I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 166: Melina

"You rescue me back means a lot to me!" Alexei said excitedly.

"No, I saved you to tell us how to get to the red room." Natasha turned her head and said.

"Wow, look at you, is this all a deal?" Alexei said.

"Trust me, if you don't talk, the next conversation won't be so happy," Natasha said.

"Little Natasha, you have been instilled in your head with Western thoughts." Alexei said sarcastically.

"I chose to go to the West to be an Avenger because they treated me like family," Natasha replied.

"Really? Family? They're just trying to use you." Alexei said, looking at Arthur lying on the bench.

"You'd better say it yourself before I try to read your memory directly," said Arthur, who was lying on the bench with his eyes closed.

"Well, actually I don't know where it is." Alexei said helplessly.

Yelena and Natasha looked at each other, Natasha unbuckled her seat belt, walked down from the passenger seat, and came to Alexei.

"You and Drykov are like family! You don't know where he is?" Natasha asked, looking at Alexei.

"Drykov? Oh my friend? Made me the first Soviet super soldier, I could have been more famous than Captain America! And he sent me to Ohio on that **** mission for three years!! Then let me spend the rest of my life in prison, why? Do you think I'll know where he is now?" Alexey spoke of his experience indignantly.

"Let me read his memory directly." Arthur stood up impatiently and walked towards Alexei.

"Wow wow wow! Well, well, although I don't know, someone knows this." Alexey looked at Arthur who was walking towards him and said immediately.

"Who knows?" Natasha asked, looking at Alexei.

"Who else? Melina Voskov!" Alexei said.

"What! Mama Melina?" Yelena asked in surprise.

"We thought she was dead!" Natasha was also taken aback.

"Such a cunning fox cannot be killed!" said Alexei.

"It's disgusting to say." Natasha said.

"What's disgusting? She's a scientist, a strategist, and I'm just a thug. She works directly for Drykov much more than I do," Alexei continued.

"Wait, are you saying that Melina is still working in the red room?" Natasha looked at Alexei and asked seriously.

"She works remotely outside of St. Petersburg," Alexei replied.

"Hehe, then let's go see our mother." Yelena said with a smile.

The four of them drove their fighter jets towards St. Petersburg...


three hours later

The Quinjet stopped steadily on the lawn not far from Melina's farm outside St. Petersburg.

The four got off the plane, Yelena took the lead, Arthur and Natasha followed her, and Alexei finally got off the plane.

"Natasha, Natasha...Come here, I have something to ask you." Alexei called Natasha's name.

"What's the matter?" Natasha stopped helplessly and turned to Alexei and asked.

"Has he mentioned me to you?" Alexei asked nervously.

"What?" Natasha didn't understand what Alexei meant.

"Did he mention me to you? You know, exchange stories of his own wars," Alexei said to Natasha.

"Who? What are you talking about?" Natasha still didn't understand.

"Captain America, Steve Rogers! My biggest adversary in this arena of ground political conflict! He's more of a modern man than an Avenger. You know what, I always thought we were each other Respect..." Alexei explained.

"Wait, you haven't seen us for twenty years, do you want to ask me something about your legend?" Natasha interrupted Alexei and asked impatiently.

"Don't ask, Steve Rogers never mentioned your existence." Arthur said a fact that made Alexei hard to accept.

"What's going on with this tense relationship? Did I do something wrong?" Alexey asked helplessly, looking at Natasha and Yelena.

"Is this a serious question?" Yelena asked rhetorically, turning to look at Alexei.

"I have only loved you, girls! I will do my best to ensure that your actions will be successful, that you will give full play to your potential, and everything will be resolved smoothly." Alexei looked at the two and said affectionately.

"Everything settled?" Natasha retorted.

"Yes, yes to you. We completed the mission in Ohio, Yelena, you continue to be the greatest teenage killer, no one can match your efficiency, you are ruthless!" Alexei stopped Yelena's hand.

"And Natasha, not just a spy, not just overthrowing the regime, destroying the empire from within, but becoming an avenger, a superhero!" Alexei took Natasha's hand again.

"Both of you have killed so many people, your ledger must be dripping with blood! I'm so proud of you!" Alexei said, hugging Natasha and Yelena together in his arms.

"Have you finished yet, are you still going?" Arthur said impatiently watching the performance of the three of Alexei from a distance.

Natasha pushed Alexey's arms away and left without looking back.

"Can you let me go? You smell really bad." Yelena also broke free from Alexey's arms, leaving Alexey alone to doubt life.

The four continued on the road, heading towards Melina's pig farm.


In front of a maze set up for piglets, Melina uses a tablet to control the pigs to move forward in the maze.

Suddenly she saw an alarm on the computer, and there was an outsider approaching here. The map warns of four red dots approaching here.

Melina drove the pigs home and took out a huge sniper rifle from the cabin. She looked up and looked around, and finally saw movement on the mountain in the distance.

She raised her sniper rifle to aim at it, and Melina saw Natasha and the other four in the scope. Melina slowly put down her sniper rifle, gasping for breath, twenty years! She saw her former "family" again.

The three of Natasha came to Melina's pig farm under the leadership of Alexei, and they saw Melina with a sniper rifle through the barbed wire.

Melina also saw the four of them, and she slowly observed the changes of Natasha, Yelena and Alexei one by one.

"Honey, we're back!" Alexei said, looking at Melina.

When Melina saw Arthur, she immediately raised her sniper rifle and aimed it at Arthur's head.

"I advise you to put the gun down before I get angry. Of course, if you think you can live to the moment you press the trigger, you can also try it..." Arthur looked at Melina disdainfully with his arms crossed. said.

"He's not malicious, he's Natasha's friend, don't be nervous." Alexei immediately stopped in front of Arthur, he was really afraid that Melina would do something and be killed by Arthur.

He knew that Arthur was different from ordinary people and had powerful super powers!

Melina held the gun for a few seconds and put it down, turned around and walked towards the wooden house beside her. She didn't say a word.

"Come on, girls..." Alexei followed, and Yelena followed.

"Let's go." Natasha said to Arthur, and followed Alexei to the wooden house with Arthur.


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