I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 153: Atlantis Conference

Wanda and Arthur came to the palace of Atlantis under the leadership of the elder Sartu. Arthur said at the time that the palace was no longer needed, but Sartu still sent someone to rebuild the palace.

The scale of the palace is not as big as before, but it is not too small. Overall, Arthur is quite satisfied. There are very few male Atlantis now.

Most of them are still underage children, and the adult men of Atlantis were basically killed in that battle, so now the guards of Atlantis are composed of women, which is somewhat similar to Wakanda .

Under the decree promulgated by the elders, the few men in Atlantis became the key protection figures. Their task was to reproduce offspring, and each man could marry multiple women.

This is also no way. Atlantis must do this if it wants to continue to exist. Originally, the elder Sartu planned to choose a few queens for Arthur, but when he saw Wanda brought back by Arthur, he dismissed the idea.

"This is your palace? It looks pretty good." Wanda said, taking Arthur's hand.

"This is a new building. The previous palace was bigger than this one, but unfortunately it was blown up by Hydra." Arthur explained to Wanda.

In the palace there was no water, Atlantis had a technique to fill the house with air and no water would enter the room.

It is because of this technology that Arthur decided to build the Avengers base in Atlantis, and humans on land can also survive on the seabed.

"Your Majesty, the elders are already waiting for you in the conference hall." Great Elder Sartu said to Arthur.

"Let's go then." Arthur, Wanda and the elders came to the conference hall. It was very big. There was a long table in the middle of the conference hall, and several elders were already waiting here.

After the three of Arthur entered the door, all the elders stood up, and they looked at Arthur and Wanda next to him.

"Long time no see everyone, this is my girlfriend Wanda, just say what you have to say." Arthur sat on the main seat and said, Wanda sat on the chair beside him, watching A meeting with Arthur and ten elders.

"Your Majesty, you've been out for too long. You haven't heard from them for a few years. Are you being too irresponsible to Atlantis?" An elder asked Arthur directly. I was already very dissatisfied, so I dared to say such a thing.

"I have already said that the affairs of Atlantis are led by the elders, and you are solely responsible for them. I am very busy with things and have no time to manage them." Arthur said blankly.

"Your Majesty, what do you mean by being very busy?" another elder asked.

"I am now on the earth in an organization called the Avengers, which has to ensure the safety of the earth and deal with the enemies who once invaded Atlantis! Let other places not be violated." Arthur looked at the elder replied.

"Your Majesty, you are the king of Atlantis. You are not obliged to be responsible for the safety of the humans on the land, right?" the elder continued to ask.


"You are blinded by hatred. Atlantis is part of the earth. If the earth does not have Atlantis, how can it continue to exist? Do you think hiding in the deep sea under 10,000 meters is foolproof?" Se was so popular that he slapped the table heavily, and said loudly and righteously.

"With my efforts, the grievances between Wakanda and Atlantis have been written off. The previous invasion of Atlantis, the Hydra named, was about to be wiped out under the pursuit of the Avengers." Se continued.

"Wakanda reconciled with us? How is that possible?"

"We do not accept Wakanda's hypocrisy!"

"They must have a purpose to reconcile with us!"

Several elders discussed it, and they did not believe that Wakanda really wanted to reconcile the reconciliation between Wakanda and Atlantis.

"You don't have to guess, the old king of Wakanda, Tchaka, was killed, and we avengers helped Wakanda to avenge, and I also have Wakanda's blood in my body, so Wakanda Promised to reconcile with us." Arthur explained to several elders.

"I know that you all have grudges against Wakanda, but it's time to let it go. Now our Atlantis' first priority is to recuperate, and Wakanda will never fight Atlantis again, so Isn't it good?" Arthur looked at the elders and asked.

"If Wakanda is sincere and reconciled with us, of course it's good, we don't want to conflict with anyone, Atlantis can't stand the toss." Great Elder Saltu stood up and said.

Several other elders saw that the first elder did not say anything, and they did not express their opinions.

In the following time, several elders reported to Arthur the development of Atlantis in the past few years, and Atlantis was slowly getting better.

"The purpose of my return this time is to build an Avengers base in Atlantis, and the Avengers will come here to develop." Arthur announced to everyone.

"This... Your Majesty, I'm afraid this is not in line with the rules. Is it too dangerous to let the land people come to Atlantis?" Several elders looked at Arthur with worried eyes.

"The rules are set by me! And the Avengers' base in Atlantis can also strengthen the defense of Atlantis. There won't be a lot of land people coming, just some members of our Avengers come back, you guys Don't worry that Atlantis will be exposed to the land people." Arthur explained to everyone.

Several elders, look at me, I look at you. They know that Arthur must do this, so they did not refute, and it is useless for them to object. Now Atlantis relies on Arthur. to keep Atlantis safe.

"Actually, this is not without benefits. Atlantis' technology is a bit backward, and it is still using the trident's water energy attack. The Avengers will help us build a batch of energy weapons to make our firepower more powerful. ." Arthur told everyone.

After hearing Arthur's words, everyone's faces became better.

"It's not that we don't have other advanced weapons. It's just that the weapons factory was directly blown up by the land people at that time, but there are still some design drawings left, but the weapon factory has not been rebuilt." The elder Saltu said to Arthur.

"The weapons factory can also be rebuilt. There are fewer men in Atlantis now, but young men will become adults in a few years, so now the women of Atlantis should take the initiative to stand up and do something. What men do." Arthur said.

Women in Atlantis are different from women on land. They are not weak. They are born with a strong physique and can use the abilities of Atlantis. Women are not weaker than men. Women don't get the status they deserve.

Several elders agreed with Arthur, and the meeting ended here. The elders all returned to their tribes to arrange things, and Arthur took Wanda to choose a site for the Avengers base.

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