I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 125: Battle for Casillas

After Stephen Strange glanced at Ding in his hand, he smashed Ding towards Casillas' head with force, and was blocked by Casillas' magic blade and flew out.

Stephen Strange used the magic whip to fight with Casillas' double knives again. Casillas saw the opportunity and kicked Stephen out and smashed a glass case. on the ground.

Casillas kicked Stephen away with another kick, and smashed a glass case. Just as Casillas was about to slash at Stephen with a knife, his knife was caught by the red piece floating in the glass case. The cloak blocked it.

Casillas grabbed Stephen's clothes, slashed it down again, and was blocked by the red cloak.

Casillas punched Stephen Strange in the face, then grabbed him by the collar and threw him out, with Stephen crawling off the ground.

Casillas stabbed Stephen's stomach with a knife, but Stephen Strange grabbed Casillas' hand.

Casillas kicked Stephen off the second floor corridor railing with a kick, and the red floating cloak quickly chased Stephen Strange away.

Casillas looked downstairs, he saw Stephen wearing a red magic cloak flying up from downstairs, Stephen pulled the magic whip with both hands and summoned it in his hand, Stephen used the magic whip to swipe towards Casillas .

Casillas caught Stephen's magic whip with a knife, he pulled it hard, and Stephen also pulled hard, and the two competed for strength.

But Stephen Strange is now floating in the air and can't take advantage of it. He was pulled over by Casillas. Stephen Strange lost his center of gravity and flew towards Casillas. also fell to the ground.

Both of them were lying on the ground, and Sirius got up and slashed at Stephen Strange with a magic knife.

Fortunately, the magic cloak dragged Stephen Strange backwards, avoiding Casillas' attack.

The magic cloak dragged Stephen Strange in front of a pair of magical armor made of many metals, but Stephen Strange saw the axe and shield hanging on the wall beside him.

Stephen Strange ran to the axe and shield, trying to take them off as weapons, but was caught by the cloak.

Every time Stephen Strange tried to run to the axe shield, he was pulled by the cloak, dragging him back to the side of the magic weapon mail.

Stephen Strange was pulled as soon as he ran, pulled and ran forward, which was very funny.

Stephen Strange understood the meaning of the magic cloak and let him use this weird-looking magic weapon mail.

Casillas watched Stephen Strange's comical performance and was about to go up to give him a knife, but he was knocked to the ground by the magic cloak.

Stephen took the opportunity to take off the magic weapon mail and threw it at Casillas, only to see the magic weapon chain armor suddenly unfolded, firmly fixing Casillas' body in sections, and fixed it into a kneeling on the ground with both hands. Tie back shape.

I only saw that the fixed Casillas mouth was also buckled by the iron piece, and there were still words in his mouth.

Stephen Strange was gasping for breath. Today was the most thrilling time in his life. One of his doctors even fought a traitor from the wizarding world, and now it's scary to think about it.

Stephen Strange was annoyed by Casillas' words, so he walked up and took down the metal piece fixed on his mouth.

"Please shut up!" Stephen Strange said, but Casillas kept muttering, unable to understand what language he was speaking.

"I told you to shut up!" Stephen Strange exclaimed.

"You can't stop this, Mr. Doctor!" Casillas finally spoke a language that Stephen could understand.

"I don't even know what this thing is about!" Stephen Strange said.

"This is the end and the beginning! The process of turning more into less and less uniting too one." Casillas said mysteriously.

"If you say these things are meaningless, I will put this back on you." Stephen Strange waved the metal buckle in his hand and said.

"Tell me, Mister Doctor..." Casillas said.

"Wait, I'm Dr. Stephen Strange!" Stephen interrupted Casillas, correcting that he had been calling himself Mr. Doctor.

"Are you really a doctor?" Casillas asked in surprise.

"Yes." Stephen Strange replied.

"A scientist? You understand the laws of nature, everything will grow old, everything will die. In the end, even the sun will burn out, and our universe will be a cold and rotten universe. But the dark dimension is beyond time!" Casillas explained.

"Okay, I'm going to put this back on for you." Stephen Strange said and stepped forward with the metal buckle.

"This world doesn't need death, Doctor! This world can take what it deserves, and be part of the One with so many other worlds, a great and beautiful world of One! We can all live forever!" Casillas Tried to convince Stephen again.

"Really? So what can you get out of this new utopian dimension?" Stephen Strange asked rhetorically.

"Like you, like everyone, life! Eternal life! People are always thinking about good and evil, but time is the enemy of all of us. Time kills everything!" Casillas explained.

"What about those people you killed?" Stephen Strange asked.

"Insignificant! The gigantic universe doesn't care about these fleeting little dusts. Yes, you know, you know what we're doing! This world is not what it should be, and people yearn for immortality, for a place that is immune to time. The world in bondage, because it is time that enslaves us! Time is an insult, and death is an insult! We are not trying to rule the world! We are saving it!" Casillas said.

Stephen Strange felt that Casillas was hopeless, his thoughts were too extreme and very dangerous!

"The Supreme Mage will defend all beings!" Stephen Strange said.

"Why did you go to Kama Taj, doctor? For enlightenment? Or for strength? You went to seek healing, we are all! Kama Taj specializes in collecting broken things, we are all promised to be healed, and Master Gu Yi used some tricks to fool us, she is the only one who enjoys real magic, have you ever wondered why she can live so long?" Casillas asked.

"I've seen the ritual in The Book of Camustro!" Stephen Strange thought for a while and replied.

"So you know, the ritual gives us the power to overthrow the Ancient One and destroy her temple! Make the dark dimension accessible, because what the Ancient One is hiding, Dormammu can give for free! Eternal life! It's not Destroyer! Doctor, he is the savior." Casillas continued to confuse Stephen Strange.

"No, look at your face, Dormammu turned you into a murderer, how good can his kingdom be?" Stephen Strange asked rhetorically.

Casillas didn't answer, but laughed.

"Do you think that's funny?" Stephen Strange didn't know what Cassillis was laughing at.

"No, it's not because of that. What I'm funny about is that your Xuanjie has been removed." Casillas said.

Stephen Strange touched the belt and looked for the Xuan Ring on his body, and just as he turned around, a magic knife suddenly flew into his chest.

It turned out that Casillas' subordinates used the portal to return here and attacked Stephen Strange. Casillas and Stephen said so much to delay the time.

Casillas' men grabbed Stephen and threw him down the stairs.

Stephen, who fell to the ground, struggled to get up, blood dripping down his chest.


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