I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 129: Dormammu

At this moment, Wanda suddenly felt magical fluctuations at the door.

"Not good! Casillas is here!" Wanda took the lead and ran out of the Hong Kong Temple, followed by several others.

When they came to the door, they saw Casillas and his four subordinates once again gathering a huge golden sphere of energy, and it blasted towards the Hong Kong Temple.

Without thinking, Wanda used a red energy to block the golden energy ball. Wang, Mordo, Li and the Templars rushed to Casillas' four men and fought with them.

Wanda resisted the attack of the energy ball with the magic energy cover, and Casillas increased the output of the energy ball to break through Wanda's magic cover.

"It's you again!" Casillas watched Wanda grit his teeth, but he had long thought that Wanda would guard the temple here.

"I won't let you escape this time." Wanda said firmly looking at Casillas.

"Haha, I had long thought that you would appear here, do you think I would be unprepared?" After Casillas finished speaking, he only saw three Casillas' men appear on the other side of the street.

And they also gathered a huge golden ball of energy in their hands and blasted towards the Hong Kong Temple on the other side.

Wanda raised his right hand to form another energy shield and wanted to resist the attack of the second energy ball. Unfortunately, Casillas' energy ball consumed most of Wanda's magic power to maintain the magic shield.

The second magic shield only resisted the energy ball for more than ten seconds and then disappeared. The energy ball slammed into the Hong Kong Temple and suddenly a huge explosion occurred. The entire three-story building of the Hong Kong Temple was shattered in an instant.

The surrounding Hong Kong people have long seen that these people in fancy clothes are actually summoning fireballs? Is this magic? It was true that they didn't react until after the Hong Kong Temple explosion.

Countless people on the street screamed and ran into the distance, and the street in front of the Hong Kong Temple suddenly became a mess.

"It's over! The earth is about to fall completely!" Mo Du and Wang said desperately, looking at the bombed-up Hong Kong Temple.

"Ah!!!" Wanda exerted all his strength, wrapped another energy ball with red energy and sent it to the sky.

The huge golden energy ball exploded in the air, and the loud noise shocked the people who fled around, and they all squatted down. Fortunately, there were no high-rise buildings in this area, and the explosion did not damage anything.

At this moment, the sky suddenly turned purple, and a piece of purple energy spread to all around, and in the purple energy in the air, countless huge dark red planets could be seen connected by a series of dark matter. .

If you look from space outside the earth, you can see a dark purple space gradually approaching the earth, and it is still wrapping around the earth.

This is the dark dimension, there is only one temple left on the earth, and Dormammu has already felt that the life of the Supreme Mage has come to an end, Dormammu has come to the earth, and it can finally take the coveted planet bingo.

And Hong Kong is the center where the dark dimension comes. People in Hong Kong can look up at the sky and see that there are countless connected planets in the dark purple space, and the dark purple space is also swallowing up the building, as if the end of the world!

"Hahahaha! The earth is finally going to merge with the dark dimension, and all people on earth will become eternal existences. This scene is too beautiful!" Casillas laughed while looking at the scene in the sky.

Mordo, Wang and Li were already desperate. They didn't know how to resist. Seeing that Dormammu was about to come to the earth, and the Supreme Master didn't know whether to live or die, it seemed that this time it was the end of the world.

Wanda looked anxiously at the dark purple space above her head, and she had nothing to do, and even if Arthur came back, she probably wouldn't be Dormammu's opponent.

They saw a black shadow appearing in the purple space above their heads. From a distance, they could see the shadow opening two huge eyes. It was Dormammu. Dormammu's body was very huge. In the space, only his face can be seen clearly from a distance.

Dormammu's face is bigger than the planet, and it is composed of dark energy. There are circles of energy ripples on his face, which looks very mysterious. It was very scary going up.

Casillas and his followers all knelt down when they saw Dormammu appearing in the purple space, chanting something plausibly, waiting for Dormammu's arrival.

