I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 519: Old Deng, sorry

Chen Hao is very convinced of Huang Lan's abilities.

The other party can achieve the SVP level in the investment banking department of Goldman Sachs. In addition to having a prestigious school degree and senior internship experience, the most important thing is his ability.

After Goldman Sachs left, the company's framework was built in just a few days, and then he started the acquisition journey with the list he gave.

The startup companies on those lists are all related companies in the optoelectronic field mentioned by Liang Yiqing.

If the acquisition is successful and it is a holding company, the company will move to the optical core industrial park as a whole to assist in the development of supporting optical cores.

As for those who refuse to buy, Guanghua is not the old beauty, and there is no need to retaliate. This is all commercial behavior, and it is normal.

Anyway, valuable engineers would dig over and fill in the acquired company or optical core research center.

The most important thing is of course the research and development of the optical core, and the others are secondary.

"Rise Zhixin..."

Chen Hao tapped his fingers on the desk, chanting the company's name, and his tone was a little surprised.

What is surprising is not that the other party rejected Guanghua’s acquisition, but the operation of Vice President Guo of Ruisizhixin...

Reality is even more outrageous than novels!

"Sister Huang will have a headache with these things. The most important thing at the moment is Guangxin and school affairs." Chen Hao shook his head, and when it came to school affairs...it reminded him of one thing.

"School is about to be closed. It should be all exams by this time."

Maybe it's a little leisurely at the moment, or maybe it's an overwhelming sense of responsibility.

Chen Hao had a different idea in his heart.

"How about going around the examination room?"

The more he thought about it, the more excited Chen Hao got up, said hello to Deng Hui, and then went downstairs.


At the end of the semester, whether it is a school with a good or bad style of study, there will be many reading, recitation, and review figures on campus.

Whether it is an eager to learn or a playful student, they are all in the learning state at this moment.

The usually noisy campus has become much quieter now.

At this time, the empty classrooms in the library and the teaching building have to be robbed. Some students who go out can only choose to go to the cafeteria, playground, grove or school cafes, KFC and other places to review.

When Chen Hao walked to the teaching building, some students passed by accidentally, but he could still hear a few complaints.

They all went to the library and turned back without a seat. \\b

Cross the campus path and finally came to the teaching building of the College of Engineering and Technology.

Stepping onto the corridor on the first floor, he walked and visited the classroom. \\b

Until he found a classroom that was taking an exam, Chen Hao coughed lightly and strode into it with great interest.

Song Jin is a lecturer at Guanghua College, and the course he is responsible for is also very simple, teaching "Marx Principles".

The reason for the invigilation is of course for the invigilation fee.

Whether it is a primary school, a middle school or a university, there is an invigilation fee for the examination, especially for the high school entrance examination and the college entrance examination, which costs more for one day.

Although there is monitoring in the examination room, the invigilator is more important.

To be honest, the teacher also came from school days, unless it is using high technology, it can basically be aware of cheating.

Whether it is caught or not depends purely on whether the invigilator is strict or not.

Song Jin belongs to the former.

At this moment, he was in the examination room, slowly walking back and forth.

Most of the students were doing the questions without distraction, but a few students complained repeatedly.

I dare not take out the prepared cheat sheet at all!

The invigilator was too strict, and several students who wanted to cheat were also taken care of by Song Jin because of their frequent raising of their heads. \\b

Guanghua has zero tolerance for cheating, and will not drop out of school, but once caught cheating, it will be renewed.

At this time, from the corner of Song Jin's eyes, he noticed an "uninvited guest" coming in outside the classroom.

The thick eyebrows were erected instantly, and he raised his head just wanting to scold him.

Until he saw the person coming, he opened his mouth and quickly closed it as if swallowing a fly.

Then walked quickly to Chen Hao's side.

"Principal, why are you here?"

Chen Hao gestured a smile to Song Jin and another female invigilator, and then looked around the students in the teacher.

"Just in time, come over and randomly inspect the examination room."

Turning his head, he lowered his voice to Song Jin and asked, "Is there any problem in the examination room?"

"No problem, the students are serious." Song Jin said without hesitation.

After all, under his strict proctoring, he did not give students the opportunity to cheat at all.

"Very good, hard work." Chen Hao nodded to Song Jin and said with appreciation.

Then, Song Jin saw the principal walking around the classroom, occasionally stopping and looking down at a student's answer.

The moment Chen Hao left the classroom.

Song Jin breathed a sigh of relief.

The students in the classroom were also relieved.

Even if you have such a strict teacher invigilating the exam, it would be too much to have another principal!

As for Chen Hao, who walked out of the classroom, with his hands behind his back, he wandered leisurely in the teaching.

It hasn't been among the students for a long time, and sometimes he almost forgets that he is not a university president, but the boss of an enterprise.

When he was about to leave, Chen Hao's free eyes were suddenly attracted by a person.

In the classroom next to the stairs, there was a handsome young boy with short hair, with a calm expression on his face.

"Isn't this classmate Lu Zhou?"


Beijing, Ruisi Zhixin.

\\b "Old Deng, something is bad!"

An exclamation came from Deng Jian's side. \\b

The person speaking is also an executive of the entrepreneurial team. The position in the company is only that of Deng Jian~www.readwn.com~ I just received the news that Guanghua initiated acquisitions from 13 companies in the optoelectronics field. Kunyou Optoelectronics and Qixin Optoelectronics absolutely control! "

Deng Jian was holding the water glass with a hand shaking, his pupils were shocked and panicked!

I used to think that Guanghua Venture Capital is just like Zhongke Chuangxing, investing in the hard technology field. I did not expect that not only the acquisition of their Ruisi Zhixin, but also other start-up companies in the optoelectronic field are also facing the same experience.

"This is the wolf coming!" Deng Jian murmured.

"Old Deng, let's reject Guanghua's acquisition, doesn't it matter?" The executive looked at Deng Jian anxiously.

Before, he was on the same line as Deng Jian, who refused to buy, and wanted to stick to his entrepreneurial dream.

But now, he was a little shaken.

"This is China! \\b" A hesitation flashed across Deng Jian's face, but then he was firmly replaced.

"We reject Guanghua’s acquisition, which is in line with commercial behavior. If Guanghua retaliates against us, then...then they wait and see!" Deng Jian gritted his teeth and wanted to say something cruel, but no one seemed to threaten each other. of.

"Does it really matter?" the executive asked worriedly.

"Do not worry."

After comforting the other party, Deng Jian thought about something in his mind, and thought about it: "Lao Zhao, you will go out and call Lao Guo in. I will discuss this with him."


ten minutes later.

Guo Hui walked into the office.

Before Deng Jian could speak, Guo Hui put a document-like thing in his hand on Deng Jian's desk.

Before he could pick up the "document", I heard Deng Jian's apologetic voice. \\b

"Old Deng, I'm sorry.\\b"

ps: Ask for recommendation tickets, ask for monthly tickets.

There may be a show operation in the next chapter...wait 1 o'clock and watch again.

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