I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 515: Refuse to buy

  Chapter 514 Refusing to buy

Tsinghua University’s junior class this year actually refers to the 2021 Qiu Chengtong’s 2021 Mathematics Leading Talent Training Program, which is referred to as the Mathematics Leadership Program. .

  Actually, Tsinghua University did not just open a junior class this year. There was a Yau Chengtong mathematics elite class as early as this year, mainly for the early admission of mathematics talents in the first and second grades of the college entrance examination.

  But after the mathematics leadership plan is put out, there is a high probability that the elite class will be marginalized in the future, and it may even be completely covered.

  Professor Qiu Yong stood by the window, looking at the snow-covered campus outside, feeling a little flustered inside.

  Tsinghua University faces Guanghua University. It is reasonable to say that there is no need to panic. Even if the other party develops rapidly, it will be difficult to catch up with Tsinghua University.

  But this Guanghua University, he doesn't take the usual path!

   "I originally thought of using this mathematics leader plan to **** some students from Peking University. Now it's even more difficult..."

   Qiu Yong whispered to himself, his face a bit bitter.

  Mathematics is the mother of science and engineering, but Tsinghua’s mathematics is hard to describe, especially Peking University’s mathematics is still invincible in China. No matter how much Tsinghua struggles, it’s difficult to shake the position of Peking University’s mathematics.

  This time, he came up with a mathematics leadership plan. It can also be said that he became irritated, and he broke his face and snatched the people from Peking University in middle school.

  It’s no surprise that Peking University has also followed up and opened a junior class. They are all old opponents, and they basically know everything.

  But Guanghua also came up to join in the fun, which made him panic.

  Guanghua’s routines can’t be figured out. After all, they are private universities and can be more flexible in many ways.

  In case the students they like at Tsinghua University and Peking University, they will drop millions and tens of millions directly...This...

  This is hard to say.

  "Mathematics, physics, chemistry?"

  Qiu Yong said, pacing back and forth in the office.

  Suddenly, he stopped.

   "Guanghua is here to catch it all in one go???"


   Just when Professor Qiu Yong, the president of Tsinghua University, had constipation on his face, he was in Ludao University in the same city as Guanghua University.

  Principal Zhang Yue sat in his chair, leaning forward slightly, rubbing his hands slowly on his temples.

After hesitating for a while, he picked up the phone on the desk and resolutely dialed a Beijing number.

   "Minister Huang, yes, it's me."

  "Didn't I submit an application to the ministry last time? Ahem, this is not coming to ask what the result is."

   "En, Minister, you say."

   "Oh, this is the situation, okay... I see..."

  After the call, Zhang Yue regretted it.

  It's better not to call this special bastard, at least there is still a glimmer of hope.

  The other party talked about some things, and talked about the above policies. Anyway, it means that the junior class will not let go too much for the time being, and can't take too much steps.

  As for Tsinghua, Peking University, and Guanghua, the three schools that opened juvenile classes this year are an attempt...

  You said that it is still understandable to let Huake, Shanghai Jiaotong University, and Zhejiang University try Zhang Yue, you let Guanghua try? ? ?

  It's hard to settle! !

  Zhang Yue looked at the poinciana tree swaying in the wind outside the window, his lips squirmed, but he said nothing.

  All the words turned into a slow and long sigh.

   "One step is slow, step by step is slow!"

  There are many areas where Guanghua lacks, such as teachers, equipment, environment, style of study, source of students, word of mouth, and so on.

  But what is the most important thing for the development of a university?

  Is a stable and high-quality source of students!

What Guanghua lacks most is this source of students.

  In terms of college entrance examination, Guanghua is vying for students in the competition of thousands of universities, and the pressure is not small.

  But when the Junior Class came out, it turned thousands of opponents into 5 opponents at once.

  Even if they can't compete with a few other schools, they are much better than the schools where they can't compete!

  What is this all about!

  The more he really wanted, the more angry he was. Under the same roof, if Lu Da was surpassed by Guanghua, he would simply rub his face on the ground.

   "You have to think of a way!"



   Just when Guanghua University made a big noise in the college community because of the juvenile class, in the Beijing Ruisi Zhixin company, a wave of restlessness was also surging.

