I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 159: black widow

Just when Natasha stood up, she was kicked down by the mysterious person, but Natasha saw that the person's purpose was to get the box, and she didn't want to hurt herself.

Natasha suddenly took out a device and launched a wire to bind the mysterious man's ankle.

The other end shot a steel nail and nailed it to the pillar on the bridge. The steel rope shrunk instantly, pulling the mysterious man to the pillar above the bridge. Natasha immediately started to run towards the car, and went to pick up the box now. .

When the mysterious man was about to be pulled to the pillar of the bridge, he pulled out a long knife from behind, cut off the wire rope on his ankle, and flew towards Natasha, who was holding the black box in front of the car.

When Natasha got the box, she saw the mysterious man who fell from the sky and the long knife that was cut at her. She rolled aside to dodge a knife, picked up his round shield from the ground, and resisted the mysterious man. s attack.

The mysterious man grabbed the box from Natasha's hand and kicked it on the round shield that Natasha was protecting in front of him.

Natasha was kicked off the bridge by the mysterious man, and fell into the rushing river under the bridge, and the round shield fell on the ground beside the bridge.

The mysterious man put away the long knife and opened the small black box, only to see that the box was empty.

Careless! The mysterious man walked to the bridge and looked at the turbulent river under the bridge, but Natasha was nowhere to be seen.

The mysterious man picked up the round shield and reported to the headquarters of the red room that he had missed the hand, and the thing was in the hands of the black widow Natasha.

The headquarters did not scold the mysterious person, but just sent the top battle team of their red room, ready to find Natasha and grab that very important "thing"!

By the river far from the bridge, Natasha swam to the bank from the freezing cold water and walked towards the bank.

It started to rain lightly, and Natasha went to lie down on a large rock on the shore, gasping for breath.

Tonight's pre-attack made her wonder, who is this mysterious person? At first he thought it was the man sent by Secretary of State Ross to arrest him, but this man did not kill him.

His fighting style is exactly the same as his own, and he also has the fighting style of some other Avengers members, obviously trained for a long time.

Just when the mysterious man revealed that his real goal was the box, Natasha had some doubts in her heart, that the box should be something sent to her by someone else.

The only people who will send things to her are her former partners, the widows she has been trained with since childhood, and this mysterious man wants to rob this thing, which shows that he has something to do with the organization of the red room, but the red room has long been Completely destroyed by Natasha.

Natasha took out the contents of the box from the pocket of her clothes. When she got the box on the bridge, she took the opportunity to sneak the contents of the box away.

This thing is a bunch of small bottles in the laboratory, and the bottle has a red liquid that I don't know what it is, and it also emits a faint red light.

There are more than ten bottles in this bundle, and there are two photos in the middle of the bottles. This is a photo of Natasha and her childhood friend.

Natasha finally knows who sent her stuff, **** it! You'll get yourself into trouble! Natasha scolded her hundreds of times in her heart.


Budapest, the capital of Hungary

Natasha got off the train, and she took the train to the city she never wanted to come back to.

Natasha has now been restricted from traveling by the United Nations, so she has a certain risk of taking a plane. It is much safer to take a train. Natasha misses Arthur a little now. If he is here, let him open a portal to where he wants to go You can go, you should give him a call!

Arthur should be in London with Steve Rogers for Carter Page's funeral by now, so let's just leave him alone.

Natasha followed the crowd towards the city. She came to an old apartment. This was where she used to live. Her friends should be waiting for her here.

Natasha looked carefully while walking. It was also very dangerous for her in Budapest. Natasha came to the fifth floor from the old-fashioned spiral staircase.

Natasha came to a garbage-throwing window in the corridor on the fifth floor, opened it, and took out a pistol from inside.

This is where she used to hide. After Natasha put away the pistol, she came to Room 502 where she used to live.

Natasha carefully took out the key, inserted it into the keyhole, turned the door lock, and opened the door of the room.

"I know you're outside!" Natasha's familiar voice came from the room.

"I know you're in there too!" Natasha replied in Russian.

She pulled out her pistol and walked cautiously into the room, looking around, wanting to see the familiar person.

"Then why are you sneaking like this is the enemy's base camp?" A woman's voice came from the room.

"Because I don't know if I can trust you!" Natasha replied as she walked. This apartment is very large and has many rooms.

"Interesting, I want to say the same thing." The woman's voice came from inside again.

"So are we going to talk like adults?" Natasha came to the door of a room, leaned in and saw the woman she wanted to see.

This woman has a round face, blond hair and white skin. She is about the same height as Natasha. She also looks at Natasha with a gun in her hand. She is the little friend who grew up with Natasha and trained together, Yelenabe Lova.

"Is that what we are?" The two of them pointed guns at each other motionless at the same time, but they were very excited when they saw each other.

Natasha walked slowly towards Yelena, and Yelena slowly stepped back.

"Put down the gun, or I want you to look good!" Yelena said.

"Put the gun down!" Natasha replied, and then walked faster and closer to Yelena, Yelena also quickly retreated.

"Be careful with your feet!" Natasha reminded Yelena not to fall.

At this moment, the two of them quickly took the pistol from each other's hands at the same time.

Yelena suddenly attacked, kicked Natasha with a face, grabbed Natasha's head and slammed her hard against the wall, Yelena's strength was very great.

Natasha grabbed Yelena's neck and knocked the kitchen cabinet behind her head, which suddenly cracked open.

"Get down! Get down!" Then he pressed her on the stove and yelled at Yelena.

Yelena grabbed a plate from the pool and smashed it on Natasha's head, grabbed the rag on the side and hit Natasha hard.

But Natasha grabbed the rag, tied it to Yelena's neck, and dragged Yelena to the stove.

Yelena struggled hard and stepped on the stove, fell backwards, stepped on Natasha's stomach and threw her out, hitting the ground hard.

The two got up at the same time and looked at each other fiercely. Yelena turned around and picked up a fruit knife from the stove, and quickly walked towards Natasha.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Natasha took a stick from the table next to her. Yelian continued to walk towards Natasha quickly, but slashed at Natasha but was dodged by her.

Natasha dodged left and right, dodging a few knives from Yelena. Just when Yelena continued to raise the knife to stab, Natasha grabbed her wrist with the knife.

Yelena also grabbed Natasha's other wrist and the two used judo fighting skills at the same time. Yelena grabbed Natasha's wrist and fell her to the ground.

The moment Natasha fell, she kicked Yelena's ankle and kicked Yelena to the ground.


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