I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 106: Battle against Ultron

Su Li and Nagiya each held an energy cannon and fired at the vibranium robot that rushed into the control room. They had to guard the control room.

However, there were more and more enemies, and they were a little bit overwhelmed. At this moment, Thor, the **** of thunder, fell from the sky, and the hammer of Thor continued to attack the Zhenjin robot. He stood at the door of the control room, blocking the enemies who wanted to rush into the control room.

Tony Stark was also in air fire support, and the two managed to defend the control room...

Ultron was really anxious. If all his robots were destroyed, he wouldn't be able to run. Arthur saw Ultron's trance and grabbed Ultron's neck with his right hand.

The two gems on Arthur's right hand both lit up, and a yellow energy shield wrapped around Ultron's body and disappeared.

With the help of the Reality Gem, Arthur used all his strength to successfully use the Mind Gem. The yellow energy blocked Ultron's data source, and now Ultron could no longer escape from the network.

"Damn! You actually trapped me!" Ultron looked at Arthur in shock and anger. He didn't expect that Arthur could trap himself. He suddenly felt an unprecedented sense of crisis.

After Arthur used gems to block Ultron's data source, he suddenly felt a sense of weakness. Ultron saw that Arthur was in a wrong situation, grabbed Arthur's neck with his backhand, and smashed him from the air to the ground.

Arthur was heavily smashed to the ground, and Ultron's right hand sent a huge red energy ray to attack Arthur, but the attack was blocked by a red energy shield.

Wanda fell from the sky, stood in front of Arthur, and used chaos magic with both hands to form an energy shield to block Ultron's attack.

"It's you again! Just because you want to hurt me too? Die!" Ultron's eyes and hands emitted four red energy rays, and Wanda could only grit his teeth to maintain the energy shield to block the huge energy rays.

However, Wanda's ability was still not strong enough. The energy shield was still broken after more than ten seconds, and Wanda was also hit by the energy light and flew out.

"No!!" Arthur looked at Wanda who was blown away by the energy rays in front of him, and his heart twitched!

Ultron flew towards Wanda, grabbed her neck and held the dying Wanda in his hand.

"It seems that you care about this woman? I'll let you taste the feeling of losing someone you care about!" Ultron raised his right hand and inserted it into Wanda's heart!

"No!!" Arthur shouted piercingly, he wanted to stand up hard, but just using the Infinity Stones had already made him very weak.

Suddenly a figure flashed by, and Ultron was pierced by Pietro with a vibrating gold spear and pinned to the ground!

Ultron's backhand energy attack blasted Pietro out, and Ultron just stood up and was kicked away by T'Challa who arrived.

Arthur stumbled and quickly came to Wanda and picked up Wanda. Looking at the big hole in her chest, the red energy enveloped Wanda. With the ability of the Reality Gem, Wanda's chest wound slowly disappeared, and the ability changed into a The heart began to beat again, and Wanda resumed his weak breathing.

Arthur knew that she could only last in this state for a while, and Wanda would face death soon.

"Venom!! Where are you?" Arthur yelled at the battlefield.

I saw a black monster broke free from the vibranium robot that was fighting with it, and rushed towards Arthur.

Arthur looked at the venom running towards him, and finally put down a little in his heart. As long as the venom is there, no matter how severe the injury is, it can be saved!

Under the anxious expressions of Arthur and Pietro, the black liquid on Venom slowly wrapped Wanda, leaving only a little white cat nervously swarming around.

Arthur picked up the little white cat, looked at Venom nervously, and asked, "How is it? Can Wanda's injury be healed?"

"Her heart is all broken, but I can repair a new heart for her. After this treatment, I have to replenish energy! It consumes too much physical energy." Venom replied.

Pietro and Arthur both breathed a sigh of relief, Wanda would be fine, Arthur asked Pietro to continue to kill the enemy and guard Wanda himself.

"You take good treatment, this time I'll buy a cart of chocolates to replenish your energy!" Arthur said to Venom.


Ultron pulled out the Zhenjin spear on his chest and fought with T'Challa. Steve Rogers also came to help, and the two attacked Ultron together.

Ultron's red energy rays were blocked by Steve Rogers' shield, and T'Challa's Panther Armor could also absorb the energy and release it to attack Ultron.

"You killed my father, and I will kill you today!" T'Challa's attack quickly passed, Ultron could only defend and block his attack, and Steve also used his shield to continuously attack Ultron.

Facing the two people with great skills, Ultron was beaten for a while and couldn't fight back. Ultron suddenly flew up and rushed into the air. Neither T'Challa nor Steve could fly and could only watch him leave.

Just when Ultron was about to escape, he was knocked down by a flying hammer. It turned out that Thor had arrived, and Tony Stark also blasted the falling Ultron with energy rays in the air.

Ultron hit the ground heavily, Thor and Tony Stark fell from the sky, and for a while Thor, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers and T'Challa surrounded Ultron...

Venom left Wanda and returned to the kitten. Arthur finally smiled when he looked at Wanda, who had no scars on his arms.

Wanda slowly opened his eyes and saw Arthur holding him. Wanda reached out and stroked Arthur's face.

"Am I dreaming? Arthur." Wanda said.

"Don't worry, you're fine!" Arthur said, holding Wanda tightly in his arms, and Wanda also hugged Arthur's body.

After a while, Arthur released Wanda, looked at her and said, "Okay, Ultron is still waiting for us to solve it, how do you feel?"

"I feel good, I don't have any pain on my body, it's amazing!" Wanda said, rubbing the white kitten's head.

Arthur looked at Ultron, who was fighting fiercely with Thor and Tony Stark in the air, and said.

"Let's go! Let's deal with him!"

Wanda nodded, and the red energy came out and flew towards Ultron.

The golden trident appeared in his hand, and Arthur flew towards Ultron.

Ultron is on par with Thor and Tony Stark in the air, but his Iron Legion has been largely wiped out and there is no one left to support him.

In the face of Tony Stark's energy ray attack, a blue energy shield appeared on the surface of Ultron's body and blocked it, but Thor took the opportunity to use Thor's Hammer to summon thunder and lightning to strike Ultron, knocking him out.

At this moment, a red energy fixed Ultron, which was Wanda's chaotic power.

Arthur raised the trident and sent a burst of orange energy on Ultron, who sent out a blue energy shield to block.

Tony Stark also emitted a yellow energy ray at Ultron, and Thor, the **** of thunder, also raised the hammer of Thor and struck Ultron with countless lightning bolts.

"It's impossible!" cried Wanda Ultron, who was unscathed.

Wanda used all the power of red chaos to squeeze Ultron's body, and the three energies of Arthur Tony and Thor broke the blue energy shield and attacked Ultron's body directly.

Ultron's body slowly turned red under the attack of the four energies, like a red-hot iron block, and it became brighter and brighter...

"Do not!!"

In the end, with a bang, Ultron was completely blown to pieces, and the four finally smiled when they looked at the destroyed Ultron body.


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