The three chased on the roof. Yelena and Natasha ran to a large iron chimney. Yelena pulled out the fixed latch of the chimney, and the two hugged the chimney and stomped on the roof.

The chimney fell towards the ground, and the woman chasing behind quickly ran over and jumped towards the chimney.

Just as she jumped up the chimney and fell down Natasha grabbed her hand.

"I got you! Hold on!" Natasha grabbed her hand tightly, and the chimney continued to fall toward the ground.

And this woman took out a knife from her leg and stabbed it towards Natasha's leg. Natasha had no choice but to let go of her hand.

"No!" Natasha watched her fall from a height and hit the ground with stagnant water.

The chimney fell and hit the wall of the opposite house. Yelena was thrown away by inertia, just smashed a glass window and fell into the corridor.

And Natasha was miserable. She slammed on the wall and fell to the ground. Fortunately, there were several ventilation pipes in the middle. Natasha hit three ventilation pipes in a row, and finally landed firmly on the ground. .

Natasha got up from the ground and felt that her whole body was in terrible pain, but she saw the woman who had just fallen down. Natasha looked over to see if this person was okay.

"Hey, don't move! You're injured, I'll help you!" Natasha slowly approached the brunette.

I saw that she struggled to turn on an electric shock switch on her arm, the arm electric shock device lit up and glowed red, and then she seemed to be extremely reluctant but unable to resist, aiming her fist at her head.

"What are you doing?" Natasha asked, looking at the brunette.

"He forced me!" The woman said helplessly, then clicked on the device to start it, and instantly hit the woman's head, and she immediately lost her breath.

Natasha went up to check. The black-haired woman's entire face was scorched, and her seven holes were bleeding. Obviously, she could not survive.

Natasha looked at her in shock. Natasha knew the equipment on this person. It was exactly the same as the one she had used. She was a widow trained in the red room!

Yelena also came here and saw Natasha kneeling on the ground and the black-haired woman lying in front of her. She wanted to use the potion to help the black-haired woman release the control of the red room, but now it seems to be useless.

Yelena put away the potion and said to Natasha, "Do you believe me now?"

"How many people are there?" Natasha looked at Yelena and asked.

"Enough!" Yelena didn't want to say these now, she turned her head and left immediately.

Natasha got up and followed Yelena. Before leaving, she turned to look at the corpse of the black-haired woman lying on the ground. She couldn't help but believe that the red room was not destroyed and was still functioning.

The two came to the street, and they ran fast, going to ride Yelena's motorcycle.

"Which one is yours?" Natasha asked, looking at a row of motorcycles parked opposite.

"The one with the black, brown seats!" Yelena replied.

"Where's my key?" Yelena asked as she touched her body.

Natasha took out the key. I don't know when Natasha secretly took the motorcycle key into her hand.

"This is my motorcycle!" Yelena reminded Natasha, who naturally got on the motorcycle and started the engine.

boom! ! !

At this moment, a car was blown away by a bomb in front of the two, and an army green armored vehicle rushed towards the two.

"Don't talk nonsense, get in the car!" Natasha shouted loudly, Yelena immediately sat behind Natasha, Natasha started the motorcycle, and a tail-flick motorcycle rushed out.

Huge army green armored vehicles chased after them, and everything in their path was knocked off or crushed to pieces.

Natasha could only speed up and charge forward. Just as they passed a crossroad, a black van sprang out. Natasha braked suddenly, bypassed the van and slipped away from a side alley.

And the van was knocked out by the armored car. Natasha and Yelena finally got rid of the armored car and headed towards the street, but suddenly a woman behind them also rode a motorcycle.

The two motorcycles were chasing on the road. Natasha saw a staircase to go down. She rushed down without thinking, and the woman on the motorcycle who followed closely drew her gun and shot.

The bullet hit the rear wheels of Natasha and their motorcycles, and the motorcycles lost control and hit the railing. Natasha and Yelena were thrown off the motorcycle and onto the road below the railing.

The two happened to fall on a blue car. The man in the car just got out of the car to see what happened, when Yelena pointed a gun at the head.

"Your car has been requisitioned!" Yelena pushed the man away and got into the co-pilot.

"You can't rob someone else's car!" Natasha said as she got into the car.

"So you want me to track him down and ask him to cancel the robbery lawsuit afterward?" Yelena asked Natasha.

"Shut up!" Natasha started the car and reversed the car, just at this moment the enemy who had just rode the motorcycle had come to the guardrail above their heads and shot at the two.

Natasha kicked the accelerator and the blue car rushed out, knocked over the cars parked on both sides, and quickly left.

The woman on the motorcycle also found a staircase to go down and rushed down, chasing after Natasha and their car.

The two sides chased on the street again. The motorcycle was getting closer and closer to Natasha and their car. The woman took out a submachine gun and shot at the car.

The rear windshield of the car was shattered instantly, Yelena hugged her head and retracted behind the seat.

"Okay, do you have a plan? Or continue to hide?" Yelena asked Natasha.

"Yes, our plan is to drive them away!" Natasha replied.

"This plan sucks!" Yelena couldn't stand it anymore, she grabbed Natasha's steering wheel and turned it hard.

The car turned around a hundred and eighty degrees with a flick of its tail. Yelena opened the door after seeing it. The door was knocked out by a road sign along the road, and hit the motorcycle that was chasing after them.

The woman riding the motorcycle was smashed and flew out, and fell heavily to the ground, unable to continue chasing.

"It's a lot of work, what's the point." Yelena said proudly.

Natasha turned the front of the car to the front and rushed forward quickly, but the enemy was chasing after him, and the huge armored car just caught up again.

The armored vehicle ignored the slow-moving vehicles along the way and rammed it randomly, knocking all the vehicles along the way and flying everywhere, and the whole street suddenly became a mess.

"Damn it! It's back!" Yelena felt annoyed, these enemies were like dog skin plaster, and she couldn't get rid of them no matter what.

Natasha drove the car to the left and right, constantly passing through the gaps in the traffic.

In the armored car, it was the mysterious man who snatched the box on the bridge before. She adjusted the armored car to automatic driving, and then leaned out from the top of the armored car.

The mysterious man's tech eyepiece locked on Natasha and their car, and the mysterious man suddenly took out a bow and arrow from behind, pulled it full, and aimed at Natasha and their car.

"Quickly fasten your seat belts!" Natasha said to Yelena when she saw the armored car behind her.

"You are such a good mother!" Yelena decisively pulled the seat belt to fasten it.


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