I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 114: dark latitude

After a month of study, Arthur finally successfully communicated the energy of the multiverse.

Arthur closed his eyes, relaxed his mind and entered a state of meditation, learning the method of Camustro's book on the book, and trying to communicate with the energy of the multiverse.

Arthur's consciousness suddenly came to the vast universe, looking at the countless stars around him, Arthur knew that he had succeeded.

This is an unfamiliar universe. The energy here is slightly different from the energy of Arthur's original universe. Arthur can't tell this feeling.

Arthur's consciousness traveled in the infinite universe, looking at the stars flying by around him, Arthur had a feeling of loneliness and desolation.

Arthur felt various energies from the universe, and Arthur tried to communicate these energies and record the coordinates of this universe.

At this moment, a huge black energy hit Arthur's consciousness, and Arthur immediately reacted. This is the power of the dark dimension.

Arthur was entangled by this dark energy, as if countless hands were pulling Arthur's body, dragging him into the dark world.

Arthur struggled but couldn't break free of this power. At this moment, Arthur seemed to have passed a very long time, and Arthur was dragged into the dark dimension by the dark energy.

He saw one planet after another being swallowed up by the dark dimension, and suddenly a huge face appeared in front of Arthur.

This huge face is even bigger than a planet. Arthur is the size of a cell in front of it. This terrifying face is composed of countless dark energies. Arthur feels very magical and can't see this face. It looks like he is Dormammu, the lord of the dark dimension!

Dormammu's two huge eyes looked at Arthur, and Arthur suddenly felt horrified, cold sweat broke out all over his body, and a cold sense of fear hit Arthur.

Dead! If he is eroded by this dark energy, will he become a follower of Dormammu just like Casillas?

Arthur calmed down immediately. He didn't really see Dormammu, he just communicated the energy of the dark dimension, and he couldn't be lost by the dark energy.

Arthur's whole body lit up with yellow energy. Arthur used the Mind Gem, and he instantly regained control of his consciousness and broke free from the erosion of the dark dimension energy.

The sleeping Arthur sat up from the bed, he finally woke up from the meditation, and his consciousness returned to his body.

Arthur sat on the bed panting heavily, his clothes were soaked with sweat, and Arthur lost sleepiness.

Arthur found a set of clean clothes, went to the bathroom to take a shower and changed, opened the door and walked out.

It was already midnight, and the magicians of Kama Taj were meditating. There was no one outside, and it was quiet everywhere.

Arthur came to a pavilion and sat down, staring at the distant Himalayas in a daze.

Arthur suddenly felt someone coming to his side, turned his head and saw that it was Wanda.

"Why are you here? Haven't slept yet?" Arthur asked, looking at Wanda.

Wanda came to Arthur and sat down, resting his head on Arthur's shoulder, and said faintly, "I heard noises in your bedroom while meditating, I came out to take a look and saw you walking here alone. Go, I'll follow you out to see what's wrong with you."

"Sorry for disturbing you, I really can't sleep and go out for a walk." Arthur didn't say what he had just seen about Dormammu, he was afraid that Wanda would be worried.

"It's okay, I like watching the stars with you very much, it's so beautiful!" Wanda said, looking at the Himalayas and the starry sky in the distance.

"Yeah, it's beautiful!" Arthur stretched his arms around Wanda's waist, and Wanda also took advantage of the situation to snuggle into Arthur's arms, and the two sat together looking at the distant scenery...

the next day

Arthur took the book of Camustro to the ancient master's room early in the morning, and he told the ancient master about his experience last night.

Master Gu Yi is also speechless. The first time you communicate with the energy of the multiverse, you can encounter the energy of the dark dimension, which is also extremely lucky.

"You have successfully communicated the energy of the multiverse, and then you can start learning how to break the universe and send it to the door." Master Gu Yi looked at Arthur and said.

Arthur was very excited that he could finally learn portal magic, and he spent more than a month of study in vain.

"This kind of portal magic that collapses the universe is particularly complicated and obscure. You can't understand the Book of Siseitri in Sanskrit by relying on Google Translate." said Master Gu Yi.

"Please Supreme Master teach me." Arthur bowed to Master Gu Yi.

Master Gu Yi took Arthur's book of Camustro and took out another book of Xisei Aitri, this book is a book about space magic, also known as the book of space magic.

Under the guidance of the ancient one, Arthur began to learn the principles of the jerky magic portal.

Arthur's study life began again. Every day he spent two hours listening to Master Gu Yi, and the rest of the time he studied by himself.

Wanda, on the other hand, can already learn the Chaos Tome by himself, and the apprentice magicians of Kama Taj are very envious of Arthur who goes to the ancient one to study every day.

Arthur and Wanda have been especially favored by the ancient one since they came to Kama Taj. The ancient one first taught Wanda chaos magic, and now he teaches Arthur space magic every day.

So everyone is very envious of Wanda and Arthur. If they want to be taught by the ancient master, they must complete the test set by the ancient master.

Wanda and Arthur are too perverted. The speed of learning magic is as fast as making a plane. The apprentices dare not compare with the two.

Everyone thinks that there are absolutely no people in the world who are more perverted than Arthur and Wanda to learn magic, but unfortunately everyone will be hit by a doctor again in a few months.

In this way, it took Arthur a month to barely be able to use the magic portal. Under the care of the ancient master, Arthur chanted a tongue-in-cheek incantation and opened a portal without using the mysterious ring.

Master Gu Yi followed Arthur into the portal, and the two passed through the portal to a street.

This is... New York? Arthur looked at the Stark Tower in the distance and was a little confused. I opened the portal of the broken universe. How did I get back to New York.

But Arthur reacted after a while. This is not his own world. In his world, the Stark Building has been transformed into the Avengers base.

When did the universe develop? Arthur walked to a newsstand with questions and bought a newspaper.

The newspaper says that Tony Stark confessed to being Iron Man in a press conference! This is what happened in 2010.

Arthur and Master Gu Yi were strolling on the street, Master Gu Yi nodded with satisfaction and said, "This time the multiverse crossing has been successful, you have already initially understood the method of crossing the multiverse, and in the future you will be able to make it happen. Fully grasp."

"Thank you very much! Teacher!" Arthur respected Master Gu Yi as his teacher, and he was very grateful for Master Gu Yi's selfless teaching.

"You and Wanda's magical talents are very good. If there is no Stephen Strange, you can both inherit the seat of the Supreme Mage." Mage Gu Yi said with satisfaction.

"The Supreme Mage should be inherited by Dr. Stephen. Of course, we will help him protect the Supreme Temple." Arthur said sincerely.

"You still have a lot of magic knowledge to learn, let's go back," said Master Gu Yi.

Arthur nodded, opened another teleportation array, and the two returned to Kama Taj...


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