I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 136: Wanda and Vision

"Uh... Can you let me go first?" Wanda was a bit baffled, this man was too enthusiastic, he hugged him when he came up, Wanda was a little angry but held back and did not attack.

"Sorry, I can't help it, my name is Jon Arthur, so nice to meet you." Arthur let go of Wanda and said a little embarrassedly, feeling a little too excited.

Suddenly a figure came out of the wall and appeared in front of the three of them. Looking at Arthur in front of Wanda, he asked, "Who are you!"

"Vision, why did you come in like this again?" Wanda asked, looking at the vision that appeared.

"I saw the door was open, and I came in, who is he?" Vision asked, pointing at Arthur, he was a little unhappy when he saw Arthur so close to Wanda, and there was something about Arthur. Very familiar feeling.

"My name is Jon Arthur, nice to meet you." Arthur held out his hand to Vision.

"My name is Vision, and it's a pleasure to meet you." Although Vision didn't like Arthur a little, he shook hands with him.

"How can you have the fluctuation of the gem on Loki's scepter!" Vision held Arthur's hand and felt the faint energy fluctuation on Arthur's body, yes, the same energy fluctuation as the gem on his head!

Wanda and Steve Rogers both looked at Arthur, and the gem was inlaid on Vision's head. How could there be fluctuations in the gem on Arthur?

"The gem in Loki's scepter in our universe is indeed on me..." Now that he was discovered by Vision, Arthur admitted it generously, and he believed that the three of them would not talk nonsense.

"You universe? What does this mean?" Wanda asked.

Steve Rogers explained Arthur's origin to Wanda and Vision. Both Wanda and Vision were shocked after hearing it. Vision was more accepting. His brain was very knowledgeable, and Wanda was shocked. , there are actually countless multiverses.

"Is there no vision in your universe?" Wanda asked, since the gem on the scepter is on Arthur's vision?

"No, Vision's body was obtained by Ultron, and finally destroyed by us together." Arthur replied.

"Then... what about me in that world, what happened to me later?" Wanda couldn't imagine how he lived in a world without visions.

"You and Pietro have been living in my house since I was rescued in Sokovia, the three of us live together, and by the way, there is a cat. I have a similar relationship with you as Vision, so I just met you I'm a little excited, sorry." Arthur explained it to Wanda a little bit unspeakably, lest Wanda think he had something against her.

After hearing Arthur's words, Vision suddenly became more hostile to him. This blond man is quite handsome, and he also has gems. Maybe he will be his own rival in the future. Vision has decided that he will monitor Arthur's in the future. Every move!

Wanda was also taken aback by Arthur's words. Is the self in another world with him? And Pietro isn't dead? After Wanda thought of this possibility, he felt that it was not unacceptable. No wonder he had an inexplicable affection for him just now. It turned out that he also had gems on him.

Steve Rogers was eating melons on the side, and he knew another big gossip today. It was a worthwhile trip.

"Please keep it a secret for me. I can't let other people know about this gemstone for the time being. I'm still injured, and I can't protect myself in danger." Arthur said to the three of them.

"Rest assured, we will keep it a secret for you. Your room is right in front of you. We will protect you if there is any danger." Steve Rogers said firmly.

Wanda and Vision also nodded, saying that they would help Arthur keep it a secret. Wanda also asked Arthur a lot of questions, and Arthur patiently answered her one by one.

Steve Rogers and Vision both saw the difference between Arthur and Wanda. Vision suddenly felt a little sour, but he could only bear it. This emotion has appeared since he was with Wanda, and it is especially serious today. , described this emotion in his knowledge base as... jealous?

"Okay, let's go, don't disturb Wanda and Vision, I'll take you to see your room." Steve Rogers saw Vision was about to go black, and quickly interrupted the conversation between the two.

He could see that Wanda was in a much better mood after seeing Arthur, and had come out of the self-blame mood, and the rest was to give Vision to comfort her.

"Okay, then I'll go first, don't disturb you, don't think too much, have a good rest." Arthur got up and said to Wanda.

"Okay, you are also taking good care of your injuries." Wanda replied.

"By the way, Steve, Stark is waiting for you in the conference room, talking about important things." Vision said.

"Okay, I'll go down right away." After Steve Rogers finished speaking, he left with Arthur.

"Let's go, let's go to the conference room first." Vision and Wanda said, Wanda nodded, changed clothes and went to the conference room with Vision.

Steve Rogers took Arthur to a room at the end of the corridor and asked Arthur "whose room is this in your world?"

"It's Peter Parker's room," Arthur replied.

"Who is Peter Parker?" Steve Rogers had never heard the name.

"You'll see him soon," Arthur said mysteriously.

"Okay, this is your room for the time being. The furniture in it is complete. You can rest first. I have to leave beforehand." Steve Rogers left after speaking to Arthur.

Arthur looked at the back of Steve Rogers and sighed. He opened the door and walked into the room. It really had everything inside.

Arthur opened the refrigerator and took out a bottle of beer and drank it. This month, the person he wanted most was Wanda. He was very excited to see Wanda just now, and Wanda and Vision in this world are together. Let him have a little taste in his heart.

Ha ha! What kind of vinegar are you eating? The most important thing now is to restore the ability quickly, so that I can return to my own world to see Wanda.

Wanda didn't know his life and death must be very anxious now. After Arthur thought about it, he sat down on the ground cross-legged and entered a state of meditation.


Arthur's universe

After Wanda woke up, she frantically studied Dormammu's materials in the library, and she wanted to find Arthur's whereabouts.

She didn't believe that Arthur died like this, leaving nothing, and she couldn't accept the situation.

Stephen Strange came to Wanda, held down the book she was constantly turning over, and said to her, "Don't be like this, you haven't rested or eaten for several days, you still have injuries, you should take a good rest. Row."

"No! I have to find where Arthur might go, I'm going to save Arthur!" Wanda said firmly.

"Well, I have also re-studied the book of Camustro these days and discovered the knowledge of the multiverse that Arthur has been learning." Stephen Strange said, and Wanda looked up to Stephen.

"Do you remember the situation at that time, Dormammu's energy ball produced a huge explosion, and also formed a wormhole." Stephen Strange said.

Wanda nodded, how could she forget the situation at that time.

"I guess Arthur was sucked away by a wormhole. He has two Infinity Stones and won't die like this. He should have crossed the multiverse to go elsewhere." Stephen Strange's analysis is inseparable. ten.

Wanda's eyes lit up when he heard Stephen Strange's words, yes, Arthur must have fallen into a wormhole, but where did he go and how should he find it.

"I have a way. After I master the Eye of Agamotto, I can travel back in time, and I can get the news of Arthur from the wormhole." Stephen Strange said.

"Really?" Wanda asked excitedly, grabbing Stephen Strange's trembling hand.

"Don't worry, leave it to me, don't look at my hands shaking like this, learning magic is still very easy for me." Stephen Strange patted his chest and assured. In fact, he was not sure, but he looked at Wanda is getting thinner and thinner and feels like he's going crazy.

He can only stabilize Wanda first, let her eat something, take a break, and think of a way.

"The problem with your hand, I will help you solve it!" Wanda said directly to Stephen Strange.

"Okay, you help me heal my hand, and I'll help you find Arthur!" Stephen Strange didn't take Wanda's words to heart, he couldn't heal himself, how could Wanda have a solution.

"Okay, it's a deal!" Wanda looked at Stephen Strange and smiled, don't you know that there is a cat in my house that has been cured of all injuries!


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