  R&D is too costly, and the tens of millions of angel rounds are almost used up. If you don’t open the Pre-A round of financing, you will not be able to sustain it.

  As for financing, there is no problem at all. Ruisizhixin has its own unique technology, and the field and direction of research and development are in line with the trend of the times.

  It’s just that those investment banks are not charities.

  Each round of financing is opened, it means that the corresponding shares will be taken out, and part of the right to speak is also lost.

  There are no more than 40 or 50 people in the company’s headquarters. A meeting is actually a meeting of several founders and executives in the meeting room to discuss.

  On the eve of the meeting, in the corridor outside the company.

  Guo Hui lowered his head and continued on the phone, seeming to be talking something.

  After hanging up, he did not go back immediately.

  But bit her lip, her complexion changed constantly.

   seems to be doing something difficult to decide.

   "2.5 billion..." He murmured, then took a deep breath.

  Take out a pack of Huazi from his pocket, skillfully take out a cigarette, just when it is about to be lit with a lighter.

  All actions have stopped.

  Because of someone's return, some dusty memories have begun to recover.

   "Almost forgot, Huang Lan doesn't like other people smoking..."

   Breathing out a foul breath, Guo Hui plugged the unlit cigarette back, and then walked back.

  In the meeting room.

  A puff of smoke rose slowly.

  The boss Deng Jian looked at Guo Hui with some doubts, and he was amused, "Oh, how did the usual old smoker turn off today?"

  Two of the other three also agreed jokingly.

   "That is, one pack of cigarettes this day will look like a fairy!"

   "It's okay without alcohol, but it's absolutely impossible without cigarettes."

  The work pressure has increased, and smoking has become a way of decompression.

  Guo Hui shook his head and made a haha ​​round.

  Today’s meeting mainly discusses the question of how to raise funds for the Pre-A round. In the previous angel round, 10% of the shares were handed over to China Science and Technology Chuangxing, and the remaining 90% was still retained by their founding team.

  "This time the Pre-A round of financing, how many shares do you think should be taken out?" Deng Jian looked around the crowd, and felt a little drumming in his heart.

  "How about taking 10% of the shares?" one person said.

   "10% is definitely not good. You also know the faces of those capitalists. 10% is enough for them. I guess 30% will do." Another person said.

"30% is too much! Then we only have 60% left on our hands. This is just the A round of financing. After the B and C rounds, we won't have much on hand!" The remaining one then suggested. , "I suggest raising 20% ​​out of financing, as long as it can last for about a year, after our market share increases, we can open the B round of financing."

   "20% is still a bit low, but what you said is reasonable, Lao Li, then we can take out 25%."

  The discussion sounded continuously, but Guo Hui remained silent, occasionally inserting a few words in.

  Only Deng Jian, who is the soul of the team, noticed Guo Hui’s state and asked with concern: "Old Guo, are you okay?"

  Guo Hui hesitated again and again. It seemed that everyone was looking at him. He shot hard and said:

  "In the past two days, I have had MIT alumni contact me, saying that Guanghua intends to acquire our company, and the price is not low."

  These words made the four people dissatisfied.

   "Lao Guo, what do you mean~www.readwn.com~ We started a business just because we wanted to create a career?"

   "Yes, your will was stronger than ours at the beginning, but now it is shaken?"

  "Acquisition us?! Want to eat! Hikvision did not agree to the 1.5 billion acquisition last year. How much can Guanghua bid?"

   "Guanghua bid 2.5 billion to acquire us." Guo Hui's voice sounded again.

   "2.5 billion...?" The man who mentioned Hikvision had his pupils shrinking slightly, and he fell into hesitation.

  2.5 billion is a lot. The 5 members of their team hold 90 shares, which is 2.25 billion yuan!

  Unless Deng Jian holds 34.21%, the remaining four together hold 55.79%, even if they hold at least 8.57%, they can get more than 200 million yuan.

  For a time, two people were moved.

  Until Deng Jian’s rock-like voice rang.

   "We Ruisi Zhixin reject Guanghua's acquisition!"

  Ps: Ask for recommendation tickets and monthly tickets.

  (End of this chapter)

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