the four major banks must appoint a vice president to show reciprocity.

It was only after several misconducts that the other party’s VP was translated as a vice president, but he was actually a middle-level manager, quite similar to a section chief.

This is embarrassing...

Ask a vice president to receive a section chief.

To make a straightforward analogy, it's like everyone in a barbershop is a director. It sounds scary.

So don't look at Huang Lan's level as SVP, but in fact he is only a middle-level leader, and one Diretr from the top.

In terms of income, in China, \\b foreign investment bank + CICC is the first echelon, and CITIC Huatai is the second echelon, so I won't talk about it later.

The first step has just entered a year to get around 400,000 to 600,000 yuan a year, and it takes more than 3-5 years to earn an annual salary of more than one million.

Knowing all the above, every time you enter the top investment bank, you have an annual salary of one million, that is bragging, nonsense!

With Huang Lan’s current level, the annual income is about 500,000 to 3 million. The \\b fluctuates a lot because the financial industry takes more bonuses. When the industry is down, the income will drop sharply.

Chen Hao didn't go around too much, looking directly at the other party.

"I met with Senior Sister Huang today to ask \\b Senior Sister Huang has any plans to move a nest?"

"How do you say?" Huang Lan asked unchanged face.

Chen Hao straightened his back and said seriously: "That's it. In order to recommend Optical Core's research, I plan to set up a Guanghua Venture Capital to acquire or invest in some potential entrepreneurial companies in the optoelectronics and chip fields..."

With regard to this matter, Chen Hao spoke out all his thoughts in a hurry.

Huang Lan nodded from time to time as she listened. She was really interested in what Chen Hao said, but...

"But why should I leave Goldman Sachs to go to Guanghua?" Huang Lan looked at Chen Hao with interest.

She wanted to see how Chen Hao would answer.

One of the world's top investment banks, the other is a newly established venture capital company.

Don't mention her education and abilities. She was already an SVP at the age of 32, and she was promoted to Diretr for another three or four years, and then she is still expected to become anagingDiretr before the age of 45, which is an executive of the investment banking department of Goldman Sachs.

There is absolutely no need to come to Guanghua here.

Chen Hao looked calm, then smiled and said softly:

"I can give Huang Xuejie. 5 times the current treatment~www.readwn.com~ and \\b I can guarantee that the working hours are one day and one hour, \\b double breaks.\\b"

Huang Lan's mouth was dry for a while.

All of a sudden my heart was confused.

.5 times the salary is not uncommon, although investment bankers are as tired as a donkey, but the salary is really high.

But the hourly work system and weekends guaranteed by Chen Hao later match this salary...

No investment banker is unmoved!

The reason why the salary is high, in fact, depends entirely on time.

Many students from prestigious schools in beautiful countries would rather go to Silicon Valley to work as programmers than to work in banks or investment banks, because they are really tired. . .

Huang Lan looked hesitant, for a moment she didn't know how to choose.

As a woman, she is used as a man in the workplace. As for a man... it is used as an animal.

And women will have so many days every month, as well as some physical problems.

Sometimes, it really bothers her.

At this time, Chen Hao's next heavy blow came again.

"Moreover, when entering our Guanghua department enterprise, the senior management can enjoy the treatment of our Guanghua University faculty and staff, and their children can enter the kindergarten, attached elementary school, and attached high school under Guanghua's priority."

This sentence suddenly smashed her hesitation.

Why is it difficult to keep house prices soaring?

The school district housing is definitely a major factor. In order to solve the problem of children's schooling, the parents in China are really worried.

Huang Lan slowly exhaled, raised her head, looking at Chen Hao with a complex expression.

"Dong Chen, I am willing to join Guanghua Venture Capital."

Chen Hao stood up and smiled as if he had first seen him.

Reach out.

"Welcome to Guanghua!"

ps: Ask for recommendation tickets, ask for monthly tickets.

Checking the investment bank information has delayed a lot of time, and the content is basically accurate.

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