I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 155: Avengers Protocol

Washington Avengers Base

"We have been contacted, and both Atlantis and Wakanda have promised us to build the base." Natasha said to Steve Rogers and Tony Stark.

"The submarine base is handed over to me to build, and the base in Wakanda needs T'Challa's help," Tony Stark said.

"These are all handed over to you. As for Natasha and Sam, you and Hill will sort out the materials in the Avengers base and prepare to transport them to Wakanda first." Steve Rogers ordered.

"Okay!" Natasha turned to work.

"Steve, Secretary of State Ross is looking for you in the conference room." Colonel Rhodes came over and said to Steve.

"Okay, I'll go there right away." Steve Rogers replied, he asked Tony Stark to start designing the drawings of the submarine base, and then got up and walked to the conference room.

Steve Rogers pushed open the door of the conference room and saw Ross and his secretary standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows.

"Ross, what are you doing to me?" Steve Rogers asked Ross.

"Steve, I'm looking for you to tell you a message in advance." The gray-haired Ross turned to Steve Rogers and said.

"What news?" Steve Rogers asked.

"You should have heard some wind, and now 115 countries are putting pressure on the United States to condemn the Avengers for interfering in other countries' internal affairs and privately crossing the border," said Secretary of State Ross.

"So what are you going to do? Or what is the United States going to do?" Steve Rogers asked, looking at Ross.

"Don't get excited, things are not that bad, and now there are countries proposing to get the Avengers to sign an agreement." Secretary Ross said.

"What agreement?" Steve Rogers asked knowingly.

"It's this Avengers agreement. Avengers members will act only under the supervision and approval of the United Nations, and a special supervision team will be established. In fact, this is the only compromise. After all, although you do not belong to any country's organization, you The people are in America. So we have to face the decisions made by 115 countries together," Secretary Ross explained to Steve Rogers after taking the agreement from his secretary and handing it to him.

"We need to discuss this matter before we can decide, we need time to discuss." Steve Rogers said.

"Of course, it's just an agreement after all. It's still a while before it's officially signed. I hope you can have a good discussion," Secretary Ross said to Steve Rogers.

"What if we say no?" Steve Rogers asked, looking at Ross.

"Then you will have to retire. In the future, you are all illegal and will be sanctioned by the United Nations. So I suggest you think about it!" Secretary Ross replied, and then left with the secretary.

Steve Rogers took the agreement and looked at Rose's back and sighed. Fortunately, there was a way to deal with it before, and now it's just a matter of delaying.


a week later

Avengers base meeting room

All the Avengers gathered here, and Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, and Arthur explained the current situation.

"That's the way it is, so our decision is to leave the United States! Move the Avengers from the open to the dark, you can directly say what you have to say." Steve Rogers said.

Everyone, look at me, I see, you can't make up your mind, and Wanda, Pietro, Sam, Bucky all agree with Steve Rogers and Arthur.

"I have a problem." Peter Parker, who was sitting in the corner, said weakly.

"Your question is very simple, you can't leave with us while you are still in school, so we will announce the dissolution of the Avengers at that time, and you can just continue to operate in New York." Steve Rogers guessed what Peter Parker wanted to say, Tell him the conclusion directly.

"Then I'll have no problem." Peter Parker lowered his head and made no sense.

"What about me? Am I going to Wakanda with you too?" Scott Lang asked.

"You go with us first, then if you want to go back to see your daughter, you can go back secretly." Arthur said to Scott Lang.

"All right," Scott Lang replied.

"I'm resting at home for now, I won't go with you, call me if you need it, and I'll be there no matter how far!" Barton said.

Patton is currently retired to care for his one-year-old son at home, and everyone understands Patton's situation.

"Does anyone else have an opinion?" Steve Rogers asked.

Everyone was silent, agreeing with what Arthur and Steve Rogers had to say.

"Since everyone has no other opinions, we will announce to the world that our Avengers are officially disbanded!" Steve Rogers said to everyone.

Everyone nodded in agreement. During this time, the Avengers have quietly transferred important information and weapons to Wakanda.

However, the ordinary staff in the Avengers base do not know anything, and their next fate is to be incorporated by the US government.

The Avengers only need sixteen people with superpowers, and the Avengers are officially preparing to move to two bases in Wakanda and Atlantis.


Vienna United Nations General Assembly

The president of the United Nations formally proposed the Avengers Agreement, which was signed by 115 countries in the United Nations, and required the Avengers to operate with the consent of the United Nations monitoring team.

All private actions of the members of the Avengers are regarded as provocations to other countries and will be judged by the 115 countries of the United Nations!

After the President of the United Nations announced the agreement, there was an uproar in the audience. The United Nations was going to officially take action against the Avengers. All the cameras pointed to the three of them, Natasha, Steve Rogers and Yon Arthur who were present today, and wanted to see the three of them Reaction.

Steve Rogers got to his feet and walked to the podium under the watchful eyes of countless people, where he would speak on behalf of the members of the Avengers.

"I'm Steve Rogers, and I'm speaking on behalf of all the members of the Avengers." Steve Rogers stood on the podium and spoke to all the media and UN members in the audience.

"The Avengers sincerely apologize for the economic damage and civilian casualties caused to other countries in previous operations! We Avengers were established to defend the peace of the earth, and I can say to the world that we did it! But I can only say sorry for the Avengers agreement proposed by the United Nations. We Avengers cannot accept such an agreement. The actions of the Avengers are to minimize the risk factor caused by the enemy in the shortest time, so we need to Quick action!" Steve Rogers took a sip and continued to speak.

"And we can't do this under the supervision of others, and all actions require the consent of the supervision team, and we Avengers have become a sharp sword of the supervision team. If there are malicious people in the members of the supervision team, they will It will cause unimaginable things, so we do not agree with this agreement!"


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