"Have to stop it!" The red energy on Wanda's body exploded instantly, she soared into the air, and flew towards Dormammu in the dark purple space.

"Wanda!" Mordo shouted when he saw that Wanda was about to fly into the flames. He knew that it was useless for Wanda to go. She could never be Dormammu's opponent!

Wanda rushed into the purple dark space and came to Dormammu. Looking at this huge monster composed of energy, Wanda was also a little scared, but now she can't help but be afraid, she must stand up to stop more. Mam swallows the earth.

"Dormammu! Leave the earth, this is not where you should be!" Wanda, who was floating in the air, shouted to Dormammu.

"Haha, how dare an ant talk to me like that? Your world is mine! All worlds are mine!" Dormammu's voice seemed to come from the void.

The spikes formed by countless dark substances shot at Wanda like rain. Wanda was wrapped in red energy, scurrying left and right in the middle of the purple energy, escaping the attack of the spikes.

Wanda flew past the planets, and the thorns formed by the dense dark matter followed Wanda like a snake and wanted to tie her into a sieve.

Wanda's magic shield was already full of spikes. When Wanda saw that it couldn't go on like this, she stopped and turned to face the countless spikes of dark matter rushing towards her. Wanda thought of a way.

I saw that the dark matter was about to rush in front of Wanda, and Wanda hung a circle in the air with a mysterious ring in his right hand. A red portal the size of a football field suddenly appeared in front of Wanda.

Countless dark matter rushed into the portal and was transported to other spaces by Wanda.

After all the dark matter flew into the portal, Wanda closed the portal, but before she could breathe a sigh of relief, a huge purple energy shot towards her.

Wanda got up and jumped to avoid the impact of the purple energy. It turned out to be the dark energy ray that Dormammu spewed from his mouth.

I saw Domamu's mouth open, and the second purple energy sprayed towards Wanda. This energy was even bigger. It was as thick as a small planet, and Wanda could no longer avoid it.

Wanda can only hold up a red energy shield the size of a basketball court to resist the impact of this purple dark energy, but Dormammu's energy is endless, and the purple energy shot towards Wanda has been continuing, not only did not decay, but also increased. Get stronger!

Wanda has been holding on for two minutes. The dark energy is continuously impacting Wanda's magic shield. Wanda can feel the surrounding temperature drop sharply, her hair is almost frosted, and Wanda's physical strength and magic also Running out.

Wanda's magic shield is about to lose its support, is it going to die here? Wanda thought desperately, but unfortunately he didn't die by Arthur's side in the end, and Wanda was very lost.

At this moment of extreme crisis, a huge blue portal opened beside Wanda, and an equally huge blue energy shot out from the portal and blasted towards Dormammu!

Roar! ! !

It slammed into Dormammu's face fiercely, and the purple energy in Dormammu's mouth was also interrupted, and Dormammu let out a loud cry.

Wanda breathed a sigh of relief, and the weak Wanda was about to collapse to the ground.

A person appeared beside Wanda and put an arm around her waist, preventing Wanda from falling.

"I'm late, Wanda." It was Arthur who arrived. Arthur, who came back from the water dimension, knew immediately that the temple had been attacked, and he immediately teleported to the Hong Kong temple.

Seeing Wanda fighting against Dormammu in the air, Arthur breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately he caught up!

"Arthur, what are you doing here? We are not its opponents!" Wanda said, touching Arthur's face.

Arthur glanced at the angry Dormammu in the distance, and summoned a blue portal.

"Leave it all to me, you go and have a good rest." After Arthur said, he pushed Wanda into the portal.

"Arthur!!!" Wanda only saw a huge purple energy blast towards Arthur before the portal closed, and she fell on the beach, this is the seaside of New York.

Wanda insisted on getting up and was going to go back to find Arthur. She couldn't let Arthur die alone!

But Wanda was exhausted, and she couldn't use her magic to summon the portal.

Wanda could only lie on the beach and gasp for breath. She had to quickly recover her strength and rush to help Arthur.


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