I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 522: Guanghua is the last pure land

After the call was connected, Xu Chenyang's lazy voice came.

"Teacher, why did you call here early in the morning..."

Tian Rou snorted coldly, and said in a weird manner: "If I don't fight quickly, I'm afraid that you won't have time to fight after you reach Guanghua."

The opposite is silent.

Then a sigh sounded in the empty room.

"Teacher, I'm sorry for betraying your high hopes. This decision is indeed incredible, but I don't regret it." Xu Chenyang said firmly.

When they reach their IQ people, they usually think about problems and make many kinds of assumptions.

Joining Guanghua University is the optimal solution.

Choosing Guanghua is naturally not a choice made by one's brains.

Tian Rou's face was stagnant, and she asked inconceivably, "Guanghua University is still developing, but it is a world away from Peking University! There is no comparison at all. If you choose to go to Guanghua, it will only waste your talent!"

"Then go to Peking University?" Xu Chenyang asked rhetorically.

Tian Rou hesitated, and then said, "Uh...even if you don't return to Peking University, you can go to Tsinghua University or Fudan University."

Xu Chenyang knew that his teacher, the vice president of Peking University and the chairman of the Chinese Mathematical Society, had nothing to say, but he still had some problems.

"Teacher, it's not that I speak badly. The schools you mentioned are not as good as Guanghua in some respects." Xu Chenyang said lightly.

"Oh?" Professor Tian Rou laughed angrily, "Apart from money, what else do I want to hear?"

What are the advantages of Guanghua University besides being rich?

Peking University and Guanghua University are like the difference between an elegant gentry and a nouveau riche.

"Teacher, do you really want to hear it?"

"Listen thoroughly!"

Xu Chenyang couldn't help but shook his head, and said calmly: "A lot of money is indeed a characteristic of Guanghua, but the point is not the total amount of this money, but the use."

"Does Peking University have no money? Yes! Peking University has a lot of financial allocations, and some research groups even amount to tens of millions of hundreds of millions of dollars, but what about the graduate students below?"

"There is a meeting here in Pretty Country. Graduate students can basically be reimbursed if they participate in it. It is clear who is in the field after a few meetings and what the level is."

"You also know the reimbursement of postgraduates by public universities in China. Basically, the reimbursement will not last long. The tolls are second-class trains and sleeping berths, not even air tickets."

Although Xu Chenyang is no longer a graduate student, as a former Peking University professor, it is natural to reimburse these things, but he is studying in China and he knows the hardships of domestic graduate students.

Sometimes I have a meeting from Beijing to Shenzhen, because I can't reimburse the air ticket, I can only take the high-speed train for eight or nine hours.

Don’t underestimate graduate students. The great people will standout from the postgraduate level. They have no time to teach and don’t need to write fund applications and other messy things. You can concentrate on reading books to find topics to do. It is the most creative stage For too much.

However, the treatment of postgraduates in China is acceptable to a few schools such as the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the National University of Science and Technology.

"Not to mention Peking University's prioritization of capital allocation, as far as Peking University's logistics and administration are concerned, there are really too many problems."

Xu Chenyang took a deep breath from the scene at the meeting.

"It should be 13 years ago. At that time, I had just returned to Peking University. On an occasion at the school, I heard a school leader in administrative affairs speaking to several postdoctoral fellows in the school very disdainfully: You guys The guy is just a postdoc who can't mix in America..."

Tian Rou was silent when she heard these words.

He knows all these things Xu Chenyang said, and this kind of thing will exist no matter which school it is.

Tian Rou wanted to explain, but the words came to a halt. Guanghua could indeed reduce such problems.

Compared with public universities, private universities are far more flexible in terms of system. It is difficult for public universities to expel one person.

"Beijing University still has..."

Xu Chenyang is still narrating the facts one by one, just like the famous domestic company Ari, no one dares to think that Ari's ice-breaking culture is so unbearable.

Basically, every time Xu Chenyang said one, Tian Rou's face went dark.

Finally turned into a sigh.

He was relieved.

But he still wanted to ask.

"Chenyang, if you are willing to return to Peking University, we can work together to reform and welcome the new with the points you mentioned."

However, what was waiting was Xu Chenyang's resolute voice.

"Teacher, I'm sorry. Although Peking University is very good, it is not suitable to concentrate on academic research."

"Guanghua University is the last pure land!"


When the call was hung up, Xu Chenyang's face was a little melancholy, or it was an inexplicable sadness.

Peking University is his alma mater, so he didn't want to return to his alma mater to teach.

But reason told him that only Guanghua University is the most suitable place for him, and it is also the only place in China where mathematics can take root.

Not to mention that there is still a Lu Zhou waiting for him there.

Chen Hao had a sentence that touched him very much.

There is no shortage of Chinese for the Fields Medal, but China needs a Fields Medal!

He has already missed time, but Lu Zhou is still young, and his plasticity and growth are very large.

Thinking of Lu Zhou, Xu Chenyang thought of Guanghua University.

The resignation procedures are already in the process, but before returning to China, he still wants to try again.

Thinking of this, Xu Chenyang swept away the tiredness on his face and regained his energy.

Today, he is going to lobby two friends.

It can also be said to be a junior.


"Old Xu, I'm sorry, I have no plans to return to China."

"I have no plans to return to China. My wife and children have been living in the United States, and the domestic scientific research environment is indeed not good."

Two people were speaking, called Yun Zhiwei and Zhang Wei.

There are four great geniuses in mathematics at Peking University, namely Yun Zhiwei, Zhang Wei, Xu Chenyang and Zhu Xinwen.

But now, as the most outstanding generation of young mathematicians in China, all four of them are in the United States.

Zhu Xinwen is a professor at California Institute of Technology;

Yun Zhiwei was previously a professor at Yale University;

Zhang Wei used to be a professor at Princeton University~www.readwn.com~ and then interestingly, in 2018, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology made a lot of signings and suddenly dug up three 45-minute reports from the field of young algebraic geometry from China. People, namely Xu Chenyang, Yun Zhiwei and Zhang Wei.

The main reason is the unfortunate death of the two Fields Medals and the aging mathematics department of MIT. There are still many old professors still teaching in the classroom.

Together with the previous Deng Xia, Huang Xu and several other Chinese mathematicians, they seem to occupy half of the MIT Department of Mathematics.

Listening to the conversation between the two, even if Xu Chenyang had prepared, he was still a little disappointed.

The levels of Yun Zhiwei and Zhang Wei are similar to him, but slightly different.

If you can convince these two people to Guanghua, then Guanghua's mathematics department is definitely an all-star lineup!

ps: Ask for recommended tickets, ask for monthly tickets!

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