I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 127: fierce battle

"Is your injury okay?" Wanda at the door asked after seeing Stephen Strange and Kristen Palmer coming out together.

"Yes, let's go, let's go back." Stephen Strange said as he walked.

"This is crazy, where are you going? Can you tell me the truth?" asked Christine, who supported Stephen.

"How can I say it, a powerful mage who dedicated himself to ancient powers that could even defy the laws of physics, and he wanted to kill me! Now I've locked him in Greenwich Village, and I'm going back there, Just go through a portal, and I built it in the utility room." Stephen Strange explained quickly.

"Okay, I know you don't want to tell me, it's okay..." Kristin thought that Stephen was making up a story to deceive her.

Stephen opened the door of the utility room, a golden teleportation door was in the utility room, and Wanda took the lead and walked in.

"I really have to go, Christine." Stephen Strange touched Christine's face, gave her a deep look, turned and walked into the portal.

The portal suddenly disappeared. Christine is still a little confused in the utility room. There are too many things that surprised her today.

Suddenly, the mop on the side fell down and hit an iron bucket, making a sound that made Kristin jump up in fright...

Wanda and Stephen Strange returned to the New York Temple, which was already in a mess.

The two returned to the place where Casillas was trapped. Only the magic mail was left in place, and Casillas had disappeared.

"Wanda? Strange, are you all right?" Mordo asked the two of them when he came to the New York Temple.

"I'm fine, Wanda saved me," Stephen Strange said.

"That magic cloak? It chose you..." Mordo looked at the red cloak on Stephen Strange and said in surprise.

"It's amazing! It's very distracting..." Master Gu Yi also walked out from the side and said to Stephen Strange.

"Casillas escaped, he can fold space and matter at will!" Stephen Strange said.

"Can he fold matter outside the mirror-dimensional space? In the real world?" Master Gu Yi asked.

"Yes." Stephen Strange nodded.

"How many people are there?" Master Gu Yi asked.

"Two, I threw one in the desert, the other was killed by Wanda, the body is in the hall, and the body of Mage Daniel is in the foyer." Stephen Strange replied, Wanda facing Master Gu Yi nodded.

"He was brought back to Karma Taj, and the London Temple has fallen," Mordo said.

"Only the temples in New York and Hong Kong are left to defend against the invasion of the dark dimension. You defended the New York temple that was under attack. The mage here is dead, and a new guardian mage is needed, and that is you, Mage Strange! "Gu Yi Mage continued.

"No, I'm Dr. Strange, not Mage Strange or Mr. Strange! I swore when I was a doctor not to hurt people, I can't! I'm a doctor to save people, not kill people ." Stephen Strange exclaimed.

"You're a doctor mainly to save a life, your own! You inflate your ego too much, and you look back on the delusion that you mastered everything, even death! But no one can control death, and so did the great Dr. Stephen Strange. No!" Ancient One Mage said to Stephen Strange.

"Nor Dormammu? He can immortalize people!" Stephen Strange asked rhetorically.

"It is our fear of death that gives Dormammu life, and he feeds on it," the Ancient One explained.

"And you feed on him! You told me to control death, I know how you do it, I've seen the missing ritual in "The Book of Camustro"." Stephen Strange said more and more excited .

"Be very careful with what you're going to say next, Doctor!" Mage Gu Yi warned Stephen.

"Because you don't like to hear it?" Stephen Strange asked Mage Ancient One.

"Because you probably don't know what you're talking about!" Ancient One Mage looked at Stephen Strange and said.

"What is he talking about?" Mordo and Wanda on the side looked strangely at the two competing against each other, not knowing what Stephen Strange meant.

"I'm talking about her infinite lifespan, the reason she doesn't die, she draws energy from the dark dimension to stay alive!" Stephen Strange said what he had discovered.

"That can't be true!" Mo Du smiled, he didn't believe Master Gu Yi would do such a thing.

"There are many kinds of energies in the multiverse. Can you be sure that the ancient one is the energy of the dark dimension and not the energy of other dimensions?" Wanda asked Stephen Strange.

"I've seen the instructions for those rituals, and I know how you did it! Although I'm not sure if you draw the energy of the dark dimension." Stephen Strange looked at the ancient one and said.

"When they get back together again, the fanatics of Casillas will come back, and you will need my support!" After Mage Gu Yi finished speaking, she turned and left. She didn't want to explain Stephen Strange's question. matter.

"She's not what you think, you're not qualified to say that, you don't know the responsibilities on her shoulders!" Mordo said to Stephen Strange.

"Yes, I don't want to know either!" Stephen Strange said.

"Master Gu Yi taught you to master power, how about you? How did you repay her? In the end, you still have to question Master Gu Yi, even if she really draws energy from the dark dimension? What she does is to protect the safety of the earth. What is the difference between you and Casillas? Think about it for yourself." Wanda suddenly said to Stephen Strange and Mordo, Wanda really saw Can't go on, Arthur said that Kama Taj's mages are all white-eyed wolves, who only know how to ask for and not know what to return.

Both Stephen Strange and Mordo were silent, not knowing how to refute Wanda.

"If you are afraid, you can leave! The earth is protected by our Avengers. If you have the ability and don't want to be responsible, just leave." Wanda looked at Stephen Strange and said.

"I have protected the New York Temple! Isn't this my reward?" Stephen Strange asked rhetorically.

"You saved yourself! You're just spineless, we're going to kill them before they kill us!" Mordo exclaimed to Stephen Strange.

Just when the three of them were at a stalemate, they suddenly heard the sound of casting spells in the distance, and felt strong magic fluctuations at the door.

"They're back!" Mordo said and rushed towards the door, Wanda and Stephen Strange also followed.

I only saw that Casillas and his two subordinates in the entrance hall had condensed a huge fiery red energy ball, and they were about to use it to destroy the New York Temple.

"I can't care about that anymore, I have to stop them immediately, fast! Strange." Mordo jumped from the second floor, stepped on the air and rushed towards them, fighting with the two of them.

Wanda condensed a red energy and slammed it towards Casillas. Casillas saw the flying red energy, he slammed his heart, raised the huge energy ball in his hand and slammed it towards the ground, ready to disregard his own safety. Destroy the New York Temple first.

"Strange! Hurry up!" Mordo, who was fighting with Casillas' two men, shouted loudly.

At this critical moment, Stephen Strange chanted a spell to wrap the entire New York Temple in a mirrored space.

Casillas' energy ball disappeared without causing any damage when it hit the ground, and Casillas was blasted out by Wanda's red chaotic energy ball in the next second, smashing heavily on the wall at the gate.


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