I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 150: go home

Kama Taj

Arthur and Wanda return to their original universe's Kama Taj through the portal, and Wanda and Arthur see Wang and Stephen Strange as soon as they walk out of the portal.

"Oh my god, thank goodness you're all back safely, it's great!" Stephen Strange said happily to Wanda and Vision.

"Yeah, I can rest assured that you are all right." Wang also said.

"Not only are we fine, but we also played in other multiverses for a few days, don't worry." Arthur patted Stephen Strange on the shoulder and said.

"Where did you find Arthur?" Stephen Strange asked, looking at Wanda.

"In a multiverse exactly like here, there are you there, there is the Avengers. It's strange that Arthur doesn't exist," Wanda replied.

"It's normal, the multiverse is all-encompassing, and you may even be a man in some worlds. Did you mess around?" Wang replied from the side.

"Don't worry, I'm a man of his own accord, don't you know?" Arthur looked at Wang and patted his chest and said.

"Keep yourselves safe? You?" Stephen Strange looked at Arthur with contempt. Although Arthur didn't like doing things, it had nothing to do with keeping yourself safe.

"Okay, since we're back, it's time for us to go home too. It's a little uncomfortable not to go home for such a long time," Arthur said.

"You have to leave when you come back? What about the temple? We are seriously short of manpower now, and a group of magicians chose to leave after Mordo left." Stephen Strange looked at Arthur and asked.

"Don't worry, you can just send a few people to guard the Hong Kong and London temples. Dormammu won't come back so soon. Kama Taj will depend on you in the future." Arthur patted Stephen Strange's said the shoulder.

Wanda looked at Arthur silently, and he wanted to be a hands-off shopkeeper again, but this was Arthur's style.

"Let's go, call me if you have something!" Arthur opened a portal and walked in.

"I'm leaving too, bye." Wanda also walked into the portal and left after saying goodbye to Stephen Strange and Wang.

"Bastard!" Stephen Strange laughed and cursed while looking at the disappearing portal.

He and Wang turned their heads and left together. Stephen Strange wanted to learn magic quickly and become the new Supreme Mage. Now the safety of the magic world on Earth depends on him.

Arthur came to the base in Siberia again, the gate of the base was tightly closed, and Arthur didn't bother to go down to see what was there.

Wanda and Arthur slowly flew over the base, Arthur condensed a blue energy ball in his hand, and Wanda condensed a red energy ball in his hand.

Arthur looked at Wanda and nodded. The two of them threw the energy ball in their hands at the Hydra base at the same time. Suddenly, a huge explosion occurred here, and the entire base collapsed.

Arthur fired a beam of energy light at the opposite snow-capped mountain again, and the snow-capped mountain suddenly had a blood avalanche. Arthur and Wanda watched as countless snows completely buried the Hydra's secret base.

"Let's go!" Arthur opened a portal and said, Wanda nodded and flew into the portal.

Arthur and Wanda look so cute looking at their little villa, they haven't been back in more than a year.

Arthur opened the door and walked in. He was shocked by the scene in the villa. There was dust everywhere and cobwebs on the windows. This is a house that has been unoccupied for a year. Why does it look like it has been unoccupied for more than ten years. pass.

No way, the houses in the United States are made of wood and there are many bugs. Pietro has completely moved to the Avengers base since Wanda and Arthur left, and the villa is free.

"Well, for the next cleaning, we have to clean the room again!" Arthur said, looking at the dusty house.

"Okay, let's do it together." Wanda also nodded and said.

The two started working, Wanda cleaned the floor, Arthur cleaned the furniture, and the two worked hard.

"If only there was magic that could make the house look new..." Arthur muttered while doing it.

"Yes, but we didn't clean it ourselves. Don't complain. Cleaning the house together is also a warm activity, isn't it?" Wanda said to Arthur.

Wanda and Arthur spent the afternoon re-cleaning their house and washing all the sheets and clothing.

After cleaning the house, the two drove to a nearby supermarket to buy ingredients and drinks to refill the refrigerator. Finally, Arthur took the initiative to invite Ying to cook a sumptuous meal to celebrate their return home.

Wanda and Arthur sat together and fed each other food, and the meal was full of warmth...

The well-fed two sat on the sofa watching TV, a parody of the Avengers movie, the actor in the Captain America costume and the actor with the Iron Man beard hugged passionately, Arthur Not only did I not feel disgusting, but I looked at it with relish.

When an obese version of Wanda wearing red clothes weighing more than 200 kilograms appeared and was jealous with Iron Man, Wanda next to Arthur couldn't bear it any longer.

"Who are these people? Is this director sick? I'll see what his name is in the cast list after the show is over." Wanda said with a frown.

"What? You still want to trouble the director? Forget it, there are a lot of spoof movies in the United States, and it's normal." Arthur changed the stage, turned around and put his arms around Wanda's shoulder to comfort her.

"Well, count him lucky!" Wanda said angrily, pouting, very cute.

Arthur looked at Wanda's angry look and liked it so much.

"Why are you staring at me all the time?" Wanda turned around and found Arthur who was staring at him, blushing coquettishly.

"I can't take it anymore!" Arthur hugged Wanda and kissed her small mouth.

"Woooooo..." Wanda was pressed on the sofa by Arthur, but he couldn't speak.


Natasha has been on a tear lately, and the Avengers have received complaints from several countries.

Because their combat troops went to other countries to destroy the Hydra base, the local area suffered a certain loss.

Countries have protested to the United States one after another, strongly condemning the Avengers' self-proclaimed international action.

But compared to the world Arthur went to before, the Avengers in this universe have not yet reached the point where various countries can't bear it, and no one has proposed an "agreement" to supervise the Avengers.

However, countries are already on the verge of collapse, and even China is protesting against the Avengers' private capture of Hydra's remnants in China, causing casualties and certain environmental damage.

Natasha can only come forward to explain that some things are not what the Avengers want to cause, these things have reasons, but all countries do not buy it.

Natasha couldn't figure it out. Since the establishment of the Avengers, the emergencies happened one after another, as if there was a huge hand controlling it all.

The Avengers' contact with the outside world has always been in charge of Natasha and Tony Stark. Since Ross became the US Secretary of State, he has been eyeing the Avengers.

In particular, Dr. Banner, although he broke up with Ross's daughter, but Ross wanted to catch him every time he saw him and get a sample of his serum.

"Wanda and Arthur have not been seen for more than a year. The last time I called Arthur, Arthur told me that he went to school of magic, and now I don't know if he is back?" Steve Rogers asked Natasha asked.

"I haven't contacted them either. The phone that I used to call Arthur was turned off, and then I didn't get through. It is estimated that the phone was out of power, and he didn't reply to emails." Natasha said helplessly.

Snapped! ! !

"It's too much, how can there be no trace for so long, and they don't contact us, are they still from the Avengers? Thor's home is in Asgard, I won't talk about him, and Arthur is on Earth Could it be missing too?" Steve Rogers said angrily, slapping the palm of his hand on the table.

With the character of Steve Rogers who is not easy to get angry, it can be seen that Steve Rogers has also been annoyed by the Avengers' complaints from other countries recently.

"Then I'll try to contact him again..." Natasha said.


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